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Auliro's Wonderous World of... Nothing You Care About ^_^
So... I haven't writen it yet so I don't know what this is about. But I like to rant, and ramble, and talk to myself. I suppose those will be major factors. I'm also fond of bragging, cause I'm kinda arrogant, so that will probably be there, too. Wha
Fat White Cat
Thanks to those who posted reviews. I know know who 4 of the 12 screen names were who read/looked at my last entry. The forth really should have been an easy guess, but sometimes you just miss things.

What gets to me, though, is that by the second day this was up I had six views. Six! Two of which weren't two of the four I know. I hadn't made any posts since I posted the entry, and didn't do much around Gaia, so it didn't seem very likely that people just wandered in... unless Gaia fixed some of the things with the journal listings, which I suppose is possible.

Meh, it's not really import. Just something to ramble about. I'm actually just writing right now to kill time. I have like two and a half hours before I have to be at school (it's WASL week... if you don't live in Washington you don't really have to know what that means.) But we had morning practice anyway. I mean, school doesn't start till 10:30 for juniors and seniors, and I still have to get up at 4:15. Just isn't fair. But today I didn't mind so much. Partially because Mark (morning coach) was half an hour late, so we all got to watch him do 90 push ups (which was fun, and boy is he in shape!) then we cut practice short and went to breakfast. I had a milkshake, which sent me into shivers. I had a momentary lapse in judgement and forgot that it's flipping cold outside. And inside, for that matter.

But afterwards I headed over to Maude's house, walked inside without knocking, didn't see anyone, went back outside, called them on my cell phone. Maude answered, I came back in. She was off taking medicine, and left me to set up the DVD player to watch a movie. But for whatever reason it wasn't working right. It's just tricky, it does that with everyone. but anywho, while waiting for her I started writing this, then she came out, set up the DVD player, and is off in the kitchen doing something else at the moment. I figured I could just finish writing this out until she's finished eating breakfast or whatever.

*sighs* I'm not sure what else to say. I mean, there's a lot of things I could say, but I don't really feel up to it. I did a little while ago, like when I was working out this morning, but not so much at the moment. Morning practice was fun, though. It was a land workout, and it was nice not to be in the water for a bit. Not that I don't love swimming, but the chlorine is starting to bug me. I always smell like chlorine. Which normally isn't that big a deal, because I can't smell it. But still, it makes me itchy and drys my skin out. *Shrugs* it could be worse, though, couldn't it?

And this is a very interesting movie. It's called "The Cat Returns," an anime. It's very interesting. There was a parade of cats... and then this cat king... who looks very odd... and this girl saved the kings only son... and yeah. It's funny ^_^

I wish I was tired, then I could sleep. But I'm really not. I should do homework, though. Work on my senior speach and such. That would be the smart thing. Or at least the time managing one. But I'm really not up to it. I'd rather just push it around in my head a bit more. I actually started to write some of it out yesterday, and now I'm thinking I should work on my board first, but I can't do that until mom gets me some of the pictures I need, and I go somewhere to get them enlarged so that you can see them from anywhere in the bloody room. Or some such thing. I just want it to look nice. But I also have to think about a stupid theme for my portfolio. >.< Which would be nice because I could carry it over to my poster board, which I need a title for. I should be good one I get the title...

It would be fun to be able to talk to cats. I could ask Mario why he was running around in zigzags yesterday. Or what's up with Maude's cat Mika, who's such a spaz. She let me pick her up earlier this morning, and let me pet her a lot, but I went to pet her later and she just flipped out. Wait, I think Mika's a he.... Is Mika a he? No, Maude say's she's a girl. *shrugs* go figure. This is such an awsome movie. There's a guy in a top hat! A cat in a hat, and a suit! I want one! God, wouldn't that be spiffy? To have a cat in a suit! But it's so small! He does have one of those spiffy accents, though. Not like cool-spiffy, more like Sherlock Homes-spiffy. But he's missing a pipe.

It's not really important, I guess. But the bird's attacking the fat white cat.

I should think of something to write about. I've been milling over too many things lately, that I'm kind of sick of them all. And at the moment I'm kind of thinking that I should choose between writing either a letter to my host family, an e-mail to a friend, or my senior speach. Unfortunately I don't know how to begin any of them. Funny how that works.

Dang it, I was going to say something. Then the movie distracted me. Stupid movie. *sticks tounge out at it*

Oh, yes! I had an interesting weekend, but I wouldn't put it past being more than okay. (Don't want to give you a play by play on the movie, but you should watch it. ^_^) Friday night was the best. I was able to hang out with Maude and Ian at Maude's house, and it was just a really good time. Hanging out can be a blast sometimes. It was the only time in the last two weeks that I was able to really relax. We went out for ice cream and ran into Derek, a guy I used to know back in junior high, somewhat a friend of Ian's. Somewhat. Anywho, that's only relevent because the rest of the weekend was a time for my to run into old friends. Like, Saturday I went over to Scott's to do homework, because my house was a mess, my mom was cleaning, and everyone was doing an insane amount of things that bugged me. I had to get out of the house so that I could focus on things.

