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The place Lexi writes in when she's bored I think the title is pretty explanatory, don't you think? :)

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Gina Update!
Inspired by a comment my dear friend rainphoenix left in my profile, I decided to share a real tragic love (?) story with you all.

But first, for a more pleasant note, my friend Gina (the one I've been mentioning very often) told me that she is in love with me. Yeah, not that she loves me, all friend-like. She's in love with me! I wanna dance... SHe told me all that when I had invited her at home for a PJ party. I'm really happy about that (I've mentioned that I have a crush on her, right?), but I can't help but feel a bit worried. I'm that sort of person that doesn't want to get too close to anyone. I've been hurt by people many times in the past, so I'm just not up to it. And Gina's friendshipo, it almost has become an obsession to her side -she's jealous of every person I might talk with. And ok, she just wants us to be really good friends? But now that I know how she feels, while I really want to be with her, I'm scared she'll become too dependent on me. And I tend to hurt people more than they hurt me, you know. And next year I'm going to go back to my old school, and I don't want her to feel abandoned. I know that she will - she's doing her best to try to keep me in this school...

Uh, well, the pleasant note didn't end up to be so pleasant after all, huh? Now I'm getting depressed... It's the first day of school today as well. In 20 minutes I'll have to leave the house... And I feel sick.... Anxious... My heart is beating fast... Ok, ok, maybe it's not that bad. I'll just relax.

On next entry: The tragic love story I promised you (I don't have the amount of time needed to write it right now, I'm currently deciding on whether I should wear my contacts or not. I don't want to actually, not today... What if they start hurting me, like they did during the Geometry exam, and then I lose my focus and don't write anything during the Religious Ed. exam? Like I did with Geometry... Blast these contacts, I'm a good Geometry student! Lazy, but good!)

Uh, the end. "Finally," some of you must be saying. It's ok, I forgive you. Take your pills, because the next post is going to be a long one.

My sweet cell phone was STOLEN!!!!
Uh, yeah, what the title says.
Ok, I'm better now.

Let me begin from the beginning (since I already started with the ending - cell phone stolen, for those that didn't notice)...

Sweet little Lexi was going upstairs to her classroom after an empty hour. Empty hour means we didn't have a lesson coz our Geometry teacher was sick. So, I went upstairs with another sweet little girl, Christina. There, I put my sweet little cell phone inside my school bag's front pocket. The ring rang (WOW), so I opened up my bag and asked - Wait, story mode:

Lexi: What do we have now?
The Scottish girl: Technology...
Lexi: Oh... So we are going downstairs... *takes books and goes downstairs*

Technology class:
Teacher: bla, bla, bla
Dina: Can I plz go to the toilet?
Teacher: OK. Bla, bla, bla.
Dina: I'm back!
Teacher: OK. Bla, bla, bla.
Spooky guy named Gregor: Uh... Head hurts. Go take pill?
Teacher: Didn't hurt you before?
Gregor: It did. Pill?
Teacher: OK. Bla, bla, bla.
Gregor: Comes back.

Ring rings. (WOW) - bored of this mode, choosing other

So, Lexi quickly went upstairs to leave her books. When there, she noticed her bag pocket open, and by looking around, noticed her cell phone wasn't there. "Did I forget it in the back during the blank?", she worringly thought, but then the Physics teacher came, so Lexi had to sit down and worry. (blank equals empty hour in greek-school-speak) Her dear friend sitting next to her, Irene, got worried and asked the teacher to go outside. So Irene went downstairs, at the back of the school, at the smokers's area where Lexi had been sitting (not smoking, though, because she has made a promise to herself) with her friends during the blank. She talked with Nantia there, the girl Lexi was afraid she might have left the phone with. But Nantia said Lexi had gone upstairs with her phone. Meanwhile, Lexi asked Christina, the other sweet little girl, and also confirmed she had the phone when she was upstairs. Now everyone started worrying. When the ring rang (WOW) for Physical Education, everyone went outside, and Lexi was ready to cry. So, the gym teacher said: "You should ask someone to give your cell a call...". Innocent and naive Lexi wondered: "But, I told you, it was silent, we won't find it that way...". "Call," insisted the teacher, and so they did. Christina, not the sweet little girl but the cold-hearted b***h, called the cell phone. A moment of silence followed, when Chritstina looked in Lexi's eyes and said: "It's off..."

At that moment Lexi realised her phone was stolen. She began to cry, and Nia quickly informed the headmaster of the events. Panic followed, as the headmaster asked questions.

