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Info about my RP characters and my "All pink" quest.

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Samples of my Roleplays.

Things to note:
♦ Some of these are the same roleplay just different characters.
♦ This shows all of my abilities. Ranging from being lazy, to being serious about it.
♦ If you don't like what you are reading. Then maybe I'm not for you.


Sam was snuggled under a beat up blanket. It had far to many holes to actually make is useful but it gave her enough comfort to sleep when she could. Along with her childhood stuff animal, a small teddy. She was struggling with the same nightmare that would happen every night.

Samantha would be at home, surrounded by her two younger siblings. Her parents were away for a date night that they took whenever her father came home from his out of state job. Her siblings were fighting about what movie they were going to watch before Sam would just put on an old school movie that she knew they would all like. She could never recall what the movie cause it would always change in her dream. Once they calmed down and started to watch it the windows would shatter. Groans of the dead would surround her and her siblings. Rushing to her her siblings to safety it was always too late. It seemed they would be in any room they went even if there wasn't any way to get in but they way they came in from. Before Sam could do anything to fight them her siblings seemed to have disappeared. With only their cries for their older sister were heard.

Waking up in a jolt she held back her scream. It was something she taught herself early on so not to let nearby zombies find out where she was hiding. The dream never truly happened but she never knew what happen to her family. They were all in different places when their town got attacked, so she holds on to the hope that they are still alive all the time.

Looking to her left she noticed Kent, a man she meant before they both found this group, was wide awake, "If you want you should take the night shift." She mumbled in a sleepy tone even though her body was wide awake. She noticed that Kent was grabbing for his gun and moving towards were the two watchmen would be. Sam knew this was a good sign to get up and hold onto her shotgun for dear life like she always did.

Kent never fully slept. He couldn't after the shock he dealt with the zombies coming in his window and trying to kill him. That was an awkward fight, and even awkwarder when he meant Samantha in his boxers and a white wife beater. Now though, he wore some ripped up jeans with his wife beater. He 'slept' near Sam most of the time since it was the only person he really got to know. Kent didn't really want to get close to anyone else since he knew they could be killed within a matter or moments. Or he would have to kill them before they lost their mind.

Hearing footsteps in the house Kent woke up quickly. He looked around his eyes getting use to the dark again. Listening he heard the man name...'Who was it again, Nathan? Oh yes Nathan.' Nathan spoke to another girl. A horde was coming and they needed to get ready. Getting up a bit more he shook Samantha who seemed to be struggling with a nightmare again. She told him about it a thousands of times seemingly forgetting that she already did. Once he was sure she was awake he didn't even bother with her her question.

Kent got up and grabbed his small hand pistol and pushed himself off the ground. He quickly moved to the post that the watchmen would normally sit, trying to count how many were coming this way.

--------------Fantasy Modern ----------------

Nova was walking around the tavern of an old Europe countryside. Though it was the age of technology they seemed to be happy by keeping with what their great great great grand parents did. She saw it as a hell hole, literally. Almost every turn she took she ran into a ghost. And seeing some of these people it's not easy to not scream in horror. So not only was she being followed by ghost who now know she can see them, Nova also has to deal with the people in the small village to believe that she was crazy. She sighed softly thinking about her day. "This was suppose to be an escape from the city." She whined in her Eastern American accent. The male ghost beside her responded, "Well if you would help us we would leave you alone."

Rolling her eyes she was lucky and alone with this ghost, "Yes, If I help you guys. But there are always more that somehow get word of me once I help you." That was the reason she had to leave before. To many were coming for her to help. People started to ask her questions after a while, thinking she was the killer of all the murders that were happening. Or the cold cases. She loves getting attention...just not that kind of attention.

Not far from the little town a women stood under the thick shade of trees. Her green hair fitting around her face as the same color eyes scan over the woods. It was getting later in the evening, it wouldn't be long before it was night. Though Valdis wasn't sure where the other members of the group were she knew that there were Carpathians in the area. She made her growl a bit, she hated knowing they were around. Most likely trying to find their nasty little lifemate.

Now she had two goals. Get her feed and kill the Carpathians in the area, or at least show them their 'mate' who Carpathians are before they did the lifemate ritual. Walking back into the cave nearby she waited until it was darker as she planned her attack.

-----------Romance: Vampires x Vampire Hunters------------

xxxxxKent finally woke up as he started to hear the house filled with more motion then normal. "What is going on so early in the morning." He yawned as he sat up on his knees. "Why is everyone always so up so early." He wanted to make sure his traps were set for the stage but it seemed that everyone was already up so either someone, hopefully, fell in one. Or his traps didn't work, which wasn't really an option since his traps always worked.

xxxxxCrawling out of bed he moved towards his clothes laying on the floor, only putting on last night pants. He went to roam around to figure who what all the noise was about. There were new scents in the air, 'Oh goodie, Humans to fall for my traps.' He snickered a bit as he skipped around the house to make sure all were set.

xxxxxSkipping to his final one he heard music playing, "Huh?" He looked into a room that was filled with mirrors. Of course the one room that I have nothing in some human is in it. Kent sighed a bit and moved over to watch the girl. "Oh dancing with myself, Oh dancing with myself. Well there's nothing to lose And there's nothing to prove. I'll be dancing with myself~" Kent started to sing loud enough so it was over the music, though not with the tune of the song playing he couldn't help to sing that part of the song.