Anywho, at Scott's, he wasn't much up for doing homework, which was fine, he was mostly online chatting with people. Then my friend Mandy got online, and she was having a hard time with a few different things, so we invited her over to help chear her up. Then I called David and asked if he wanted to come over, and we hung out for awhile. Then we went to dinner at Taco Bell, because it was cheap, and ran into chelsea there. Chelsea's also a friend from junior high. We don't keep in touch as much as we used to, but I enjoyed talking to her. It's funny, every time I honestly say that I don't think me and Chelsea will be talking anymore, or hanging out or anything like that, she shows up again. That isn't nessacarily a bad thing, or a good one, just an interesting one. (Interesting is the adjective that you use when you can't think of one. It's both like it and think it's one of the most annoying adjectives out there.)

This movie kicks a**. Just thought I'd point it out.

But yeah, so Chelsea and I are going to set up a movie night, we had one a few months ago. That was a scary movie night... which was interesting. I don't know if we want to have another scary movie night, not that I mind scarry movies, but we might want some other genre. Granted, they haven't seen ginger snaps 2 yet, and I hear there's a 3rd one. Um.... plus there has to be some cheesy vamp movie we could throw in for fun. *Shrugs*

Okay, I think I'm about out of things to bs about. The movie is almost over. What else do I want to do? *ponders* No idea. Scott left a book in my car, I need to drop it off at his house, sometime.

The king cat's cross eyed.

Oh, check out the white cat! evil bad guy! or was it evil good guy? *shakes head* no bother. I'm really talking about nothing, aren't I. And man those are a lot of stairs.

This morning one of the stations in the land workout were jumping up these stairs. The viewing area is set up with two foot stairs, and we have two stations on them. One is running up them kind of sideways. The other is hopping up them bunny style. It's a lot of fun. But eventually it starts to hurt. Then we had to jog two laps around the pool between stations. I was starting to be really slow so I decided to keep pace with Josh, one of our managers who was working out with us and running dangerously fast on the pool deck. Manuvering around all of the girls on a slightly wet deck is just a tad bit difficult, but it's a blast. Not to mention I almost had to sprint to keep up with him. I forgot how much fun it was to run.

Okay, so I'm a dork. I don't like to race, I don't like to be in sports like track or swimming, but I love to run. Just throw me out on a track, and I'll sprint a bit until I'm tired, and I'll love it. Or I'll just jog a mile or two, and while it's hell when I'm doing it, afterwards I feel great. I used to be like that with swimming. Before water polo started I'd go swimming once or twice a week, and I would just keep going because I just wanted to move. It wasn't about the game, or the speed, just about getting all of that pent up energy out of me. Right now I feel like running, but it's not fun by myself if I'm actually running fast. And it's too cold. My nose ends up running if I excersize in the cold, and that gets old real quick.

Meh. I don't know what I want to do. Spring break was a bad idea. Ever since it I've been waiting for summer. Seniorities has got me full fledged. It's under my sking and inside my brain, like a little bug feasting on my frustrations. And I don't have any bug spray. And my spelling really sucks today. Off topic, I know, but I just wanted to appologise.

I can't wait for my birthday party. I don't know when it will be, Maude and I haven't decided, but it's going to be a joint party, and prolly a co-ed sleep over. I figure, hey, we're 18, we can go out for a night, maybe camping, with all our friends. I'm there so parents don't have to worry about drugs or booze. Sorry to those who want to screw themselves over, but I like my body, and my since of judgement, and I'm actually kind of a good kid about that sort of thing. Anywho, so, we'll prolly have it before our birthdays because I think some people are leaving afterwards for various reasons. I know Ian's gonna head out somewhere with his friend Zach to do something. I wanted to take a senior trip with Maude, but I don't know where. We were considering a road trip to California, but that kicked the can a while ago. For various reasons. Now I'm thinking maybe up to Canada. Not that I haven't been there before, but they have good sushi. I'm not even joking, I'm considering Canada just because they have a large Asian population and know how to make real sushi. American sushi sucks. For the most part. Now that Maude's been to Japan she understands all of my comments on American oriental food. Not that I don't like it, but it's not the same as what's in Japan.

