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The Journal of Sweetipi205.........Man, she's wierd
Well, I like to write, and sometimes I have a small amount of inspiration to draw. And as soon as I get my stupid scanner up, then I can post some of my pics. XD Hope you like this awesome, beyond awesome journal.
This is one of a RP that I am doing.

Friend: Daimon had stopped his pacing when she walked through the room, ready to have her back in his arms, to put the RIGHT scent back on her clothes. The way in which that creatures scent loomed over her as well as her words sent him over the edge. “He WHAT?!” The vampire first snarled before continuing his rapid pacings across the room. Curses and annoyed muttering were flying under his breath, coming
Friend: out in hisses. His speech seemed even too fast for Daimon to understand, yet he continued until he black eyes caught sight of Kara.

This was killing her, tearing her apart. The male stopped in his paces, freezing, literally, as he stared at her blank face. Pain, that horrid emotion, was torn across her face as well as the confusion of choosing one of them. She didn’t want him immediately?
Friend: That pride, that insensible pride he held, crumbled beneath her blow. H-how did she not want him?! Her prince, her Daimon, her loving protector? The very night she spoiled two of his dinners, kissed under the moonlight, flirted up a storm in the living room, kissed in the shadows of her room, and talked of personal things she was bordering leaving him. Nothing made sense anymore.
Friend: Pain wracked through his very being, causing the vampire to lean against her wardrobe that was across the room. His heart, if he even had one anymore, was aching horribly, wracking convulsions through his chest as if it was tearing itself in two. Was such a thing even possible?
Friend: “So. This is it then?” Daimon muttered, his voice cool. It was as if wasn’t experiencing anything at all. “I’m far stronger, far more loving, far more caring, far more respectful, seeing as I obeyed what you told me and he crossed the line, far more CONSIDERATE, and you have decided to throw that away for a wimp like...him?” His statements were slowly starting to form into hisses before he caught
Friend: himself and turned his black eyes to the window.
His hate could never be meant for her.
“He doesn’t know you enough. No, you could never choose between us. Never. It just isn’t part of who you are.” He now muttered, somewhat angrily to the cold moonlight that shone through her window. Daimon now turned back to her, flashing himself like lightning to her side. He took a single finger, bringing her chin up so he could see her eyes. They were no longer the gorgeous green color, but a dark crimson. “He” Daimon practically spat the pronoun, seeing as it caused him pain, “can make you happy, can make you blush. It seems as if I’m just some old shirt that no longer fits, even if you’ll always be the only being to complete me.” His words turned soft then as he leaned down to softly form his lips to hers once again, for the last time. “I’m sorry that I’m not good enough for you.”
And he was gone.
Friend: Daimon froze at the front door, seeing as it took him not even a second to reach him, so great was the pain that made him fly now. His black eyes flickered to Edward, meeting the gaze with utter hatred. Without even a thought, the vampire flung himself across the room, taking the other male in his grip and thrusting him into the air.
Friend: “If you so much as lay a finger on her and it pains her, you will be killed.” He snarled up to the worthless creature, “Don’t believe that I will have mercy because she loves you. No, her love only makes your pain worse...Edward.” Daimon spat the name, dropping the baffled vampire on the couch once more. “Once her time comes to leave this earth, I am coming for you. You will be
thrust into the deepest, darkest circle of Hell to rot there for all eternity. Never will you see her glorious light in paradise. No, that will never be your place.” He turned then, flashing to the door and out into the dark street.
Friend: The decision was made, and it caused Daimon’s very heart to stop pounding entirely. His human side was lost to the monster as all meaning of life was stripped from his hands and taken into the cold being of another’s. Never again would the poor vampire see the light of day.
He was lost forever.
Friend: The one thing that could find him had turned its light to another entirely.
Edward sat up on the couch, looking out after the enraged beast that had just threatened him. He only knew it would be a matter of time, seeing as Daimon was far greater than he. But really, who cared? That was light years away, and he had officially won. He had gotten Kara, and he was going to cherish her forever. The bafflement and small fear he had fell away as he stood and brought himself to t
Friend: to the bottom of the stairs.