Danny walks through the empty halls, she wondered where all her sisters were now. Danny forgot to pay attention while she was busy setting rooms up for everyone or at least trying to. Danny didn't like the idea of them getting married but if their mother so wished it... and maybe this meant she didn't have to go around and feel like she has to kill every vampire she sees. Danny wondered if that was why she felt so light, but then she remembered it was cause she left her sword in the room she was staying in. "Hehe Clueless me." She giggled at herself as she softly tapped her head.

Coming up to an room Danny looked inside, "Oh Kiname why are you here?" She turned noticing that her sister was on the floor. Her brain quickly jumping to the worse possible cause Danny ran over to Kiname shaking her a bit, "Kiname?! Are you alright Kiname?!" She started to look for any signed of a wound or possible where one was.

-----------------Romance: Matchmaking------------

Liz couldn't believe what she was doing. Being part of this matchmaker stuff. But her friends pled and beg for her to do it and she accepted out of guilt. The letter she had gotten told her the room and that she should head right over there. The letter also came with the key to her room. Sighing a bit she walked into the building that was going to be her 'home' until these supposed twins found her 'one.'

Was it sad though? She thought as she walked around trying to find her room. That she, on her own, couldn't find her one? What retard couldn't fall in love with someone? 'One who had to much pride in protecting others.' Sighing again she found the door that led to her room. Setting down the two suitcase she pulled out the key and unlocked the door.

Opening it she set one of the suitcase to keep the door open once she walked more inside. Not only because it said they would be having roommates but it was a self defense thing. If this was a trap she could run if she needed to or scream if it was too much for her. Though she was pretty sure that would never be the case.

Finding where a bed was she set her case on it. Hoping it would be okay to keep it there. Unzipping it she started to unpack, setting a teddy bear on the pillows nearby first. Liz began to wonder what her roommate would be like, and if she was going to be as willing to do this like Liz was. Part of her mind question if it was going to be a 'she' but Liz shook her head, "Why would they put the other gender in the same room?"

--------Romance: Demon x Angel--------

Alvaro sat in a crowed bar waiting for one of his buddies to call him more about his new 'prey.' Supposedly it was a demon of a rare breed, not that he really cared all demons deserved to die; rare or not. His soft purplish pink eyes scan the bar eyeing anything suspicious, since there were rumors of demons dwelling in this bar to feed on the humans.

He was so focus on trying to find a demon that he didn't notice the human woman twirling her blond hair around her finger, "Hey there cutie." Her voice was smooth, like an actors would be. Though he could tell that it was something she taught herself. Turning Alvaro smiled and nodded his head, "Hello, how are you today miss?" He asked casually. Alvaro's voice was like how movies portray angel's voices but with a hint of roughness and an Irish accent, though he could speak clear English. "How about you and me go in the back room?" The girl made her fingers 'walk' on his shoulder. Frowning a bit he asked, "What is in the backroom?" His voice wasn't as soft anymore, he was getting ready for a battle but all the girl did was giggled. "Oh you'll see soon enough silly."

She grabbed his hand and started to lead him to the back room when his cellphone rang. "Um, hold on miss." He stated as he pulled his hand away from her and pulled out his phone seeing it was , "Sorry miss I have to take this." Alvaro bowed noticing her disappoinment. What was in the backroom that she wanted him to see? It didn't sound like she feared it. Was she a demon? No, she couldn't be he sensed demons and he didn't sense it in her. No he was sure she was 100% human, then what made the backroom special?

Shrugging it off Alvaro headed out of the bar holding the phone up to his ear he spoke into it. "What did you find out?" The man on the other line must have heard the music cause instead of answering Alvaro's question he went off and asked, "Dude are you at a club or something?" Sighing loud enough he hoped his friend could hear it, "Yes, a bar. Now if you please hurry there is something in the back room of the bar." There was a long pause when Alvaro said that. Long enough that Alvaro thought he might have lost connection. 'Damn human phones' He thought as he started to say his friend's name, "Lori can you hear me?" The silence last a few moments longer until he heard his friend start to laugh. "Really Alvaro, you would figure after 500 years you would learn...bwahahahaha!" Alvaro got annoyed, he didn't know why Lori was laughing but before he could ask Lori spoke again, "Anyways, don't worry about the backroom there isn't anything there. But I did get info on your smexy little demon~"

Getting off the phone with Lori, Alvaro wanted to swear him to hell and back. How dare he called demons 'smexy.' Which he learned was a the new way of saying sexy. Sighing a bit he shook his head, 'At least I got the info I need. Now I can hunt.' Turning away from the bar he started to walk to possibly find where this female chimera demon could be.

Alvaro hated female demons more then males. Though a few males would try to seduce him it was mainly the females who would try to do it the most. For many reasons, sleeping with one willingly is one way to lose your wings and become a fallen and the demons always loved watching Angels being forsaken. Another is just to have bragging rights over it. And other reasons were for personal gains and what not. Whining a bit he wish Lori could have at least told him where in the city this demon was. Cause all he said was that there was a chance that she was in the city. Noticing a guy and his hound coming near Alvaro quickly turned into an alleyway, in hopes the dog wouldn't panic since some do and to have some peace to think of a plan.

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