Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Life's Candle by Redwolf216
- a poem relating life to a candle (do you understand it?)
- Amazing by kanye west by II I_SeXy_JaMeS II
- this song i love its pretty cool
- tears by Alexsandria the dark wolf
- have u ever cryed aloun? if u haven't than you'd never understand. i feel hart broke'n.
- Spring by Naikoru105
- When you cry by xX-MelGal-Xx
- Just a little cute poem I made up about my friend in 1st grade.
- Footprints by C_SLIME
- Here something I thought of myself. Hope you like it.....
- Mental Destruction by The_Homicidal_Mad_Hatter
- Most people get confused and think that it is about a bullet going in my head. It's not. The bullet represents the government's instrument to turn us into brainless drones. I'm not going to let them take over my free will.
- joy by Call me Peachez
- nrw. this is to my chain poem's. i wrote darkness first, so this is second to it. sory if it's not good.
- Best Friends by 1-800-BuBBles_Go_POP
- This is dedicated to my BEST friend!! Mia!! Her Username is XxXLiL_MiSS_SuGaR_SwEetxXx
- Hello Spring by tora-chanmsb
- spring is on it's way so this is contribute sripng hope your enjoy
- What Does It Matter? by Pykra
- hm....this poem is about doing things u know u don't want to, but you'll do it anyways....but where's the explination???
- My Greatest Pleasure by Loc0-Angel
- a love poem i made, hope you enjoy it ;P. 2nd edition.
- Thinking of You by IHeartUForever_101
- This is a poem about the first time u get that feeling...when u see someone u really like..
- What love is by Southern Inhospitality
- Its a love poem basically.My usal repetitional style.