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War for Control
This is something i've been working on very slowly but it's happening, so enjoy!

Five years ago the Queen of Bolian mysteriously disappeared and with no husband or an heir to the throne it was open to anyone who wished to take it. The Kings of the neighboring countries argued for five years over who should rightfully take the throne for themselves, causing conflict between them and their countries, but by the time they settled their differences it was too late. The throne was claimed and the new ruler of Bolian meant business.

War for Control

Chapter One

She watched it from a cave high up in the mountains, the downfall of another village. Thick black smoke rose up into the sky, blanketing it with darkness; soon the rain would fall and help extinguish the fires. She shook her head with a heavy sigh and wondered how it had come to this.

It was just a gang. She kept telling herself. Just a stupid gang.

The girl was seventeen year old Tonya from the first village that fell after the throne was claimed. She had long purple hair tied back with a leather strap and light blue eyes with a dark blue ring around the pupil, a sign that she had the traits of the ancient telekinetic beings, a dieing race that is feared throughout the lands. Her clothes were simple, black pants dotted with dirt tucked into a pair of brown boots, and a black shirt with a rip diagonally up her torso, from her right hip to her left shoulder. There was a dagger tucked into the back of her pants, the hilt bound with leather, which was given to her by her sister. With another deep sigh she stood, brushed the dust of her pants and made her way down into the forest, following the narrow path that spiraled down the mountain side.

The forest was lush and, for now, was untouched by the Seifuku Army, ‘Queen’ Roku’s special army. Seifuku meant ‘conquer’ and that’s exactly what they did, they went from village to village in the Bolian region and crushed it, taking prisoners that would eventually serve Roku in her army. It had only been a few months since she began her reign but Roku had wiped out almost half of the country, the Bolian people were peaceful and didn’t fight back. It was their biggest mistake ever.

Tonya thought about the village as she walked, wondering how many people the army had taken and how many had resisted and were killed. She decided she would help any survivors bury the dead and help them through their loss, after that she would join the leaders of the neighboring countries in a secret meeting to discuss Bolian’s current Queen. Nodding in a silent agreement with herself she continued on deep in thought.

Meanwhile hidden deeper in the trees was a rugged man stalking his pray. His short, yet shaggy black hair slightly covered his brown eyes and a small amount of stubble dotted his jaw line. He wore a white shirt that was open, due to missing buttons, and was covered in grass stains, brown pants, also covered in grass, and scuffed black boots. In his right hand was a sheathed sword that he carried around because the strap would always break. He was knelt down in the thick bushes watching as a large rabbit hopped towards a treat he had left out for it...or so the rabbit thought. In seconds the rabbit was dangling by its foot from a snare and the man leapt out of his hiding place, unsheathing his sword and ready to slit his prey’s throat when another rabbit hopped out of the bush, a younger one. The man looked from one to the other and with a deep sigh cut the snare and set the adult rabbit down.

"Go...before I change my mind." He watched his dinner hop away and grumbled to himself as he headed back to his camp. It had been weeks since his last meal and he was beginning to regret letting the rabbit go. His camp consisted of a fire pit and a small tent, with odd bits of cutlery he found in abandoned villages that he used for snare alarms, which went off a few moments after he entered the camp site and by the sound of it, it was a big catch. Running through the trees he made his way to his catch only to find it wasn't what he had expected, a young girl with long purple hair hung upside down with her arms crossed and a knife on the ground below her. The man stepped out of the trees and studied the girl, instantly noticing her eyes. "Levitating problems?"

"The blood has rushed to my head." She explained and quietly mumbled. "Plus I’m not that good at it."

"You look familiar."

"We've never met." She quickly insisted. "Can you get me down please?"

"Sure" He climbed up the tree and drew his blade. "Get ready it's quite a drop." He waited for a moment before running the blade along the snare. The girl dropped a bit but stayed in mid air for a moment with her eyes closed, she then cautiously opened them and let out a relieved sigh. Unfortunately it wouldn't last and she dropped to the ground next to her knife, the man chuckled and watched as the girl picked herself up and dust of her pants before joining her. "You're right; you're not that good at it."

"I'm glad you noticed." She picked up her blade, tucked it into the back of her pants and studied the man again. "I'm Tonya, from the first village that fell."

"Storm, from the third." He extended his hand to her and she took it. "Where are you heading?"

"To the village that was attacked, I was going to see if there were any survivors."

Storm raised his head to the direction of the village; the smoke was still rising but had thinned as the fires died down. “You’ll be lucky, they don’t leave survivors.”

“Well you never know.” She shrugged.

“Are you sure we’ve never met?” He studied her again, tilting his head to the side.

“I’m sure.” Her eyes narrowed at him. He shrugged, looking to a bush, and suddenly dived behind it, reappearing with a large bird in hand.

