OMG my family will not get off my back about me getting a job. They don't think I haven't tried? I went all around my town(small town) and a neighboring town (Big town) and still none hired me. Whats worse is that most of the people out where i live a racist assholes. And I want a job. I really do but I have no way to get their. Then my aunt says that I should get a drivers liscence and then get a job. Well lets think, How do you pay for the freaking drivers liscense without a freaking job!!! My dad gets on me about it everyday. And my sister keeps calling me fat and lazy. Ans hurts it really does. I'm seriously about to cry now. I need a break form them all. Can't they see how much it ******** hurts? PLus I have no ride anywhere except for here in town where I can walk but none will hire me. wahmbulance crying stressed evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil
DS friend code: 0705-6078-3559
in her eyes your eyes the last ash falls wishing star in my room thunder
flightless-wolf · Thu Oct 23, 2008 @ 04:20am · 0 Comments |