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Ardnix: Chapter 3
Ardnix: Chapter 3
A Condensed Four Weeks

Note: I thank all of you who actually read my work. This chapter continues directly from the end of the last.

~Kayla, Thomas, and Jennifer are just finishing their homework. Kayla didn't speak to Thomas. She was still upset Thomas even thought of dropping out.

~Thomas couldn't take the silence. "Kayla..." was all he managed before she stopped him.

~"I don't want to talk to you right now." She said

~"What did I do?"

~"How could you even think of dropping out? You just got here, why would you want to leave."

~Thomas sighed. "I'm sorry. I should have told you, but I was afraid. I didn't want to be pitied. I didn't want help."

~"But we really care about you." Kayla said slowly. "Let us help you."

~"I am, and I could sure use the help. Thanks." Kayla scooched over and gave him a hug. "I won't do this ever again."

~"If you ever do I'll make sure you don't have kids."

~"Isn't that a little harsh?"

~"No. Not at all."

~"I thought it was." Jennifer said.

~"He gets like this alot. He just won't accept help when he needs it."

~"I'm accepting help now. With whats been going on I just got stupid in the head for a while."

~"But dropping out?"

~"I know it's stupid. Lets just forget about it."

~"Not until you appologize."

~"Arlight. I'm sorry I thought of dropping out and leaving." Thomas said as he hugged her and returned to his work.

~"Good." Kayla said. She moved closer to Jennifer and began to whisper to her without Thomas noticing. Jennifer nodded as they both got up and moved inchingly closer to him.

~Thomas was getting angry with the problem he was working on. He put down his pencil and looked up. Looking back and forth between the two girls. "What are you two--" before he could finish his sentence the two of them pounced on him. Jennifer sat on his lap and held his legs down while Kayla sat on his stomach pinning his arms to his sides with her knees. "No. Don't you dare do it Kay." Thomas said looking her in the eyes very seriously. She just smiled and began tickling his sides. "Just wait till I get up. I'm gonna get you both." Thomas said through fits of laughter.

~"Kayla... I don't think I can hold him for much longer. He won't stop thrashing" Jennifer said.

~"Just keep holding him. This is your punishment Thomas."

~"Oh... I am going to get you back sooo bad." He said still laughing. He was able to get one of his arms loose. He used it to push off the floor and turn over. He pulled Kayla and Jennifer close together now that he had them on thier backs so that their right legs went down eachothers middles. He sat on their legs to pin them down. "Never tickle me like that."

~"Come on Thomas, get off." Kayla screamed.

~"You're too heavy. Please get off. I feel like my leg is going to break." Jennifer said in slight pain.

~"Apologize." Thomas said with a smile.

~"I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Jennifer said. Thomas let her out. He only sat on Kayla's legs now.

~"JENNIFER! How could you?"

~"I'm sorry Kayla. It hurt."

~"Ok. Get off now. Thomas... THOMAS!" He just ignored her waiting for the apology. He was only sitting on her legs so she leaned up to smack him. He grabbed her hands. "Please get off?"

~Thomas sighed. "Fine." He got off of her legs and stood up. She jumped up and smacked him in the face so hard he fell down hard. "Uogh!" He just layed there twitching and drooling.

~"Is he going to be ok?"

~"He'll be fine Jennifer. He's hit his head off of way harder things. You want to watch a movie Jennifer?"


~"How about you Thomas?"

~Thomas got up and sat on the couch. "Yea sure... Where is the asprin?"

~"In the medicine cabinet."

~"Which is where?"

~"In the bathroom." Thomas was about to open his mouth, but Kayla spoke before he could. "Right there." She pointed down the hall.

~The next 4 weeks went by pretty much the same. Thomas and the girls would have fun doing as they pleased after their work gets done. Every Friday they would watch another movie. They all did something different on Tuesdays.

~It was Friday, November 28. Thomas and the girls were watching a more boring action movie at Kayla's house. "Alright. I'm done with this movie. It is just too lame. I'm going to bed. I'll see you two tomorrow."

~"Good night Kayla." Jennifer said

~"Night." Thomas said. Kayla went up to her room to sleep.

