• Like the cold winter night, you are silent.
    Some love you, and perhaps some hate you.
    Isn't it too bad? Your coldness hurts
    And you don't even know it.

    I pity you.
    Not knowing the future of others, let alone yourself.
    Cold nights don't last forever.


    Like a gentle song, your voice was so sweet.
    Who knew that such words could be spoken from you?
    Those words seemed so real,
    But were they?

    Did you know?
    An antonym of 'lying' also exists.


    Like a doll, you stand there.
    You are not you, but what others call "you".
    It's a sad existence,
    Though I'm sure you've decided on it yourself.

    Isn't it ironic?
    Your fakeness is the proof of your reality.


    It's a little funny how I compared you to these.
    I shouldn't have had to
    For you to know your true self.