Journal 'O' Doom |
Dizzy Nurse
Community Member
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 @ 03:07pm
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 @ 04:36am
Free Fun.
Today I went to the mall with my friends to go see a movie. Man, I've never had that much miscommunitcation in my life. We got there really late (for the movie) so we didn't even go. We did run around and play and even try on clothes. It was then that I realized why I haven't tried on clothes in a while. I tried on a very slinky looking dress, almost like lingerie, and I went out to show my friend, and I locked myself out of the dressing room. I stood outside the dressing room, in the store for about 15 minutes half naked. Now that's fun you don't have to pay for. Parents and their young children stared at me with wide eyes. Then later, after the musical was over my one friend said that one of the parts that I was in "was like his favorite part". And that made me feel special. Someone had a favorite part that I was in. Then we danced, to Time warp, The YMCA, and then we swing danced, and my friend swung me around her head and my skirt went all the way up. I felt violated. Then I attempted to play twister with some more of my friends. *sigh* Tomorrow is the last day of the play, and I think I'm going to go through post-musical depression crying . That show has been my life for about 2 or 3 months now. Oui. Anyways, it's still the mostest funnest thing while it lasts. whee
Dizzy Nurse
Community Member
Dizzy Nurse
Community Member
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 @ 03:51pm
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 @ 05:47pm
Dizzy Nurse
Community Member
Dizzy Nurse
Community Member
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 @ 05:38pm
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 @ 03:35pm
Dizzy Nurse
Community Member
Dizzy Nurse
Community Member
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 @ 01:45am
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 @ 01:16am
Dizzy Nurse
Community Member