~By the time the movie was over Thomas and Jennifer had almost fell asleep on the couch. The movie bored them too much. "Ooooooh god that movie sucked"

~"It was incredibly bad." Jennifer said stretching. "I'm no good at picking movies. Hey, what time is it now anyway?"

~Thomas walked into the kitchen doorway and looked at the microwave. "Its already 11:48." He said yawning.

~"Oh no. I should have been home way earlier. I hate walking home alone so late." Jennifer said packing up her things.

~"I'll walk you home." Thomas offered. "Its my fault we started the movie so late anyway."

~"That would be great. Thanks." Jennifer said with a smile.

~"Alright. I'll just get my keys."

~They walked together quietly most of the way, until Jennifer asked, "What is today's date?"

~"Its the 28th."

~Jennifer's face grew dim. She look down at her feet as she walked and only said, "Oh."

~Thomas didn't understand her sudden change in attitude. She seemed fine the other weeks he had known her, but today seemed to be a little depressed. "Is something wrong?" He asked?

~"No. Its nothing." She said.

~"You can't really hide the fact that something is bothering you. You can talk about it with me."

~"You wouldn't want to hear about it."

~"I never said I did. Nor did I say I didn't. If you want to though, I'm right here." They walked quietly for another 10 minutes befor Jennifer said anything.

~"My parents died 4 years ago tomorrow." She said slowly. Thomas suddenly drew back a moment. He was shocked and speachless. "They died while they were asleep. Me and my brother were at school. Some people just broke in and took stuff. They didn't even need to kill them."

~"Thats... thats just aweful. I'm so sorry. You really didn't have to te--"

~"Its ok. I kinda feel a little better."

~"I kinda know how you feel. The whole reason I'm staying with Kayla is because my mom died."

~"Thats terrible. What happened to her?"

~"A mysterious explosion. I'm suprised I got over it so fast. Though just between you and me, I cried myself to sleep the first two weeks I was here."

~"I still cry myself to sleep once in a while. This may be one of those nights."

~"Do you do anything special for your parents each year?"

~"Not really. I usually don't go to school if I have it. I just sit in my room and mope around."

~"You shouldn't do that. You should show them that you've overcome their loss. Show them that you're happy. Show them that you're making it through life. Don't you think that if there is an afterlife, they are watching you and just want you to be happy despite they are gone?"

~"I... I never thought of that. I just always thought I'd mope around so they would know I still love them. So they would know I still cry not having them around."

~"Show them that you still know how to be happy. Spend tomorrow doing fun things."

~"I can't have fun all alone."

~"Then me and Kayla can help you have fun."

~"NO! I still never told Kayla. I haven't been comfortable telling her yet."

~"Well than how about just you and I hang out?"

~"I guess we could. What would we do?"

~"Everything and anything you feel like doing." Thomas said with a smile. Jennifer smiled back at him and her eyes began to water. "No crying now. Happy."

~"They're tears of joy. Only Kayla and my brother are ever this nice to me, and thats not often. Why are you being so nice?" She asked fighting back the tears.

~Thomas smiled not knowing what to say. He found the words. "Because nice people and beautiful girls deserve to be happy."

~"Did you leave anything important behind before you came to live with Kayla?"

~"All of my belongings were destroyed in the fire, so I left alot behind."

~"I see." They stayed quiet again. They arrived at Jennifer's house in about 14 minutes. "Thanks Thomas." She said opening her door.

~"No problem. Anytime."

~"I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Thanks again."

~"Once again Jennifer its no prob--" Jennifer quieted him with a quick kiss to the lips. They stared at each other for a moment. They were both red in the face. Thomas just stood there mouth gaping. Jennifer gave a little 'tehehe' type giggle and ran inside. Thomas just rubbed his face in disbelief.

~Suddenly Jennifer's older brother came up behind him. Thomas had seen him once or twice before in school. "Here. Let me help you." He said right before he punched Thomas in the chest, knocking him to the ground. "It was real. Lucky you. Just remember this. Hurt her and I hurt you." He said with a cold stare. He went inside.

~Thomas didn't know what to think. He just went back home and went to sleep right away.

End Chapter 3


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