To make a long story short, and because I'm tired of writing, Lexi didn't manage to find her cell phone. She couldn't help but being suspicious of Gregor, though. Because Gregor's cousin was the biggest thug in all the town, and he was seen outside the school that day. And because Gregor was outside Technology for a long time.

What Lexi wants is to find the person that did it and hit him. She hopes she'll find him. Days might pass, seasons might pass, but she will always be there in the corner, weeping and searching for the person that caused her all this pain....


I'm such a drama queen! Ok, no harm done, I might have cried lots the first day, but I'm over it now. I just want to find out who did it. I'm even gonna start a new comics about this tomorrow! Daddy said that on Monday, we are going to go and buy a new cell phone AND an 80GB iPod, and that on Tuesday I'll take them to school and show them around, so that the thugs will know they can't mess with Lexi. And next year I'm gonna leave that f---ing school and go back to my rich friends, and become a snobbish b--ch again, because back there nobody has the need to steal. And we'll all be happy and rich, strolling and buying Burberry stuff and laughing at the people in my current school. THE END.

Phew... That was long!

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I got totally wasted....
a.k.a Gina's party

Saturday night was Gina's birthday party! It was much more fun than Spy's party was... Actually, as far as parties go, they both were terribly unsuccessful, but I had lots of fun in both of them.

Back to the party. I didn't dress to formally, because Gina had said she only invited Yanna, Va, that boy me and Va like, his best friend, and 2 other people. So, I figured we'd be pretty casual. Five mintues before I left home, Gina called and said that the party will "open up" (she actually said something like "the party became foreign-gathered", which is a nonexistant phrase even in Greek), and that many more will come. I was expecting some sort of wild party by the way she put it.

The party began at 6pm, but the first person apart from me and Dina (a very good friend of me and Gina) arrived at 7:30. Gina was terribly dissappointed. The people that came were all annoying, unknown or quiet, and they all left at around 10. Actually, Yanna Va and the other 2 left after 3 quarters, which was extremely rude if you ask me. Plus Yanna acted all stylish, and that annoyed me, because she was really badly dressed. And that said from someone who has made terrible dressing mistakes before.

So, on to the good stuff. Me and the first person that got at the party (apart from Dina) started a drinking competition with Coke mixed with whiskey. We drank two large glasses of it (I won both times, yay me!), and then Gina's new boyfriend came with his best friend Ted. Ted came and joined as in our blissful drinking (and very occasional smoking - I don't usually smoke, and the other guy that I was drinking with never smokes because he's an athlete, but we both smoked that night). We drank a can of beer after that (the athlete boy won there, because I spilled half my beer by mistake). And then Gi's boyfriend brought ouzo.... I've never drank ouzo before, because I always thought it stinks. Well, with all the smoke in the room (Dina was smoking like a chimney!), I could barely smell it, and Ted was all "drink up, Alexia, drink up", so I drank about 4 glasses of it, both me and NTR (the athlete). I got dizzy, and NTR got totally drunk right then. SO we stopped our competition and went in the main room (all this happened in the kitchen - the "punk" area of sorts), and danced a bit. Then Gina came with a Gordon's Space for her, and I asked her to bring me one as well. I drank it like water (after the ouzo, it was exactly like water), and then drank some of Gi's too while she was in the bathroom.

After that, I went back in the kitchen to check on Dina, who acted like she had been drinking all night (she only drank some whiskey)< so me and NTR got worried. But Ted kept pushing me to drink (I later realised he had his reasons - not that I cared, I knew he'd end up with Dina, they all do), so I drank 2 more glasses of ouzo. Ted insisted on a third, but I threw it in the sink when he wasn't looking. But NTR drunk it, and he became completely lost, all singing and stuff. It was thne that me and NTR decided to get Dina home coz she looked sick. Ted joined us. The funny thing was, nobody had realised I was drunk.

When we got to the road, they finally understood I was wasted. I was totally conscious of my state, but I couldn't help the way I walked. I fall on walls and stuff, so thne NTR had to hold me until we reached the avenue. He then had to go, becuase his house was far and the last bus was passing right then. When he left, Ted took us to the coffee house/creperie near the bus stop, where he bought as turkish coffe to "un-drunk" us. Dina refused to drink it, but I drank it. I burned my tongue badly while doing so, though. When I reached the end of the coffee, it made me sick (I hate turkish coffee, I don't know why I drank it), so I... I kind of... threw up in the shop. It was so embarrasing!!!

