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Wild-Roze's Journey Here i can write anything that happens to me in Gaia, and in my life off Gaia too. I don't know how often i'll update.. but at least its here when i need it ^_^

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8 years since my last update... whoopsie
Wow - so reading my last update back in 2008 is bizarre.

I am now 28 (as of a couple of days ago actually) and life has moved on considerably. That guy in my last post - well, he didn't learn moderation. When I went away to Uni he became insanely possessive and insecure and ruined my first two week of university life. So i ditched that.

I stayed at Uni in North Wales for 4 years - got my Masters Degree in Environmental Science in 2012. Got my first job in London in a recruitment firm (yeah i know - but you try finding a sector-relevant job as a fresh graduate) stayed there for 18 months, before bagging a job with a renewable energy company based down on the south coast of the UK in Brighton.

Aaaaand I'm still here : ) in the almost 3 years I have been in this town and in this job, I have met and fallen in love with my current BF. We moved in together after a year and a half of seeing each other and now we live in a cute little rental house with two super awesome cats. Seriously - they are like our human children, its ridiculous.

I now ride a sweet motorbike (600cc Honda Hornet - white, if anyone is interested. And yes - i look like a badass) and hopefully next year we'll be looking to buy a house of our own. Who knows what the future will bring.

Other than that, just living a standard life - work, holidays when i can, video games, trashy TV. The usual.

I thought I would re-connect with Gaia, initially because I had a hankering to play 'tiles' again, but the whole economy looks like it has changed a lot (everyone seems to be super rich now) and I figured I'd get back to grips with the site and the forums - so bear with me if i don't quite remember how things work.

Thanks - and see you lovely folk around wink x

My Current Life
Well... this time last year I was in sixth form, doing my A-levels. since then, I have taken my exams (and done quite poorly) gone abroad for three months to Costa Rica, where I worked with Sea Turtles, come home, turned 19, started a nwe job and met my boyfriend. I also applied to Uni and managed to get into a very good University, desptie my grades (they must have liked my personality) to do a degree on Environmental Science.. however it may change to Environmental Conservation.. i don't know yet. So in August I will be travelling to North Wales, to spend three years of my lief studying in Bangor... at the foothills of Snowdonia and right next to the sea.
I'm very happy in life atm... i adore my man, and he loves me something crazy, the only draw back is he seems to love alcohol more.. but im working on him... hopeflly he will haev learned moderation by the time I go away.. else it might be time for me to reconsider.. but i do love him... he makes me laugh and smile and he has a very high sex drive.. so thats always good wink

In general Im happier than I have been for a long.. long time.
All that remains is for me to have my tattoo finished off (for tattoo pics visit profile)

As for my Gaia life.. i managed to complete my quest for a nitemare headband <33 which rocks.. now all that remains is horns of the demon, ninja headband.. and a multitude of other crazy expensive items which i will never afford.

Anyway, i think im going to go upstairs and read my book (the last concubine) i highly recomend it, tis goooood.

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Away for a couple of days
Ok guys, in precisely ... 10 Minutes, im going out, and i wont be back till friday... im off camping with a whole ton of people, so please dont be offended if I dont respond to PMs, comments, trades, and other such things. Ok then folks, see ya later!

My Week In Lanzarote - Day 1 The departure
Well.. where to start.... at the begining...

My Dad took us (me, Lizzy and Carys) to Gatwick airport early in the morning, meaning he picked us up at 3am... meaning we had to WAKE up at 2am. So that was a jolly start. We arrived at Gatwick, and security and check in were surprisingly speedy. we boarded the plane, and all the lads were hyper. Afterall, they had been looking forward to this week for months and months now, and I must say.. their excitement is catching. The outbound movie was Flushed Away.. the Ad made it look good.. but it was disapointingly Pants... so that was a bit of a let down... but I managed to read and doze most of the rest of the flight, however the girl who was sleeping in her chair next to me, kept on leaning on me... so a few healthy elbow jabs swiftly woke her up. Anyway, we arrived, in swealtering heat, which I normally wouldnt complain about.. but when we got to the appartments, at around 11am.. ish... we discovered the rooms would not be ready till around 2pm.... now our tour T-shirts (Ladzarote for the boys, Lassarote for the girls) were not the coolest of garments, and I was soon boiling. Imagine the fustration... standing beside an icy pool, sweating like a friggin pig. For the boys, it was fine, they not only got their rooms first, but also were able to strip off with no problem... a little more difficult for the girls. Anyway, we finally found a changing room and went for a dip.. like... it was the coldest body of water imaginable.. now i know how it was possible for old Leo to freeze to death whill Kate was safe floating on the big door. Anyway, so we finally got our rooms, and the first evening in Lanzarote got into full swing. The first night no one actually went out.. tho that didn't prevent some of the boys getting ridiculously hammered. I myself.. managed to do something insane on the very first night.. let me tell you how it occured....