“Kara?” He called up, unsure if she still wanted him here. “Uh...you want some blood? It might help you feel better.”
He was at a total loss of words.
Friend: -d-

Me: Kara heard everything and saw eerything with her own eyes.....yet, she didn't react to everything until she was alone. She opened her door, her face expressionless as she saw Edward standing at the bottom of her stairs. She slowly and quietly walked down her stairs and when she reached Edward, hugged him tightly as the tears started down her face. "He.....left...... didn't he?" Kara managed to
Me: -c-
Me: break through her sobs. It hurt her chest, her whole body shaking. She didn't tell him to leave, she didn't want him to. How could Daimon do this to her? HOW?! And why?! She was trying to be truthful....and honest with him. He left her......alone....with another person whom she loved. She still stood undecided. Her eyes no longer the crimson, but green. Completely, forest green, -c-
Me: no sign of the crimson at all. This was more human than you would see of Kara than anything in the world. Her.......actually crying.....in front of someone. Kara wrapped her arms tighter around Edward and dug her face into his chest. Drenching his shirt and chest with her tears. What could she do? Run after him? Go run into the streets? No.....no she couldn't do that. Daimon was already gone. -c-
Me: "Edward........I only told him what happened......I didn't tell him anything but that! Why did he go?" She felt her chest becoming more and more sore as she sobbed harder. "I love him.......and you......and I just told him that I needed to choose something tonight," Kara tried to say through her sobs, but her voice sounded hoarse and barely audible as she cried. She felt like someone died.......
Me: -c-
Me: like when her mother died and she held so dearly and close to Edward as she did now. What is she going to do now? She was human at the moment. No vampire instincts........no wanting any blood or trying to think about hunting stratagies. No nothing. Only human blood passed through her veins at the moment, nothing more. So, she just held onto Edward as if she was a small child, and cried. She didn't
Me: stop until it was morning. The sun was about to rise, her body exhausted from crying all night and holding onto Edward so tightly, her emotions still wanting her to weep for losing someone so dear, and her mind still having thoughts and wonders about Daimon which led her to more crying and more emotional pain. But now, her arms were limp, and her eyes were closed. "Edward....." Kara's voice was
Me: -c-
Me: groggy and soft, "Can I go to bed?" She asked. Leaning her body against Edwards, cool, motionless body to make sure that she didn't fall down from exhaustion.
Me: -d-

Friend: Edward was fighting off the very emotion to go into the streets and kill that vampire that was causing his gal so much pain. His expression was torn between utter greif extreme fury as she cried. It was like when he had left last time. Had he really made the right choice in leaving once more? Why couldn't he just go away forever? No, Daimon could NEVER do that. He was far too prideful, far too -c-
Friend: AMAZING in his own little world. No, wasn't selfless enough to hold onto Kara like this as she lay dying in his arms. No, that was Edward alone, for he was truly selfless in the facts of his gal. Daimon would never step one foot closer to her ever again. No, he would die on his feet before such a thing happened. With her pestering questions, Edward cringed his eyes, fighting off -c-
Friend: the snarls that were threatening to overpower him and leak into his shakey voice. "He did leave, and he thinks that you care for me more, and that you wouldn't be able to make the decision." Edward hypothesized, the threat Daimon had given him still ringing in his ears as the girls hysterics intertwined with the haunting memory. Would it ever dwindle? This figment of imagination that Daimon had -c
Friend: allowed himself to become? It needed to; Edward couldn't stand HIS Kara being hurt like this. The vampires eyes stayed black as coal throughout the night, only flickering to the window as day started to dawn upon them. ::Just like last time.:: Edward's icy voice echoed through his head before he stood to his feet, taking the half vampire into his arms. "Whatever you want. Kara." Edward managed -c-
Friend: to say, breaking through the pain and agony that was wreathing its way through his own soul.
Friend: -d-

