Ayumu (Walk your own way) stood before Iwao. She had thought he was cute and figured it would be fun to chase him. Kuzuma had asked endlessly not to bother strangers but he his fustrated face was dreamy and what company was there outside Kuzuma and Taiki.
While Iwao stood there awaiting an answer, Junko came out the back. One look at her and Ayaumu disappered as quickly as she'd came. Who the hell was thatthought Junko I thought only Iwao and I could run that fast
Junko sent and image of the girl to Iwao. "Don't look at me. I have no idea." Damn annoying trying to lose that girl. Made me late and she still found me. Why do people like you and her have it so easy and I have to work for the abiltys I have."
A sharp stab of pain echo'd inside of Iwao's head, causeing him to fall to his knee's holding his head. "OUCH WHY THE....." Her angry face stopped him short and he quickly went to work.
Junko went back in. How dare he asume I have it easy. He knows I don't. And that girl. To asume she's just like me cause she kept up with him. She proberly trains every single day. Iwao when are you gonna learn. "Junko." Master Yamashita came out of the kitchen enterance. "I know Iwao can be a little fustrating at points but he's family and theres no need to harm him." Junko sighed "Can't he learn to sign" she gestured. "He won't. It'll waste his training time but I've considered how to trick him into learning some at some point. At any point you need to go meditate." And with that Junko went upstairs without a word.