But by doing so, I actually got better, so then we called Gina and Yannis (her boyfriend) to come over, and we went for a walk, then over to Dina to ask her mother to let Dina sleep with us. In the end, we went back home, where Gina went to the kitchen with Yannis, and Dina in the bedroom with Ted, and I was left in the living room with water and the radio playing the most depressing greek songs I've EVER heard.

The rest was pretty boring... The boys left at about 4-5pm, and then we went in the bedroom, chatted a bit, and then we slept.

I actually didn't want Dina to stay with us, and neither did Gina. But it happened, so... Well, it was really enjoyful until the part where Yannis and Gina joined us near the coffee shop. Then it got depressing, because they all paired up and I was all alone. Really depressing. But it's not like I could do what Dina did. Well, she's seen Ted once before too, but well, still... I don't know, maybe I'm safe to say this because it didn't happen to me, but I don't think I'd go do it like that. Especially coz I was mad at Ted because he got me drunk. But he is a good guy in general, he was really helpful with the throwning up thing. And I just realised that he payed for the coffee I drank... I have to pay him back! Uh, great, now I feel even more embarrassed.

To wrap it up, now my stomach is a mess, and I've been wanting to throw up ever since the first throwing up. And my tongue is killing me. But I just drank Coke with whiskey a few minutes ago. Before you start screaming, my grandma said I should drink some Coke for my stomach! She didn't mention any whiskey in it, I must admit... Ok, ok, I know I havne't been very good, but we all make mistakes sometimes. I promised myself I'll not smoke or drink ouzo until New Year's Eve. I'll drink some ouzo then. But I won't smoke. I made a mistake, I smoke a bit too much these two months (I smoked in Spy's party for the first time, and I've been smoking about 3 cigarrettes a week since then. But not every week. I didn't smoke anything for one whole month, and some weeks I might smoke only 1. Or none.), but I won't smoke anymore. It's not like I liked it so much I was addicted to it, it
s just something to do when you are bored, I guess. Plus, I feel very guilty for making NTR drink and smoke, because he'd never do that on his own, and now the girl that liked him (they'd make the perfect couple) doesn't want him anyomre because he smoked and got drank. If I only found the person that told her!!!

Ok, that's it. From now on, check me. Check my posts. I won't drink (ouzo) or smoke until New Year's Eve. And maybe I will not drink AT ALL till New Year's. Ok...

Contact day!!!
Eye contact day. Uh, the subject I wrote is a bit weird, huh. Yeah, I meant that this is the first day I wore eye contacts at school. Yeahie for me!!! I've bought them like 6 months ago, and this is the, uh, 3rd time I wore them. Actually, I hadn't worn them because I couldn't, but last night I stood up, went to the mirror and said: "I might spend all night here, but I'll get the eye contacts on!". And I did! Yeahie me again! The people at school LOVED it. Some of them were all: "What happened to your glasses?". And I told them I broke them last night, and they believed me. But I'm a good person, so then I told them the truth. Yanna's best friend (still can't find a short version of her name to call her. "Va" just doesn't seem good enough. Some people call her Vasilo, but that's just plain weird, and not short at all. Anyway..) was shocked when she show me. Dialog:

Va: OMG!!! Lexi, where are your glasses???
Lexi: You won't believe what happened... Last night, I broke my glasses.
Va: Poor Lex, how are you going to see now?
Yanna: *laughing silently in the BG*
Lexi: But something even more unbelievable happened this morning!
Va: What?
Lexi: When I woke up, and opened my eyes, I could see! Like, SEE!
Va: *dumbfounded*
Yanna: *chocking on her toast*
Lexi: Yeah... it must have been the prayers to Mana.
Va: Yeah... *look of understanding - she's Mana's ex after all. I'm his daughter. Don't ask, that's a subject for the next entry*
Lexi: He keeps saying his a God, and they don't believe him.
Va: Yeah... *look of utter confusion*
Yanna: *starts laughing loudly*
Va: Joke?
Lexi: Uhuh.
Va: Then how come you see? *silence* Oh! Eye contacts! Silly me!
Lexi & Yanna thinking: You, silly? How can you possibly believe that?

Yeah.... Apart from that, the rest of the reactions were normal. Gina's mother kept on staring in my eyes, repeating: "HOw pretty you are like that. You look happy!". And everyone keeps saying my eyes look bigger. True, of course. But they look different, too. I look like I'm Asian, really. No other person I know (in Greece) has eyes like mine... Maybe I'm adopted? Or maybe Va is really my mother and my dad is Mana? Then maybe I don't have to wear eye contacts anymore? *loses her mind*

On another note, while every other sane being in the school (female being), was looking at my eyes today, Gina was looking at my breasts. Staring, actually. It was kind of weird coz some 12 graders were staring at her staring at my breasts. And Gina said: "You look great with that shirt and that bra...". And I didn't answer. She's doing it on purpose, she's got to be. Ever since Spy told her that we should have kissed since we are best friends, she keeps trying to kiss me. But she never does... Which makes our relationship even weirder than it alreasy is, because I have kind of a crush on her since last year.