Me: "Thank you." Kara said, but then a small giggle came upon her, why on Earth would someone be giggling at this time? Kara's eyes fluttered open to Edward's sweet face, "It's just like last time, isn't it? I am sorry Edward. You shouldn't have to be put through this......never should someone I love have to see me go through this. It isn't right, and for that, I am sorry. In fact, why the hell am I
Me: still around?!" Kara asked herself aloud, her perfect, forest green eyes staring up at Edward's face. Kara sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. "I do love you.....you know that." Kara's voice was still groggy and still soft. She was surprised that Edward could hear her. She wrapped her arms around Edward's cool neck, and closed her eyes.
Me: -d-

Friend: The male only made his way up the stairs , scowling at her apology. "Don't say sorry, never say sorry for the pain...HE...caused you." Edward practicaly spat the curse, hissing at the mention of anything about him. Oh how that thing needed to die right now. Though, he had to thank him in the sense that he had received the prize. But he still needed to die. -c-
Friend: "You need someone here for you, and unlike that idiotic, son of..." He stopped in his cursings, snarling softly before shaking his head. "I will always be here, and I will always be ready to hold your tears. Besides, what are lovers for?" Edwards teasing notion returning back into his voice before a sigh broke his chest. "But you love...him as well. But I can live with that, unlike him. I am -c-
Friend: far too thankful for even half the love of my gorgeous gal." Edward finished, stepping into her room and placing her easily on the bed. "Sleep well, my little angel."
Friend: -d-

Me: Kara was asleep before she had her head hit the pillow, her eyes closed as she listened to his words. "Goodnight.....Edward. I love you." Her words were so soft that Edward would probably not be able to hear them if he was a human. She couldn't help it, she dreamed about her family when she slept for that day. Her mother was playing with her as a child......then Kara grew older and met Daimon.....
Me: then the painful half-transformation and Edward standing there as it happened......Daimon leaving after it happened and Kara crying in Edward's arms once before......then meeting Daimon again, their fight.........falling back in love with him.....the clearing and the stupid vampire.......then Daimon leaving again. Kara tossed and turned as she slept. Mumbling Daimon's name and Edward's name as well.
Me: Finally.....she said, "I still love Daimon......why did I have to say anything?" The words were clear as a bell as she said them. Though, she was unconsious, not being able to stop herself from saying any hurtful words. She continued to toss and turn until she had a frightening nightmare. Kara was in Daimon's and her's clearing, the moon full and it was a harvest moon. Kara looked around in the
Me: dream, she was looking for Daimon. "Daimon......Daimon....where are you?" She asked. But Edward appeared from the darkness, "Edward.....what are you doing here?!" Kara asked, more at of surprise the anger. Edward smiled at held his hand out to her, smiling his warm smile as he normally did. She was about to take his hand as she heard a snarl from behind her. She quickly turned around and there
Me: stood her Prince......Daimon, perfect as ever in the moonlight. Kara smiled as Daimon also held his hand out for her. She was about top take his hand when all of a sudden.....Daimon dissapeared. Kara looked back to see her Edward standing there for her hand, but he was gone as well. Soon only the moon was above her and everything else was black.......and Kara was alone. She awoke in a sweat. Her
Me: room dark as she had slept all day. Her eyes searched her room for Daimon....or Edward.....or somone who cared.
Me: -d-

Well, I know that this will be somewhat boring unless you love vampires like me and my friends do. But Daimon is a vampire who changed my character Kara into a half breed and then killed her mother but it was all an accident and Edward is a friend of Kara's who always fought with Daimon over Kara. Those are my recent posts with a friend. The posts did have a name of the person I was rp'ing with, but I replaced them all with the word 'Friend' and my name as 'Me' just so no one on this site will know my real name. Comment if you like n.n


I so pretty, that you must all bow down before me BWAHAHAHAHA!

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