Diano Hatch:Car accident 11:45PM walking carelessly and is killed on the spot.
Alex Lye:Killed by gang members at 11:45PM shot 5 times and then stabbed
Tesua Yuki:Shot by his Brother after pissing him off at 11:45PM before death he writes on the wall in red paint God is not enough.
Erie Yuki:suicide after killing his brother by jumping out of the second floor of his house and breaks his neck at 11:50
stephanie duffy: Assassinated by accident at 12:00
niky reynga:Suicide after feeling like crap at 1:00 Before death she drops her wallet
raven veagas: Heart attack
kristina gonzelas:Heart attack
Kristy Cortez: Stabed in a allyway while being mugged at 11:45AM