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Ardnix: Chapter 4
Ardnix: Chapter 4
An Eventful Day

~Thomas went to bed last night thinking about the kiss he got from Jennifer. He dreamed about it. He woke up with it as the first thing on his mind. He jumped out of bed and ran to his desk. He was hoping to find a note he wrote for himself last night telling himself that it wasn't just a dream. He had a big smile on his face seeing it. The one thing he didn't think of finding was now in his grasp. He found a girl he suddenly liked, and it showed that she liked him.

~He woke up at 9 A.M. which was suprisingly early for him. He wondered when he should go to see Jennifer. He was still in his clothes from yesterday because he fell asleep in them. He was about to get ready to take a shower, when the doorbell rang. Kayla and her parents were still sleeping. He went down to answer the door.

~It was Jennifer. "Hi Thomas."

~"Oh. Hey Jennifer. You're here early."

~"I'm not too early am I?" She asked worridly. "I can come back if you want me to."

~"No, no. It's okay. You're just lucky I'm actually awake. I usually sleep late. Some how I woke up early."

~"I know what you mean. I woke up at 7. I usually wake up at 8."

~"I usually wake up at 1 P.M." Thomas said feeling a little stupid.

~"Really? That late?"

~"I like to spend time at night better."

~"You seem fine in school."

~"I'm tired, but I drink alot of coffee." They stayed silent a moment. Thomas scratched his head. "Why don't you come up? I'm just going to take a shower and then we can go." Jennifer and Thomas went up to his room. He got some clothes from his drawer and went into his personal bathroom he had connected to his bedroom.

~Kayla woke up and went into Thomas' room. She was suprised to hear the water running because he never gets up this early. She noticed Jennifer sitting there. "Wha... What are you doing here so early? NO! You didn't sleep HERE did you?"

~Jennifer was suprised to see Kayla. "No... I just got here."

~"Well what are you here so early for?"

~"Uhhh..." She hesitated. "I let him borrow something before I left last night. I just came to get it back and he asked me to wait until he took a shower."

~"What did you let him borrow?"

~"My iPOD. I have it right here. He was just adding songs to it for me."

~"Oh. Hey, are we going to do anything today?"

~"I can't I have to do something with my brother. You know him, he never tells me."

~"Oh well. I guess I'll see you later." Kayla left and Jennifer sighed. Thomas came out of the bathroom washed and dressed. "Feeling good?" She asked.

~"Just great." He replied smiling. "Was that just Kayla in here?"

~"Yea she was. I told her that I'm going with my brother."

~"Ah, good. I feel bad keeping this from Kayla though. You know?"

~"I know, but I don't want her to try and help me too. She thinks my parents are just away."

~"Why does she think that?"

~"When I first met her she just thought they were away. At first I just wanted her to go away but she wouldn't. I'm glad she didn't though. I just never talked those first few days. So I let her keep thinking that."

~"Oh... You just never told her."

~"Yea. Well lets get going. I'll leave and wait at the library. You make an excuse and meet me there."

~"Ok. I'll see you there." Jennifer left. Thomas waited a while before he left. He sat on his computer playing around. When he was just about to leave Kayla walked in.

~"Come on Thomas, we are going to the mall." Kayla demanded.

~"I can't. I have plans."

~"You have plans? You never have plans."

~"I've decided to explore a bit. I never go anywhere just to sit like I used to."

~"You used to do that all the time. I guess you should find your spot. You know when you'll be back?"

~"No. No clue."

~"Well don't stay out too long. Jennifer's brother usually keeps her out all day."

~"I'll try." Thomas gave Kayla a hug and left. He quickly got to the library and met up with Jennifer.

~Kayla didn't know how to spend her day. She decided to go to the mall alone. She didn't notice but she was being followed.

~"So what should we do first Jennifer?"

~"Want to go to the arcade?"

~"We are doing what you want to do."

~"We'll go to the arcade then." When they got to the arcade they got to play all the games free. The owner was a friend of Jennifer's brother. "Let's go play Virtual On."

~"Virtual On? That game is so old. They actually have it here? Thats great." Thomas and Jennifer sat down to play Virtual On. A robot fighting game. Thomas Picked to be the pink female robot that shot hearts. Jennifer picked the slower powerhouse.

~"Why did you pick that one? It is so girly." Jennifer said taunting him."

~"Because its the best. Its so fast and decently powerful. Don't mock it."

~Jennifer laughed. "So you don't play for looks."

~"Looks are only part of it. The rest is efficency and personality. I believe this applies to all things."

~"Thats pretty deep." Jennifer said impressed.

~"You think so?"

~"Definitely. I bet a lot of girls like you." She said to ask the question 'Are you seeing someone?' with out it being obvious.

~"None that I know of. I've been single all this time. I'm okay with it though. I'm assuming the fact that you don't really talk to anyone means the same for you?"

~"No. I've dated plenty of guys."

~"Really?" This was not what Thomas was hoping to hear.

~"Sort of. I go out with him for about a week and then he just wants sex. I never gave it up so they all went after other girls."

