The Mysterious Piano Man

All you remember is being woken to a red curtain, amongst a large crowd. All seated, and by what you can tell, you seem to be in an opera house. The curtains slowly open, and reveals a young man standing in front of a midnight black grand piano. He was wearing a Victorian suit, made from a dark blue fabric, with a cloak, hinted with a faint gold. "Thank you all for coming, this will be the first and last thing you will ever see of the caliber I perform at. Do not mourn at this, nor find anger at it. Now, I assume you came to see me play." The young man chuckled, taking a bow, then proceeded over to the piano. You find your mind creeping around, trying to discover who this mysterious young man is, yet, to no prevail. "Élégance." He called out over the crowd as he took a seat on the bench in front of the piano. His back now faced the crowd. The man seemed to take several deep breathes before placing his hands on the piano keys, and began his first composition of Moonlight Sonata, not missing a single key. From your point of view, it seemed as if it were just a natural performance, but deep inside, you begin to feel the emotion behind the composition. A deep sadness arises in your heart, and as you begin to feel the emotions even stronger, the composition ends. Not even a moment later, the dimmed lights of the opera house turn off, and the headlights flash to the stage, but... The man is gone, leaving an empty piano in its place. "I believe this is yours?" A familiar voice asks from behind you, and as you turn to look, the man stands there, holding a rose. "I found it behind your seat, and it would be such a pity for a rose like you not to be accented by a rose like this." He smiled, placing it in your hand, only before the lights flash out again. When the lights turned back on, the mysterious man was gone, leaving the piano, the crowd, and you alone.
It had now been a year since the performance of the Mysterious Piano Man, he has not performed since, or even been seen, most think he is dead. You don't want to believe that though, you dream, hope, yearn for him to be alive. So many questions for you to ask him. Why did he choose you? Where has he gone? Why did he go? So many questions, so few answers. This day, you find yourself among your lonely thoughts, for you do not work today, nor do you have anything present on your schedule, so you remain alone in your homely cabin. You suddenly jump at a knocking on your door, and rush over to answer. As you open, a young child stands there holding a newspaper. "Might I interest you in a newspaper?" He asks quietly, showing strong symptoms of the fever which has been going around, without proper treatment, he would surely die. "No, thank you young one." You smile, patting him on the head, and turn back into your home, taking a small coin pouch off of a nearby table. You go back over to the boy. "But please, do take this for yourself, you must see a doctor." You say, dropping the pouch into his tiny hands. As you go to close the door, a cane slides through the space between the door and the wall, stopping it from closing. "Quite a charitable one are we?" Comes a mysterious, yet familiar voice from the other side. 'Could it be?' You think to yourself, sinking father into your home. "Oh may I come in? Please?" The voice jests, not yet entering, and as this happens, you are overwhelmed with confusion. You dare not answer, not now, was this the moment you have been waiting for?
You slide farther back into your home, and with one incorrect step, you fall back, tripping over a chair. "Oh how clumsy, your going to harm yourself..." You hear the voice say as your vision blacks out. What seems has only been just minutes, soon turns into hours, into a day. As you slowly open your eyes, you find yourself in your bed, alone. 'W-Where did he go...' You think as your head scans over the room quite hurriedly, only to bee disappointed. "It must have been a dream..." You say as you let your head fall back into the pillow on your bed. Had it all been a dream? It must have. You slowly take off the blanket that seemed to weigh heavy upon you. As you sit on the edge of your bed, you wearily rub your eyes. 'I refuse to believe that was a dream...' You think as you stand. You walk over to your vanity, and get dressed into quite a fancy outfit, a gift for your twentieth birthday. As you leave your room, making final adjustments to your outfit, you reach into one of the pockets. You feel something at the bottom of it, and pull it out. It is the ticket to the piano show. 'I threw this out last year...' You think, baffled on how this ticket could turn up out of nowhere. "You got yourself into quite a predicament yesterday." Comes a voice from the kitchen, and as you turn your head to look. Its just your brother who just happened to visit, finding you collapsed on the ground. "Brother?!" You exclaim, finding surprise on how he just happened to be here. "When did you get here?!" You question, quite angered on how he just made himself in home. "You should be thankful I showed up." He chuckles in response. "I was stopping by to say Hi, as I was in town for business, and I found you on the floor unconscious. At first I though you had been robbed, but everything was in place, and no one was here." He explained, walking closer to you. "You were quite scratched up, so I treated your wounds and placed you in your bed, you have been sleeping since yesterday. So, I thought I would stay and take care of you, but you are awake now, so I might as well leave." He grinned, wrapping you in a hug, but you shove him away, quite angered that it was him over the fact he was treating himself to your home. "Get. Out." You hissed, ushering him over to the door. "Alright, Alright, I'm going, no need to escort me." He laughed, straightening out his jacket as he left through the front door.