Random thoughts, blurbs, poems, and stories of . . . ME!
Things that I write. Yay for being emo! Ha ha, just kidding. Emo kidz ar kool. Any way, some people call me 'deep'. Hey. What can I say? I've been known to have my moments. ^_^ And, don't worry, those moments will all be posted here.
I'm a bad, horrible, disgusting person. |
I have no money to buy anyone Christmas presents with. God. I'm such a . . . such a . . . God. I'm disgusted with myself. I could've been saving my money, but, I used it on things like books, and lunch, and coffee. I feel so bad.This is the first year I'll have no presents to give my little cousins. That was my favorite part of Christmas. Watching the little one's faces light up when they opened the presents I gave them. Not this year, though. I don't even have enough money to buy presents for my parents . . . Even when I do buy presents, they're pretty crappy. My dad loves those little light-up Christmas towns. Y'know, the ones made of porcelain, where you have to collect all of the different things: Grocery Stores, Hospitals, Fire Stations, Police Office, Post office, and all the little houses. But there's one thing he doesn't have. An ice skating rink. I found one at a relatively low price, and I wanted to buy it for him so badly. It was like I could finally get him something that he would enjoy, something he would look at and be reminded of his smart, successful, loving daughter. Not his screwed-up kid that can't even buy her family presents. And my mom! My mom loves to cook. She is amazing in the kitchen. I saw this beautiful, ceramic salad/pasta bowl, that I wanted to give her. It was green and blue, and had little splashes of purple on it. It was $20. I wanted to see the look on her face when she opened the gift box. But . . . well, you know. This year, I won't be able to. Like I said. I'm horrible. Vile. Stupid. And utterly selfish. I just wish that, for once, I could make my parents proud, you know? On Christmas, on the one time that it is truly important, make them happy. I don't know what to do . . . I just . . . feel so . . . so worthless. emo
This is my signature. It's very interesting. Be afraid. 
Hatsume_chan · Wed Dec 19, 2007 @ 10:59pm · 0 Comments |