~This brought Thomas' faith back. "That is just stupid. If that is all they want it isn't worth your time."

~"Thanks. Its glad to know there are some good guys left in the world."

~Kayla was still being followed in the mall. The figure she did not notice followed her everywhere.

~"So what happened to your powerhouse?" Thomas said taunting Jennifer. "Thats 21-13 wins."

~"I give up. You are too good at his game."

~"I should be. I had it in my house."

~"How did you manage that?"

~"It took my mom a few Christmases, but she got it."

~"Thats so awesome. Too bad its gone."

~"Yea. I could have had parties and set it to pay."

~Jennifer laughed. "Thats so mean."

~"Well they aren't paying for the electricity."

~Jennifer laughed. "Thats so mean."

~"Well they aren't paying for the electricity."

~"I guess so." She said laughing. "Hey. You like fishing?"

~"Uh... Sure."

~"Lets go."

~Kayla was walking back home. She didn't actually buy anything. The day was bright and warm. For some reason she felt compelled to walk down an alley way and the cloud rolled in. Thunder roared in disapproval. She turned around to go back, but HE was there. "What do you want?" No answer but a swift and heavy punch to her stomach. She was out cold. He carried her through the dark alley.

~Thomas and Jennifer have been at the docks for little over an hour now. "It cold out here. I should have known." Jennifer said. Thomas took his sweater off and threw it at her. "Huh? Why?"

~"If you're cold then wear it. I'm fine."

~"Thanks." The both smiled. They were sitting side my side fishing.

~Kayla's kidnapper was being followed himself but he never noticed. He was too focused on his own goals. The one following him as signifigantly bigger and stronger. The kidnapper took Kayla from the bag because he found where wanted to be. He chained her to a pole. Then the other one came out. "What are you doing with her Jared?"

~"Hey there Jimmy... I'm just trying to settle a score."

~"Really? Thats why I'm here. I told you not to date my sister. Then when you did I told you not to hurt her, but you never liked to listen."

~"Well this has nothing to do with that. I'm just holding this one hostage till HE comes."

~"This has nothing to do with me, but I can't let you do that to my sister Jennifer's best friend."

~Jared pulled out a magnum. "You really have no choice. Infact... if you don't want to die and you also want Jennifer to live, than bring HIM here."

~"Threatening me? You really shouldn't have done that. You only made it worse threatening my sister's life too. I bet thats not even real." Jared shot the gun. Jimmy flinched and stepped back. "Ok. I see your point. Who am I going to get?"


~"Since when is there a kid named Thomas around here?"

~"He just moved in with her. No one knows where he came from."

~"Any ideas where he is?"

~"He is hanging around with your sister."

~"With my sister?"

~"Yup. Looks like another guy is gonna try and take her 'innocence' huh?" Jimmy didn't even reply. He just left to look for Thomas and Jennifer.

~Thomas and Jennifer still haven't caught a fish. It was just getting later and colder. Jennifer rested her head on Thomas' shoulder. "You didn't even get to bed lat night did you?" He asked.

~"Not really." She said smiling with her eyes shut. "I was too anxious."

~"Maybe we should leave."

~"Yea. Lets." They were walking back to Jennifer's house because they didn't know what else to do. Jennifer suddenly got an idea. "Lets go to the cemetary."

~"Why the cemetary?"

~"I have to talk to my parents." Thomas just smiled and nodded. When they got there she had him wait at the enterance while she went to talk to hre parents. She stood and in front of their grave and talked. "I know you can't speak back, but I want you two to know that I love you. I really miss you two. I want you to know that even though you are gone, I'm still healthy and happy. I had a lot of boy friends since you've been gone, but not for long. They all wanted onething that I would not give them. Though there is this new guy I like. He is really nice. He told me I should let you know that I'm still happy and not completely lost without you two. He just lost his mother so he is alone now."

~Thomas was waiting outside the cemetary when Jimmy came running up to him. Jimmy didn't recognize him. "Hey, are you Thomas?"

~"Yea. Who are you?"

~"I'm Jimmy. Where is my sister?"

~Thomas hesitated a moment. "Ooooh. Its you. Shes inside talking to her parents." Thomas remembered him from last night.

~"You should get going."

~"Huh? Why?" Jimmy told him what Jared was doing. "THAT b*****d!" Thomas yelled as loud as he could. "Thanks for letting me know. I'm gonna put him in stiches." Thomas said running off at full speed.

~"Good luck." Jimmy really didn't care because Thomas seemed like another guy trying to get to his sister.

~"What was that yelling?" Jennifer said turning around. "That sounded like Thomas. I'm gonna go see what's wrong." As she got up Jimmy was walking up to her. "Oh, hey brother. What was that yelling?" She asked.

~"It was nothing. Are you ok? Did her hurt you?"

~"What who? I was with Thomas all day."

~"He didn't hurt you?"

~"No. He helped me feel really good about myself today. Didn't you notice I actully left my room for the first time on the day of mom and dad's death since they died?"

~Jimmy drew back. "No..."

~"Where is he?"

~"Hes gonna die."

~"What are you talking about?"