Out of the seven girls that went... I knew the boys the best.. and when I say the boys, you must understand what kind of "boy" I am talking about. I'm talking about a load of the most up-your-self arrogant, self obsessed chaps ever to walk to Earth.. Jocks. heh... but, they are harmless, sweet guys if you get them on their own. The irritating thing is, they have goo dreason to be up them selves, all gorgeous, all perfectly muscled, and all insanely clever. Anyway, like I say, out of the girls, I knew them the best. I approached them, all sitting on their terrace, where Joe was downing pints of beer. I had been drinking some wine, and some beer, enough to feel a little tipsy. Anyway, when I arrived, James Knowles turned round and said.
"Go away Russ (my sirname is Rusbridge, and I have become known as The Russ) Joe's on his 10th pint and he wont drink it if you're here" Now I was a little confused as to why that would be.. however.. Ash then rounded on me, holding out a pint glass, filled with beer, and demanded I downed it. Now.. being the nice, trusting girl that I am, I obliged. I must say I downed it rather well, and when I had slammed my empty glass down onto the table that all went crazy and started running around. I thought they were overreacting a little, so I wen tup to the girl's room and sat on their balcony, until I heard Ash calling up to me.
"Russ, what would you say, if we told you.. that perhaps... there may have been a small quantity of .. my piss in that beer?"
Now.. at first I thought they were kidding, so I replied along the lines of.
"Well, it tasted pretty goo dto me, maybe you should market it." At this they cheered, and yelled that I was a Legend... then it dawned on me that actually.. they were telling the truth.. the awful truth... I didnt run off and cry, and throw up... I continued my act of not caring, which I really didn't that much... as far as I am concerned it was beer, and I couldnt taste it. So I went back down to join them, and they promptly all hugged me, and I demanded a proper drink and was handed a litre bottle of beer, which I was quite happy with.
And so the first day came to an end, I shake my head and chuckle about it now. The lads could have stopped me once they saw I really was drinking it, but they didn't which makes them twats.. but I probably wouldnt have stopped one of them if the situation was reversed, and it wasn't really intended for me, so I can forgive. If I had made a fuss and gone all pissy (s'cuse the pun) then I would never have heard the end of it.. as it happens, I didn't and therefore, my respect skyrocketed. The next day was looming.. and I wondered what wonders and joys it would hold... a slight hangover, at the very least, not as bad as poor Joe though.

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Hmm, well it looks like I havent really updated my journal since my accident. I think that must be because I'm keeping a diary this year, and I don't want to go to the effort of writing everything out twice XD. I have a new car, a green citoren saxo, an East Coast limited edition, and it has multi coloured seatbelts which is bitchingly awesome, I named it Taylor Spoon... or Spoon, for short.. dont ask why. Urm.. hmm.. what else, well I'm off to Lanzarote tomorrow night, well.. im leaving my house at 3am Thursday morning to get to Gatwick airport for around 5am. man.. tha lads are so hyper about it, we all have Lanzarote tour t-shirts... well the boys have Ladzarote and the girls have Lassarote... or at least we would buuut... nothing is ever simple. I ordered the T-shirts, and wrote down, Lassarote, however, when they arrived they said lasserote... which has replaced the A with ER... which sort of detracts from the fact that its a play on the word Lanzarote.. but hey. I went back in and complained and they gave me £5 back for each shirt, so that wasn't too bad. Ive got a ton of work... art takes up so much f**king time!! and its really weighing me down, but I've still bene frequenting Gaia... its irritatingly addictive. For example I had a great day today looking SMEXY in towns with a load of other SMEXY people. great fun, the only annoying thing is that I'm not going to be here for the 15th.. I'll be on a jet, heading for Lanzarote, so I won't know what is in the damned feb letters until I get back >_<. Ahh well. Hmm this year I have decided to save a letter from each month in order to do some sort of draw at the end of the year .. mebe a lotto or something.. ahh crap.. i just remembered. This year I finish 6th form, and I'm planning of spending 3 months in Costa Rica doing conservation with sea turtles, and then 2/3 months in south africa working in a creche... hmm... the internet may not be so easily accessible out there... we shall have to see.. either way, they should be worth a bit more Gold by the time I get around to selling them... or at least.. I hope. Heh.. atm I'm quite poor.. i bought a katana... and so right now I have precisely 1418g... lol IM SO RICH!! Ahh well.. i don't find it too hard to make gold on Gaia.. and its not really like there is anythng i particularly want or need, and I always make sure I have Sealed Envelopes for me, so hmm.. yeah, well, what else can I ramble about? .. ohhhh Over the last two and a half weeks I've had a horrible cold... and a cough.. and its been skank.. and this was brought about by.. too much alcohol. I went to Thursdays.. which is our local nightclub. It was fantastic fun, I bumped into Scott, and got him to come with us.. I later pulled him and he did some very naughty things .. at the bar no less... then i got with this other guy.. I just remember him being very... bitey... I thought he was trying to pierce my tongue for a second time with his teeth. I drank SO much sambuka... shots are great.. you get so wasted. I woke up the next day full of cold and flu.. not to mention a disgusting hangover which made me vow never to drink again.. however that hasnt lasted long. I think i love wine too much. Anyway, that's what I'll be drinking in Lanzarote at least. I challenged one of the lads to a drink off.. sambuka has been named our drink.. and we are going to the death.. or at least.. the unconscious. I havent told my mother this... I'm just hoping there will be someone there to drag me back to the appartment. heh.. bear in mind, if you will, that this Lanzarote trip.. is in fact a school field trip. The teachers are ok with us drinking but arnt too keen on us getting paraletic... man.. are they gonna be dissapointed.

