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Ardnix: Chapter 2
Ardnix: Chapter 2
Fresh Start?

Just as a little side not, feel free to ask me anything.

~It was now Monday. Thomas and Kayla arrived at school quite early. Everyone stared at them as they walked side by side. One guy walked up to them and said to Kayla, "Hey Kayla, I'm having a party tonight. Why do you come do the nasty with me. I promise It'll be unforgetable."

~"Trust me Jared. I'd want to forget it." She said to mock him

~Thomas laughed. "And just what the hell do you think is so funny?" Jared yelled at Thomas. Everyone was staring.

~"I've got steak for lunch." Thomas said raise his hand up as if waiting for a high five. "I made it myself."

~"Wha-what the hell? I don't give a s**t what you got for lunch, let alone who made it." Jared said angrily. He turned to Kayla. "I expect to see you there."

~"I won't be there." Kayla said

~"You better be. If I have to go get you I'll make it rough."

~"You can't talk to a women like that!" Kayla yelled.

~"Bitches are only made for sex." Jared replied. Kayla's faced turned red. She clenched her teeth and fists. She wanted to hit him but knew he'd hit her back. Jared had absolutely no respect for women. Before should could act in any way, Jared was already on his a**.

~"You did 3 things wrong." Thomas said. "One, You disrespected my best friend in front of me. Two, You disrespected all women. And three, You disrespected my cooking." Thomas said staring at him coldly. Kayla stared at him worryingly. "I'll give you three options Jared. You can either Appologize and I won't beat you that bad, run and I'll kick your a** so hard you'll taste, or you can spit in my face and I'll send you to the hospital."

~Half an hour later... "I don't know. He just fell down the stairs." Thomas said to a teacher. "I tried to grab him when I saw him fall but I missed."

~Some of the kids were whispering amongst themselves. "That's not completely a lie, considering he did throw him down the stairs." "Jared really should not have spit in his face." "I'm not even going to talk to that kid."

~While people were distacted Kayla grabbed Thomas and got him far away from there. They still had about ten minutes till class started. She took him to his building master. She only said thanks to him. She didn't think he needed to take the beating that far, but she knew why he did.

~After getting his scheduel from his building master he checked his classes compared to Kayla's. "This sucks. We only have 2 classes together. Algebra 2 and Gym. We have all the same lunches though."

~"I'm in all the honors and AP classes with Jennifer." Kayla walked Thomas to his first class. He has Physics, English, World History, Lunch, Algebra 2, Computer Tech., and Gym. "I'll see you at lunch, come and find me." She waid walking away."

~Thomas just nodded as he entered his class room.

~Honors physics with Mr. Marrone was an easy honors class. Mr. Marrone wasn't a hard frader. He introduced Thomas to the entire class and gave a brief sheet of paper to Thomas describing what he was expected in the class. "We have a new student in class today. In honor of that we will just sit around and watch Mythbusters for today." Mr. Marrone said. "Feel free to take a nap now if you are tired."

~There were alot of empty seats in the class. Thomas usually sat alone, but he decided to sit next to a girl who was sitting alone. She looked at him as he sat down. The other kids were atleast 3 desks away, most of them got ready to sleep and the others were ready to enjoy Mythbusters. Thomas stared at her as she looked away. He wanted to examine what she was likeby how she acted. Slowly and quietly she got a couple of pencils and some paper from her bag. "So you sit alone often?" Thomas asked.

~"Yes," was all she said. He answer was short and right to the point. Thomas could tell she'd rather be alone. She didn't even take her eyes off the paper. He watched as she began drawing a picture. It looked great and extremely detailed. Thomas was very impressed. After he could make out what she was drawing he began to look closer.

~"Do you think I could borrow a pencil and some paper?" Thomas asked politely.

~"Sure." She got a brand new pencil from her bag and some crisp paper from the bottom of her stack. "Here you go."

~"Thank you." Thomas said with a smile. The girl only nodded. She seemed to like the attention despite wanting to be left alone. Thomas began to draw. His drawing lacked alot of skill and detail. "Hey, look at this." Thomas said poking the girl in the side with the pencil.

~Thomas held the picture so she could see it. She laughed a little. "What is that?"

~Thomas looked suprised. He looked at the picture and then back at her. "It's a cat."

~She giggled. "That's a cat? It looks like a circle with two triangles on top and ovals attached."

~"Its abstract." Thomas said pouting."

~"I'm sorry. It's just that little kids could draw better."

~"So can I. I just like to draw that when other people are drawing like you. It gives them a bit of a boost."

~"Well thanks. I feel better."

~"No problem. So why are you sitting alone?"

~She was now looking him in the eye. "I just like to be alone... and most people don't like me."

~Thomas sighed, "I know what you mean. I have one good friend that I now live with. No body liked me back home and I don't think that will change here."

~"Same boat?" she asked

~"Same boat. So how did you get that good at drawing?"