“Finally some dinner!”

She shook her head. “Rabbit are tastier.”

“Well I let the last one go.” He frowned and set off for his camp, Tonya followed closely behind him.

“You have something against the Seifuku, right?”

“Of course, why?”

“Well…I happen to know that the Kings from the neighboring countries are having a secret meeting, they’re going to discuss a way to defeat Roku. If you want you can come along, I’m going to need all the help I can get.”

“You’re going to need it? Were you planning to take her on?”

“Someone has to, all that the Kings have done to help the situation is argue and point fingers at one another.”

“True.” He thought for a moment and shook his head. “No, I don’t want to be involved in this war.”

“No offence, but you were involved in this war when Roku sent her Army to your village.” She frowned. “At least think about it a little more first, the meeting will be held up in the mountain in a day’s time.”

“Fine, I’ll think about.”

She nodded and set off down a separate path through the trees looking over her shoulder occasionally to see if she was being followed, by who she didn’t know, and felt at ease each time she knew nobody was there. When she reached the edge of the village she stepped back behind a tree to witness the continuous onslaught of the people and silently prayed for their souls as a tear rolled down her cheek. “Please stop this Roku, it’s not their fault.”

War for Control

Chapter Two

A tall man stood at the window of an Inn, he had shoulder length black hair, that was tied back, and deep hazel eyes that were emotionless as he observed the actions of his so-called ‘companions’; although he rarely spoke to them. He was dressed in a dark blue-almost black-shirt and baggy black pants tucked into knee high boots, a broad sword sat in his back and daggers hung from his waist, and a book was tucked under his left arm.

“Excuse me, Sir.” A small voice caught the man’s attention and he turned to a young quivering Seifuku solider. “Y-You’re Jin, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” He answered his tone flat and emotionless, as if bored of the soldier already. “But do not address me as Sir again; I’m not your commanding officer.”

The soldier nodded and hurried outside, soon after Jin followed opening his book as he made his way to a cart filled with all the villager’s possessions on board as a middle aged man charged out of the Inn, swinging a rake and heading towards Jin. As quick as a flash Jin drew his sword to block the attack, never turning to face his opponent never lifting his head from the book, sliced the handle of the rake in two and plunged his blade into the man’s chest, only then did he look over his shoulder to confirm the identity of his victim; the owner of the Inn. The reason the owner had made a foolish attempted to kill the Seifuku soldier was because his son had made the same mistake, and met the same fate. Sheathing his weapon Jin knelt down beside the owner, pulled a coin out of the owner’s pocket and placed it on the dead man’s tongue.

“For the boatman.” He muttered as he closed his mouth and hopped onto the cart, reopening his book.

Tonya slid down into a sitting position after witnessing the death of the Inn owner, she knew that Roku had three of the most ruthless soldiers in her Army and Jin was actually one of the softest, the other two she didn’t want to think about. She watched once more as two more soldiers stepped out of the Inn and hop onto the nearby cart, waiting until it was out of sight before cautiously stepping on into the village. Tonya searched and searched for any sign that someone was alive in the village, but she saw none, everyone was dead; even the children. Wiping a stray tear from her eye, she brought the remaining bodies she could find together and burnt them, lifting her head to the sky to pray, and headed back to the forest when she was done. She saw smoke rising in the distance and made her way through the tree’s to investigate, coming out into a campsite.

“Well it looks like no one saw you.” Storm said from the fire pit and beckoned her closer. “Any survivors?”

“No, not even children…” She replied with a heavy sigh and sat opposite him. “And to make things worse I had to burn the bodies so the animals wouldn’t eat them.”

Storm shook his head and gave her a sympathetic look. “What did we do to deserve this?” He watched as Tonya shrugged and cast her eyes to the fire. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“You’re going to over cook the bird…” She muttered and looked away. “Have you thought about what I said?”

“A little bit. Are they planning an attack?”

“No but I am, I’m just letting them know I’m not the bad guy here.”

“What have you got against her?” He asked as he pulled a leg from the bird and offered her some. She shook her head.


His brow rose and he gave her a questionable look. “She killed everyone in your village and yet you have nothing against her? So why are you planning an attack?”

“My reasons are my own.” She looked back at him and tilted her head to the side. “Why aren’t you afraid of me?”

“Excuse me?” He asked with his mouth full.

“I’m from the Telek race, we are greatly feared, so why aren’t you afraid?”

“There are scarier things than you in this world, the ‘Queen’ for example.” He thought for a moment. “Isn’t she a Telek too?”

Tonya nodded. “She is.”

“It must have been the eyes I recognized, not you.” He tore the last bits of meat from the bone and tried to offer her some again. “Are you sure you don’t want any? Or are you vegetarian?”

