So let's see....hmm....well, Daniel's family had a New Year's Eve party, & I went...My dad almost wouldn't let me go &.&
My mom's birthday was the 25th....or maybe it was the 26th....haha I don't remember x)
My birthday was the 3rd. I turned 16 =D
On the 5th I had my party. Kim didn't play any songs I told her to play &.& ok, well, maybe she played some, but not all of them &.& "these songs are too depressing. you're gonna make people depressed & wanting to kill themselves" b***h!! &.& I really don't care! It's MY f*cking party!! F*cking whore &.&
Ohh I also got a cellular device! =D It only took 16 years lol x)
Also on my bday, I auditioned for the school play. I got the part I auditioned for ^_^
Me & Daniel celebrated being together for a year on the 12 ^_^ Only thing is that I was sick so we didn't really get to see each other or anything =(
I went to a traveling zoo at the Wicomico Civic Center, got an air brush tattoo of my zodiac symbol (Aquarius) & then went to the Salisbury Zoo. I was still kinda sick, but I was feeling better than I had been the whole week.
So yea on the 9th (Wednesday) I went to youth group. I was feeling fine the whole day. After youth group we went to Rusticana's like we always do. I ate & everything. Still felt fine. Went home, went to bed, & then @ like, 3 in the morning I was in the bathroom. I have no clue what happened. I was fine all day. It was really weird. So I was sick for almost a week =/
The school play was on the 14th 15th & 16th. It was really fun =) We were all so nervous though! I almost cried haha xD Anyway, the play was called Superfreaks. A reporter, Lois Lancaster (played by Kimmy F) goes to a "superhero sanitarium". All the residents believe they're superheros & have powers....turns out there's a big twist in the end!!
Speed Freak/Charlie Rami -- Elliott R
Dim Bulb/Alex O'Neil -- Josh H
Kevin -- Ryan D
Dr. Eisner -- Brittany B
Mental/Susan Whedon -- ME!! =D
It was a fun play =) Thursday night was horrible. We were all over the script & ughh it was just terrible. Friday & Saturday were the best =) We covered everything we missed. Haha we gave Kimmy a cheat sheet cuz she kept forgetting what questions to ask lol x)
The 20th was a half day. It was also Weed Day, my friend Cody's birthday, and Tractor Day....Tractor Day is the day that all the rednecks at CRHS get their tractors & bring them to school....we have this day @ Colonel because the school is pretty much in the middle of a cornfield....& there are a bunch of rednecks around here &.& So the whole school went outside to look @ the tractors. It was f*cking hot out too &.& After school, I went over to Daniel's. We got to hang out for a few hours before we left for youth group. After youth group & Rusticana's, me, Daniel, David, Amanda & the kids went bowling. Such a great way to start off Spring Break =) Thursday, I went over Jessica's. I stayed there until yesterday (Sunday).
And all that brings us up to today =)
When I woke up this morning, me & my brother went out back to look for Easter eggs (haha I'm such a little kid xP) Then I came in & got to look @ my Easter presents. I got Team Jacob flip flops, a Cheshire Cat tshirt, a paddle ball, a balloon punching bag type thing, needlepoint, a new camera & a bunch of candy.
So how was your Easter? What did the Easter Bunny bring you?
Well, that's all for now!
Peace Out Girl Scouts!!
Ohh btw....KIM GOT KICKED OUT!! =DD finally!! She was really p*ssing me off! D:< Anyway, I'm not gonna tell exactly why she got kicked out...but I will say that she betrayed my parent's trust. Good riddance!!