Race: Angel
Angel Rank: Mid-lowest: Entertainer/sings
Wings: Small, Fluffy feather like, Glider
Abilities: She sings for pure entertainment, greetings, intros for parties or special events. Is able to take partial of ones pain away (50%) Can not fly but can glide a distant with her small wings.
Defense: Just like her beautiful enchanting singing. They scream to defend themselves. The younger the angel is the more deadlier their screams are.
Age: Ageless, but appears to be in her late teens. (18+)
Height:5'5 ft
Weight: 120lbs
Innocent look, light purple eyes, light plum pink lips. Long dark hair pass the bottom(by 2inches). Light tan skin, almost like a light coffee cream brown. Small hands. One piece of hair that stands up and curls upward where her bangs rest.
A bit emotionless. Doesn't understand things too well, doesn't speak (very silent) only makes small sounds effects. When she cries, her wings bleed instant of tears(but her eyes become puffy and red as if she's about to cry)
>>Doesn't like to be touch a lot
>>Don't like to be followed
>>Doesn't know what she likes. Only likes good vides from others.
>>Likes to roam a lot
>>Tends to wander off
Name: Elita
As we all know how angels are, large winged people with beauty that makes a star's light seem dimmer then the others. There are ranks in the Heavenly world that belongs to God. Through all are important people no matter what rank you are in. Certain privileges are allowed. The highest rank allows to come and go, leaving the heavens to visit earth. Such as warriors, massagers and ect. The Middle ranks are the angles that watches over the people. Aiding them to the right path, sending out signs before sending out miracle worker from the high rank. Lowest rank are entertainers that have the privileges to roam certain parts of the Heaven's world to sing for others or special events. They also collect the feathers of an fallen or exile angel and uses to decorate their graves. The feathers are then glued onto statues that represent the angel as a reminder for whom that the angel was.
Elita born in the lowest rank, took the risk of leaving heaven. Yarning to see what it was like after hearing many stories about earth. She fall off the edge of her world with a smile on her face. She never felt excitement before since angels never felt much emotion besides interest and curiosity of things. She twisted her body in the air to face the wind hitting her back. Her wings extended open letting her feathers catch the gusting wind. Her wings weren't built to fly but instead she glided with her arms spread out. Looking below she spotted a red figure that seem to expand and close like wings. Landing in a near by distance, she caught a glimpse of a black figure with large ragged wings. Feathers trailed behind here and there as the figure move along. With interest she stalked the man for awhile before approaching him. After a while she learnt his name. Where he went she would followed, stalking him from a distance. She entertain him while he did his work singing for him with her beautiful voice.
Elita born in the lowest rank, took the risk of leaving heaven. Yarning to see what it was like after hearing many stories about earth. She fall off the edge of her world with a smile on her face. She never felt excitement before since angels never felt much emotion besides interest and curiosity of things. She twisted her body in the air to face the wind hitting her back. Her wings extended open letting her feathers catch the gusting wind. Her wings weren't built to fly but instead she glided with her arms spread out. Looking below she spotted a red figure that seem to expand and close like wings. Landing in a near by distance, she caught a glimpse of a black figure with large ragged wings. Feathers trailed behind here and there as the figure move along. With interest she stalked the man for awhile before approaching him. After a while she learnt his name. Where he went she would followed, stalking him from a distance. She entertain him while he did his work singing for him with her beautiful voice.