~"Jared Kidnapped Kayla. I was gonna help but he pulled out a gun and threated to kill me and you."

~"Why did he kidnap Kayla?"

~"He has some problem with Thomas."

~"What have you done? Why would you let someone get hurt?"

~"Because its not you or me..."

~"Go and help him now."

~"But Jennif--"

~"RIGHT NOW!" Jimmy ran off without any words. He felt terrible. Jennifer dropped to the ground and covered her face with her hands, she tried to cry. No tears came to her face. She somehow knew things would be okay. She said goodbye to her parents and walked home. It began to rain.

~Thomas was outside the alleyway Jimmy told him to go to. He was soaked now and stopped only to catch his breath because he had yet to stop running. He waited a few minutes knowing Jared would do nothing till he was there. Jimmy somehow managed to catch up to him before he went to face Jared. "You run to damn fast kid."

~"Thomas looked at him, breathing heavily he said, "What do you want?"

~"I'm here to help you."

~"You don't want to help me. You only want to save yourself and your sister."

~"She yelled at me for letting you go alone. I'm only helping you because she asked me too."

~"Thanks, but I don't..." Suddenly what Kayla said to him weeks ago rushed to his mind. 'We care about you Thomas, let us help you because we care.' He realized though Jimmy didn't care Jennifer most likely did. Sending Jimmy was Jennifer's way of helping him. "Alright... You try and sneak around back while I try to distract him with talk." Jimmy nodded and ran off to find away around.

~Thomas entered the alley which was dark. When he got to where Jared was there was a single light lighting the area. He saw Jared sitting there smugly. He looked over at Kayla. "Is she alright?"

~"Shes fine." Jared said standing up. "You know why you're here."

~"Because you want to kill me right? Can't we talk like real men first?"

~"I suppose we could."

~"What exactly is your problem with me?"

~"You humiliated me for no reason. I had to get so many shots and stitches."

~"Did you really just say that just now? Really? I had no reason?"

~"Give me a reason."

~"I gave you a reason then. You talked bad about Kayla and then women everywhere. You can't talk to them like that. They are people too."

~"I don't care. I'm a man and I'll do what I want."

~"You're no man. You a sad pathetic little boy with a superiority complex."

~"No. Men are the one who matter. The stronger men win, and they rule. That is the way of the world."

~"That is not the way of the world."

~"It doesn't matter what you think Tom. I'm gonna shoot you so you can't move and have Kayla watch. As you slowly die in agony you can watch as I steal her virginity right before your eyes. Have a happy life in hell."

~"YOU HAVE THREE SECOND TO RETRACT EVERYTHING YOU JUST SAID!" Thomas yelled furious. "One." He got ready to run. "Two." He readied his arms and steadied his legs. "Three." Thomas ran at him. Jared pointed the gun right at him. As Jared pulled the trigger Jimmy was behind him securing his arms. Thomas leapt into the air and the bullet hit him down. Jimmy stripped the gun from Jared.

~"s**t!" Jimmy yelled. "Are you okay?"

~Thomas stood up and looked at his left shoulder the best he could. He couldn't move that arm too much. Jimmy threw Jared to the ground and ran to see if Kayla was alright. She was just waking up. She looked about and saw Thomas bleeding. "Whats going on? Why am I wet? Why is Thomas bleeding? Is he alright?"

~"He should be fine." Jimmy said trying to get her out of the chains. "He took the bullet to his arm."

~"But whats going on?"

~"Jared kidnapped you in an attempt to get Thomas here and kill him."

~"What? Are you serious? He is doing all this because he said I'm a b***h and I have no choice if he wants to sleep with me, then Thomas beat him up? Not only that but he dumped Jennifer because she wouldn't sleep with him."

~"Thats his problem with Thomas?"

~Thomas walked toward Jared as he stood up. "Helping those that care about you. Letting them help you. Not trying to hurt others. That is what they way of the world should be. But its not sadly. This..." He raised his fist. "This is the way of the world. Power and fighting is all they know." He ran at Jared and punched with all of his might. Jared let out a terrible yelp in pain as he fell. Right before he hit the ground an enormous beam of light enveloped him. It broke through the clouds and it did not rain on this spot. The clouds began to disperse. When the beam of light disapeared Jared was nowhere to be found. There was a small crater. Thomas investigated it. It felt warm.

~Thomas felt light headed. He struggled to stand and Kayla and Jimmy ran over to him. He gave them a faint smile and fell with the sun shining on him. Kayla just barely caught him, she rested his head on her lap. "Thank you." She whispered.

~"Am I gonna die?" Thomas asked.

~"No. Don't be stupid. You only got shot in the arm."

~Thomas smiled. A few tears ran down his face, but being soaked it was not noticeable. "Good. I'm not ready yet. When I do die, I want you and Jennifer to be there. To see me off in the shining sun." He passed out.

~"You always talk stupid when something bad happens."

~Jimmy's cellphone rang. "Hello." He said answering it. It was Jennifer wondering what was happening.

End Chapter 4

Next time - Ardnix: Chapter 5


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