Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Blade of heart by Fallen Demonic Heart
- Somthing i thought up
- Gracias, mi amor by heavens_little_devil23
- A thank you poem to the one I love
- Figment of Imagination by MyShAtTeReDmEmOrY
- Something I thought up while bored. Well, not so much bored, just with nothing else to do. Please comment and rate. I'm really in need of constructive critisism.
- The Worlds End by Dark and Light Geo
- This is what i see the world turning into
- Why Did It Have To Be You? by heavens_little_devil23
- ...self explanitory.
- Crap by strawberryweed
- A couplet just something i wrote when i was angry... A bit bad but what the hell...
- God did you Hear by Zanbu Hiroshi
- The Columbine shooting in song form and from my perspective
- alone by Fireboyinfernomonster15
- a poem on how lonely i am, a poem about my feelings
- Swaying by Lovely Kyuketsuki
- poem...rough draft ...still working on it
- Its only the dark by partyganster14
- goth man sexxy boy song
- Slowly by Hailey_Lebeau
- Just something I came up with when I was going through therapy. I don't think it's that good but why don't you guys decide.
- Shooting Star. by ll CrackKid ll
- Read it. (:
- death bed by xJetrinJustDiex
- ...idk
- Who Am I? by xsilverxshiningxneko
- Enjoy i know it sucks but enjoy anyway
- Her Poison Lust Pervades by Artistic Agony
- Figure out the meaning yourself =3
- Life's Reminder by ayabaya
- Im not sure if it really counts as poetry but i didnt want to put it under nonfiction cuz that didnt seem to fit either so please just read it! :D
- Root Beer by ArashiTsuyoi81
- My love for root beer! I love root beer! Why must they take the Root beer away! T_T