ANYWAY time to stop typing absolute rubbish that no one cares about razz No one reads this journal anyway XD I just write it for fun.. when i can be assed. Anyhoo, until the next time.. ta ta!!

What a Week
Jeeze.... my week has started off awfully. For one thing it was the first day back at college. But that wasn't the bad thing. suffice to say ... I had a car accident... and my car has been written off, meaning it is beyond economic repair. However, hopefully, if we can get my car back, then my step dad can fix it, because the onyl reason the garage arn't fixing it is because the cost outweighs the value of the car. Buuuut we're planning on simply smashing it back into shape. I don't want to go into HOW it happened, but it was, unfortunately, my fault, and my car's bumper is squiffed, my left headlight smashed in, and my bonnet buckled. Fuuuuuuuuck! Not to mention it could have hurt my friends.. AND i happened to hit a LEARNER! DAMN! *sigh* it was the classic thing, awful driving conditions, rain so thick you cant see anything else unless its florescant. The car was waaaaaaay in front of me (and it was friggin SILVER not good in rain to see) anyway, it reached a roundabout, and there were tons of cars coming off at our exit, so i assumed it would go as there were millions of gaps, and cos it was so far ahead. I looked ahead to see a gap for myself as i approached, saw one, continued on, looked back at the road only to see the car was still sitting there. I slammed my brakes on but still powered into the back of it, i only realised it was a learner when i looked up from the crash and saw an L plate. *sigh* my poor car. i feel so dumb, its happened to so many people, exactly the same situation, but i only wish i had been there at a different time, a different place. but.. i cant turn the clock back...

on the plus side, today i retook my biology exam from last year, and found that i knew it all. *silently thanks mother for forcing me to revise* so hopefully my result should turn out all right. Keep ur fingers crossed for me :p

Ok.. out.

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Less Active
I have exams.. in.. lets see.... around a week. SOOOO for the month of January, I am afraid to say i will be far, far less active, starting today. Well.... see ya soon! ^^

Woo! double Gold! lol!
heh its gotta be done hasn't it! Gotta LOVE that gold xp heart domokun heart and the Domo Of course!! domokun domokun domokun

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Getting Back On Track
Well, like I said, I was hacked, and I was SO bumbed about it, soooo I decided that out of my items that were stolen, i would try and reclaim my whip of fire, my coco and possibly my chain of command. I DID report the hack, but nothing seems to have been done about it *sigh* so I'm having to save up again. stressed BUT not to worry, luckily the december items have been worth around twice as much as the normal monthly items becuase they have 3 items, and so, using this to my advantage I returned to my old money making methods: Bying several Collectible envelopes, via paypal, then selling them on in the market place, I only needed to sell around 4 letters in order to buy my coco and whip. Not only that, but i have fallen IN LOVE with this months items. They are all amazing, and as you can see, i have Totally turned my style around. I love my current avvy, the flames, the vines and the nest hair.. its all contrasting and stuff, and doesnt have a single theme, however, I feel it works well... what do u guys think??

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Anyway, I might also buy a Yeti if i can soon... I'll need to save.. but I miss my Yeti *hates hackers* crying Ahh well, but coming to my MAIN point...

I'm thinking I need to take a break from Gaia, i have exams after christmas and i need to do a laod of work. So... tomorrow will be my last day on for a while... i think.

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