“I just don’t feel like eating.” She thought for a second then turned back to Storm. “You said it was my eyes you recognized, not me, have you seen Roku before?”

“She graced us with her malevolent presence as my village burnt down.” He sneered. “I have a question for you.”

“Go on.”

“Your village was the furthest away from the castle so why did she start there?”

“It’s where she grew up as a child, the villagers hated her and hated me too, and she wanted revenge on them.”

“Alright but why did she attack the other villages?”

“Drunk with power I guess.” She shrugged and looked up at the sky. “I didn’t realize the sun had set…”

“Neither did I…Where have you been sleeping?”

“A cave up in the mountains.” She stood and Storm signaled for her to sit.

“It’s too dangerous to wander back up there in the dark, you can stay here tonight.”

“Thanks…” She returned to her sitting position as Storm lay down for the night and with a sigh she looked off into the distance of where the castle stood tall.

Two Months Ago.

“Tonny…wake up Tonny.”

“Hm…sister?” Tonya rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she looked up at her older sister.

“Keep hold of this for me.” She pushed the hilt of a knife into Tonya’s hand with a smirk. “But I want it back someday.”

“Someday? Where are you going?”

“Nowhere far, honest. It’s about time people started treating us the same, don’t you think?”

Tonya nodded slowly. “But where are you going?”

“It doesn’t matter ‘cause I’m coming back for you anyway.” She turned her back to Tonya and walked out of the room.

“Sister, wait!” Tonya leapt out of bed and chased her to the outside, but when Tonya stepped out of their home, her sister was gone.

A Week Later.

Tonya watched as the fires burnt in the distance from her family’s small house just outside the village. She could hear the terrified cries and screams of the dieing and covered her ears to block them out. Her mother pulled her from the window and held her tight.

“You mustn’t watch, Tonya.”

“Who’s doing that mother, why can’t I help?” She looked into her mother’s chocolate brown eyes as she stroked Tonya’s hair with a sad smile.

“Because…they will probably think you did it, you know what they’re like. Besides, your father has gone to help.”

Tonya nodded when a large bang came from the door, she stepped in front on her mother as a second bang echoed through the room, along with wood cracking, the door gave in on the third attack and five soldiers rushed inside with their swords raised. Tonya extended her arms to the men with her palms facing them, the blue circle around her pupil began to glow and a burst of energy threw the men back against the wall, knocking them out.

“Take it easy Tonny.” Tonya whirled around to face her sister and smiled, throwing her arms around the eldest of the two.

“Sister, I’ve missed you!” She laughed. “Where have you been?”

“With those guys.”

“You’re with them?” Tonya took a step back. “But they’re attacking the village…”

“I know.”

“But…” Tonya stared at her sister helplessly; lost for words and confused. “But…”

“You monster!” Their mother shouted and picked up a kitchen knife. “We knew you’d try something like this.” She lunged forward and then froze on the spot. Tonya’s gaze went from her mother to her sister, her eyes were glowing.

“I’m the monster? What about all those people who’ve burnt father’s crops year after year because we are children of the Telek’s? What about all those people who have thrown rocks at you? Pushed you over and made you loose the only child you could bear? What about them ‘mother’?”

“We forgave them…and if you stop this then we will forgive you…”

“Before or after you stab me to death?” She growled.

“During.” Their mother admitted. “I can’t risk you doing it again, but I will forgive you, I promise.”

“Forgive this!” Her eyes glowed once more and their mother plunged the blade into her chest.

“Mother!” Tonya caught the woman’s body as she fell.

“She’s not our mother Tonny, she never was.” Her sister snapped.

“I know but she loved us like we were her own, isn’t that right?” She brushed her mother’s blonde hair from her face.

“Th-That’s right…and…and I…forgive you…” She whispered and took her last breath.

“No…MOTHER!!” Tonya screamed and tears rushed down her face. “Sister how could you!?”

“She chose to be against us and now you have to make a choice, sister. Are you with us…or against us?”

“Against you!” She jumped to her feet and ran past her sister to the rear door, picking up a sword as she did. She raced down to the village, cutting down any soldier that stood in her way. “Father!” She shouted as she searched the burning village. “Father, where are you!?” She skidded to a stop as she saw a body a few feet in front of her with an arrow in their back. She ventured forward a little further until she saw their face; she gasped and took off again, this time into the forest.

Tonya jolted upright and looked around, she could make out the outline of Storm as he slept and nodded. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and steadied her breathing. She was still in the forest and she was safe. Tonya looked over to Storm once more as he groaned in his sleep, probably having nightmares of his own. She lay down once more, closed her eyes and prayed for a dreamless sleep.

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H.A.M Japan!

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