Ok... That Physics exam we were writing today? TOUGH!!!! Like, TOUGH-TOUGH. Yeah, you get it. And it was so long and difficult that 20 out of the 26 students didn't finish it in time! I finished, but I have no idea how I did. It was tough...

Oh, and a recap on that "Gina is hitting on my crush" situation. First of all, she still has no idea I liked (notice the -d. Past tense.) that guy, and she didn't even realise it looked like she was hitting on him. You see, Va really-really likes that guy (he's even supposed to be my stepdad! In that scenario where Mana is my dad, I mean.), and she told Gina. Gina, a few days ago, came to me and told me Va had called Spy and comlained that G was hitting on the guy she liked. And Spy told her (what a great friend Spy is, doesn't he make you shiver with his goodfriendness???). And G keeps wonderning why on earth Va would think she was hitting on the guy. So I told her that's what I thought to. And she was all like: "But he's so ugly! I never liked the guy. And I surely never hitted on him. Girls, I swear you must be getting blind."

So, now that we solved all the blinding and sudden seeing issues (what an entry, huh. Really makes you see...), I'm gonna go sleep. Or play the Sims. Whatever.

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A quick update
That's just a quick entry to let you know I'm better than I used to be. I'm not that suicidal these days. Mosly because I have no time to be! biggrin

I've an incredible amount of studying to do... And everything seems so tougher this year! We're writing exams, and they are so tough.... Ugh, all I do is complaining!

I'd like to write a nice big journal entry like the ones I usually write (y'know, the ones where you all scream "when is she going to stop writing???" wink , but I want to go sleep 1-2 hours, because i have to study for my Physics exam and I woke up at 6am today. I'm going to fall asleep on the book, reading about velocity!!! The excersises he wants us to solve are very difficult... The rest, y'know, the reading part, is very easy, and i have no problem answering any questions. But the exs....

Ok, that's it for now!

What's wrong with me...?
Something is wrong with me, I just know it. It's strange, really strange. I wasn't like that. I mean, I always was kind of anti-social, and I always got depressed easily, I never really cared about stuff... But that's another thing completely.

I'm a bit sick, so I didn't get out all weekend. Gina called to invite me to a midnight cinema session with two boys I didn't know. And one of them takes drugs. I didn't go. I just don't care. She got pregnant, she almost died because the kid died, and she just does it all over again. I don't know, I might have done the same thing, who am i to judge anyway? But I can't help but think she's stupid. And her stupidity hurts me... Now she's hitting on the guy I really like, the guy who really likes me. She doesn't know I like him, maybe if she knew she wouldn't hit on him. I know she wouldn't. Gina has many flaws, but she's a loyal friend. Too loyal. But it hurts me when she's hitting on him like that. And she's so obvious, it's rediculous!

So, last night, I couldn't sleep. I was having breathing problems, plus I got a bit angry with a text message Yanna sent me - she said "We're going to the mall tomorrow, would you honor us with your presence?", and it made me mad because she's hinting I'm the anti-social ice queen (Which might be true, by the way...) - so I was in a baaad condition. But that's not what bothers me. What bothers me is all the thoughts I had during that night. I almost comitted suicide. I was ready to take the knife from the cupboard. I was this living dead thing walking up and down the dark house. It creeped me out. I was always easily depressed - it's inherited, my mother is depressional - and I always had dark thoughts and the like, but the way I felt last night creeped me out. What's wrong with me?

