i came back today from rockport. i just kicked michaels butt in some brain age. i got brain age and diner dash today. we are going back we- my sister is on her period. she almost brakes the gate on the stairs and she gave me this ugly look- oh thats just the way her face looks OOOOOOOO she got served like a mo fo. lol im asking allison how to spell a word. its the day after tuesday. i need to go back to third grade or something. oh its wednesday. ok my sister, who has a job, is asking my mom for 10 dollars. and my mom said no and she gets mad and drives off. WHY ARE YOU DRIVING IF YOU HAVE NO MONEY!?!?!?!?!?! she is stupid. my mom had to pay 200 and semi dollars for michael and sarah is being retarded. and she said "if your truck runs out of gas i dont know what to tell you" first of all its mine and michaels truck. second of all she is the one who is going to be stranded if it does run out of gas. and she wanted money to go to a stupid baseball game. stay home retard!!!!!!!! she was probably going to use the money on drugs or something. anywho... what was i saying...oh allison might come with us on wednesday to rockport. we can have fun!!!!! uh oh my phone just died!!!!!! it went
i left my charger in rockport...or did i? DUNDUNDUN!!!im pretty sure i did. so i havent seen zoey...ZOEY!!!!!!! here she comes... she is itching... speaking of itching... me and allison were high or something last night... we were doing stupid crap. one thing we did was one person says "and then your brain say" and the other say "STOP! im full" ans we thought that was funny for some reason. then a hammock of cheeze cake and a desk or cheese its. funny... ans then we were acting like the ting ting thing and we ended everything with ing. allsion said "michael get off-okay? my dad just came over here and was mumbling and grabbed something. weird- of your ping ping" instead of period!!!! then we were playing guess the number. you click a number and by the tone you are supposed to guess the number. allison is psychic or something cause she guessed every number except the one i chose.
rofl well i have to go to heb
ok i shall right later
Community Member
So sad.