~"I don't know, Its weird. It seems that I'm good at all the things I'm not interested in."

~"What are you interested in?"

~"Helping people. I want to be a doctor or something else that helps people. What do you want to be?"

~"Nothing. I just want to wander and do what I think is right. Too bad we don't live in an ideal world."

~"Yup. Too bad."

~Thomas continued talking to her throughout the class. After the class as they were parting ways, Thomas said, "Oh wait. I forgot to give you this." He tried to hand her her pencil.

~"You can keep it." she said. "I don't want to be late for my next class." she said rushing away. "Oh, whats your name?"

~"Im Thomas. You?"

~"I'm Jen." She said almost out of sight. "I'll see you later."

~"See ya." Thomas said even though Jen was out of sight. He got ready to go to english, and on the way he looked over his scheduel. Aparrently he was in an AP english class. His english class went by slow and uneventful. He already got his first essay. Next he was on his way to history. It was always one of his favorites but the teacher was too lenient and the other students caused a rukus. He couldn't wait to get to lunch.

~"What is this?" Thomas asked the lunch lady.

~"Its vanilla pudding. Now move along."

~"Why is it lumpy?"

~"Its mashed potatoes, now move it."

~Thomas tasted it. "Vanilla flavored mashed potatoes?"

~"If you don't want it than you can just leave it."

~"Glady." Thomas said leaving his tray where it was. He began to walk around the huge cafeteria to look for Kayla. The place was noisy and very packed, all of the tables were pretty much filled. There was one table that was pretty much empty. Jen was sitting alone doing home work. Thomas walked up to her and said hello.

~"Oh, hey Thomas. You're new to this school right, how do you like it?"

~"About as much as any other," he said sitting down. "Not at all."

~"Well you need school for a future."

~"Not necissarily. I could just become a pirate. I could also become a world martial arts master or a giant robot combatant in space."

~Jen laughed. "You watch too much anime. But you're right, you don't need school if you are really lucky."

~"It was nice seeing you again, but I have to find my friend. She asked me to meet her at lunch."

~"Well just wait a minute, let me introduce you to my friend." Kayla was walking over. "Kayla!"


~"Jennifer? Jen?"

~"Thomas? Jennifer?"

~"Thomas? TC?"

~"Jennifer? Kayla?"

~"Okay. Now my head hurts." Kayla said. "You two already met eachother? When?"

~"We met each other in Physics. When he said his name was Thomas I never thought it would be the Thomas from your home town."

~"How'd you know who I was and my nickname?" Thomas asked.

~"I talk about you a little bit."

~"You talk about him alot. Everytime you got sad you would talk about him and the good times you had."

~"So when I get sad I think about fun times."

~"When I got sad I cooked food and gave it to homeless people."

~"There were no homeless people."

~"Well I went a couple of cities over."

~The three of them talked about random things until lunch came to an end. They all had Algebra 2 next.

~"So we all have algebra 2 together huh? And gym too." Thomas said

~"Yea." Kayla said checking the time. "Oh crap. We don't have long before the bell rings. Let's get to class before the hallways get crowded."

~"Agreed." Jennifer said putting her homework away.

~Luckily for them their math teacher was absent. She left alot of work but it could be finished for homework. Thomas, Kayla, and Jennifer worked on it a little bit but talked mostly. "I don't get this problem. I just can't get the right answer." Kayla said.

~"Look," Thomas said doing the work, "You just have to do this and this.... Do that... and the answer is x = -4, y = 15."

~Kayla was suprised. "When did you get so good at math?" She asked.

~"When you left I studied more. I didn't have you to help me so I had to."

~"Well good for you. Now I lost some blackmail material."

~"Blackmail material? You were gonna blackmail him?" Jennifer asked.

~"Ofcourse. There was this girl he liked and I told him I'd tell her if he didn't do as I asked."

~"Thats absolutely evil Kayla."

~"I never listened anyway. And she never told."

~"I couldn't do that to Thomas. He'd never do it to me, it wouldn't be fair."

~"It's good to know she won't do that." Jennifer said.

~"I never said anything about not doing it to you." Jennifer was shocked. "I'm just kidding Jennifer. I wouldn't" Kayla said reassuringly.

~"There is no way you could be that evil."

~"What do you mean that evil?"

~"Nothing. You could be evil, but not that evil."

~"Everyone can be evil. Even people who love you... Like obsessers." Thomas said.

~Soon enough the bell rang. They all parted way and met back together at gym. Thomas had a choice to play basket ball or badmitten with Kayla and Jennifer. All the guys played basket ball except for him.

~"So how was your first day of school?" Kayla's mom asked when they got home.

~"Not bad."

~"So are you going to stay?"

~"Might as well."

~"Wait, what do you mean?"

~"I was going to drop out, get a job, and move out. But I don't want to now."


~"I didn't because of that and... I'm sure my mom would be angry with me."

End Chapter 2

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