mY pErSoNaL sPaCe......DiArRhEa oF tHe MoUtH! |
All of my depression, suicidal, hating, angry, disgruntled journal entries belong here..... |
Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 @ 01:06am
crying i am depressed and i know i should get that checked but i have absolutely no time whatsoever to be going to a depression class at the hospital or where ever it would be. i also feel like finding a nice cool dark corner in my house or at my school and cry. either i feel like crying or cutting myself in which i have never done in my life, but i dream about doing this everyday when something happens or a teacher has a god damn private conversation with me in the hallway. i would never be able to do this, though, because i am weak and do not get any attention from other friends besides just one. plus because of this not getting any attention, i feel even more depressed. so if any of my friends ever read this, which more than likely they probably won't, i would love it you gave me your full attention when i am talking or when i look in anyway depressed. but the thing is, is that i don't need your apathy or you bothering me every second of every day... actually if you think about it, i've been absolutely kept to myself, everyday since the beginning of school and haven't said very much so if no one talked to me or visited me at the normal spot where i never eat lunch, that really wouldn't bother me but if someone like Derrik were just there to sit next to me and say not a word or what not then, that wouldn't bother me either. i just need a personal referrance at anytime during the day. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME AND YOUR PAITENCE TO READ THIS I WOULD LOVE IT IF YOU WOULD PM ME AND SHARE WITH ME THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS ON THE JOURNAL ENTRY ABOVE. ~Ichigo Fox~ crying
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