I do believe I was talking about my birthday party, though. We're still working out the details, Maude has a spesific spot that she wanted it to be at. I need to tell her to set the date, tell me how much it's going to cost, and then work with my mom to get the money. The guest list is a work in progress, I don't know how many people can come yet. I know I've invited a few. Um... I know what I'm getting Maude for her birthday, I think I've told her. It's a super soaker. Because at my parties we always end up having water fights. Oh, I remember my sixthteenth birthday party, that was so much fun. I ended up drenched. Then I changed clothes, then I got drenched again. Thank god it wasn't cold out. But yeah, I don't know who all will be there yet. I'm trying to think about who I should invite. There are the classics (friends from junior high that I keep in touch with), Maude's friends (gah, I have no idea who those would be. Not that she doesn't have friends, I just don't know who she'd invite), and my school friends. The problem with my school friends is that I don't know how they'd get along with my other friends. They're all cool people, but my school friends are kind of the smart, AP student crowd. My other friends are more of the... how would you explain them? I don't even know anymore. But they're different. Rockers, punks, Ian's been called a Nazi a time or two... (isn't that sad? Not going there, though.) It should be VERY interesting, though. I wonder what sort of cake we should have...

but yeah, I believe it's two months and 27 days until I'm 18. one month, thirty days until I graduate. *dances about* It's exciting, in a way. There's just a lot to do, though. Too much to do. *bangs head on something hard.* How I wish I could just skip the next month, and have everything that I need done get done. It would be nice.

Oh, we had a meeting with our water polo coach yesterday during practice. By "we" I mean the team leaders. It's long over due, I don't really want to go into great detail. I told Maude most of it, and that is enough for me. But Merriman, one of our captins, wrote up an interesting letter (see, you don't know what interesting means there, do you?) and gave it to everyone on the team. That letter made things complicated when coach found it, one of the girls on the team showed it to him (no comment on that one). But the important part of my mentioning this is that Merriman wrote in the letter that Coach and the team speak two seperate languages, and it's so true. In this meeting, I don't think what we said got through to him. And if it did, he had a hard time showing it, because he always seemed to be saying the same thing, and that thing didn't always answer our different questions. Every question does not have the same answer. So either coach or us were screwing something up. *shakes head* I don't know where that's going to go. All I know is that I'm playing goalie again this next game because Merriman is being kept out.

Oh, I scored my first goal. Holy s**t, that was awsome. It's was a buetiful shot, too, and I'm not just saying that. Personally, I thought it was easy as anything, but afterwards my friend/the coach/one of the captins all said it was a perfect/great/awsome shot. And I'm just thinking "Holy s**t! It went in!" But anywho, I was playing field, and believe it or not, I'm not half bad. And guess what, no one with a lick of sense can say honestly that I can't shoot! I sware, some of the girls didn't think I could. Dunno why, they were at practice watching me. Well, actually, they were prolly at practice goofing off. But my partner and I took first place in the passing contest, so obviously I can pass and catch while controlling the ball, and I came in second in cut throat (kind of like bump if you play basketball) so I must have some tallent. But hey, I'm just a goalie who was thrown into field. ^_^ Whatever. I still kicked a** that game.

Mmm.... what else... my mind's wandered back to those unknown readers. Not that I mind that they read, far from it. I love it when people read my stuff. Heck, I love to write, and I don't just write for myself. This is mostly for myself, but whatever. I'm just curious. I'm incredibly curious. I like to know things. *shrugs* It's just who I am. and that fact that I don't know who's reading this is kind of odd. In the past I could at least guess. Very rarely were there this many people looking in. I'm actually gonna check out the journal thing after this to see if the listing is working now, because before it didn't seem to be. If the listing is working then when I post this it'll be bumped to the top of it, and people will have the chance to look in. That would explain large numbers of people checking it out. they wouldn't actually have to read it, they could just click on it, then go away, and it would still count as a view.

This is enough nonsense for the moment. I should go find something else to do. *waves to the nice people.* I hope this wasn't too pointless.

ja ne

User Comments: [4] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 19, 2005 @ 11:42pm
Nah, it wasn't that pointless. I needed to waste a half an hour anyways.

One of my personal beliefs... THINGS CAN ALWAYS GET WORSE.

Interesting is an interesting word that you can use in to many interesting ways that make the whole experience more interesting to use interesting. Wow that was so interesting, wasn't it? xd

::Writes on a peice of paper "Buy super soaker for self by June":: ninja

And, it's Japan... how more Japanese can it get?

Good job on the goal ::Much clapping and congratulations insues::

And I would discribe us "old friends" as an interesting assortment of anti-social personalities. Though, being anti-social makes you social all over again for some reason so it's become an oximoron. But anyways, we're a variety pack of life if you had to call us anything.

Edit: ::Notices his avie is VERY dark looking and remembers he in no way like that avie:: Yes, and interesting perdicament.

::Changes avie's look:: There. ^w^

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 21, 2005 @ 10:40am
Oh yeah, forgot to mention we start at 11:20 xP

: biggrin raws your avie after finishing his own::

Aww it's such a pretty picture >3<

::Will show you once it's tranfered to ink and scanned in::

Lil Tohya Miho
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 22, 2005 @ 06:55am
congrats on the goal

scarry movies are happy smile

write more poetry, it's nifty stuff.

commentCommented on: Sat Apr 23, 2005 @ 01:57am

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