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How dare she buy the shirt I was going to buy???
Ok, rant time!
I so hate my friend Yanna right now. Hate her. I'm serious. And it's not just about that shirt the subject talks about. I'm not 5 years old. She has been awful lately. Who does she think she is? If it weren't for Spyro, she would still have no friends at all. Every one of her friends started hanging out with her because she was Spyro's best friend. She's sooo annoyingly dependent on him, and has become like his carbon copy!
Two days ago, she called me, and she sounded really worried. She said she bought some new Vans shoes, and went on to desrcibe them. They sounded really cool, and I told her so. And that's what she said: "Yeah, ok, but I called Spyro, and told him about the shoes, and he told me I should give them back because their fabric is not fashionable! What am I going to do now???". Now, don't dare tell me she;s not dependent from him. I'll laugh.
On the shirt, she knows I have some cloth obsessions. Victorian like black shirts is one of them. We;ve seen this awesome shirt, and she knew I loved it. But I didn't have any money left that day, so I didn't even try it. And today, what do I see? Yanna with the shirt. MY shirt. It's not even her style! She's some sort of Ville Vallo hybrid, what is she doing wearing that shirt??? What annoyed me the most was her gang though. Her best friend a.k.a pet said: "Look, Lex, isn't she looking totally Japanese today???". Yanna, Japanese? If Yanna looks like she's Japanese, I'm looking like I'm Finnish. I don't. And neither does she look Japanese. And since when does Yanna want to look Japanese? I'm really confused and really angry. All I know is that I'm not gonna hang out with her from now on. This was betrayal, and she knows it.
And it's also what she said about my closest best friend (uh... a.k.a pet, but I'm not treating her badly, swear!). She implied that she's pregnant because she is really promiscuous and has had sex. So what? She might have had sex, but it was with her boyfriend of two years! Hello? And yeah, we were worried she might be pregnant, but she hopefully weren't. But it was none of her business. PLus, Spyro was the one that told her about her having sex, and about the times she cheated on her boyfriend. And instead of sitting down and do some explaining, all she said to my little Gina, was: "I'm not gonna let you ruin my friendship with Spyro with your lies!". Friendship??? Whatever. Everytime Spyro calls me, he has something bad to say about Yanna. If she's blind, it's not my fault.

Ok, rant over. Phew, I'm glad I took this off me. It really tired me mentally. Alright, I know nobody will read this, but anyway...

Spy's party

Ok, now that we have this out of our way, we can get into more details about this boring party, hmmmm....?
As I expected, Spyro was awful, ignored me and my friends all the time, and even told lies to his other friends about where we live!
I mean, if he is so ashamed that we are not all living in mansions, why did he bother inviting us?
At least that other girl that co-hosted the party, Lydia, was really great.
She was two years younger than us, and her friends were a tad stupid, but she was really good-hearted and sweet and not at all the rich bimbo Spy wanted us to think she'd be.
Besides, her house was in an area which is quite middle-class (more so than the area I live in), and it was really simple and "un-classy", as Spy would put it.
So then I wonder why Spy did his party there....
I she ashamed to show us his new house or something???
Hm.... I think he might be hiding something.

Anyway, another problem was that there was nothnig to drink.
But me and the others went outside - in the rain - and bought some beers to drink.
And we had some fun recording videos with my mobile phone.

Other than that, it was eternal boredom, and I have decided that I will never bother with Spyro again.

On a brighter side, we have almost no school at all this week because of strikes, and Janna-chan has her birthday party on Saturday (rock party, this is going to be fun!), and then we'll possibly have no school AT ALL next week!
Ok, that's all for now, please comment if you read this!!!

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The simple pleasures in life... Meaning strikes and parties!
Ok, quick recap of what happened to me those last few days....

Lots of teachers went on strike, so we didn't really have school. I mean, we had to go to school, but we wouldn't do even half of the subjects we were supposed to do. Which is always a good thing. I didn't go to school at all during on day of the strike, and I went to my father's village instead. Actually, the big town next to the village. A really pretty city, it might be more rural than Athens, but in some ways it's a lot more modern. I grabbed my cousin, we went to an Internet cafe, then we bought some souvlaki, and then we shared a Bacardi Breezer (he had never drank one before, can you believe it...?)... Well, that was all, but we arranged for me to go down there again some weekend around Halloween.

Next, I have to go to a party tomorrow. My "good" friend (he used to be good, but we just sorta lost it in the way) Spyro is throwing a party together with some female friend called Lydia, who I have just seen from a pic, but I already think she's a bit of an ugly bimbo. But, anyway, I could be wrong. I was planning not to go to the party, because I didn't want to spend all my precious money for some expensive Burberry shirt for Spy and some other expensive outfit for me. But my friends convinced me to go (and a dream I saw in which Spy kissed me helped me decide a bit), so I'm going. We arranged a meetup tomorrow morning so that I can go find Spy a gift, and a shirt for me (everything else is arranged now, thankfully). There's a nice shop that has sales, and has awesome Paul Frank shirts for 30Euro (Spy is a brand freak, so I have to buy him something well-known). And I'll buy a shirt from Pull and Bear for me.

Ok, anyway, that is all for now, expect a post in 1-2 days from now explaining the joys of Spy's party (at least we'll have some fun making fun of the rich bimbos that Spy has as friends... yes, we're bad, I know...).

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