no one reads these. emo well i will start from today and go backwards. today i
woke up and i went back to sleep in the other room so my parents could watch tv.
then we were leaving and they turned off the air condition and opened the doors
and it was hot!!! burning_eyes all of the windows and mirrors were foggy. and i was
pissed and michael was whining so i went to look for my crap since we were
leaving. and i was looking for my game and michael was crying and he hit me with
his cane cause i threw a blanket on the i grabed the cane and hit him
then i was walking off and he hit me again so i hit him then i was still looking for
my game and i accidently nocked michaels cards down and he threw my crap so
we were throwing eachothers crap then he hit me and he got up and i was trying to
get the cane and i put my arm around his neck and pulled him backwards and he
feel on the ground and cards flew everywhere. then i ran kidding. my
mom and dad blamed me for everything. then i was taking crap to the truckhe hit
me with his cane again so i kicked him then he did it again so i grabbed his cane
hit him then threw it in the trailer. so my parents got mad at me again since im a
little angel twisted .so yesterday,i lite alot of sparklers...speaking of sparklers in
maine thats all that is legal. thats stupid!!! anywho...i played some rockband- i
think the cat pooted, it stinks!!!!! NASTY KITTY!!! speaking of kittys, i saw kitty kat
coura on the food channel again. idk what i was watching. i didnt do much
yesterday....oh on the fourth of july we were popping-i almost put pooping-
fireworks and michael was pointing a roman candle everywhere yelling "where do i
point it at?" and everyone was screaming and it was like the world was ending and
i told him to point it towards the ocean. the he lit another that shot alot of things up
in the air... guess what happened.... it was shooting fine then all of the sudden
they started shooting sideways in a circle and then everyone was screaming and it
almost hit a car and some old people, it hit a little kid in the shoulder, it was
mayham...didnt spell that right... the people across from us was laughing... are
they retarded????? someone could have gotten hit.... so michael was then limited
to snakes sparklers and showers of sparks. the sparks was pushing it. he is bad
luck. oh and the people next to us got what they deserved...
twisted MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! twisted
the last one that they lite was gigantic!! but they were way too close. it was crazy
big. explosions everywhere then it stopped and they were walking towards it and
then a booty load of them came out at once and i thought the girl was going to
dive into the water but she leaped onto the next peer. and then my eyes glowed
red and i yelled "MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!" ok maybe i didnt but it would have been
funny. oh our last one shot 200 into the air and it took and hour for it to be done. it
was tisight. the other days we didnt do much. i wasted most of the money i had
made. idk where my walet is. i think i left it in rockport.
ok thats enough for today....E3 LIVE ON G4!!!!!!!!!!(im a nerd)
my internet is out... speaking of the internet, allison was on xbox live and we were
playing and michael was mad cause she killed him so then he left and we were
going to play team doubles and then josh alsop came and i booted him, which i am
notorious for, and invited allison and set it to intive only. twisted well the
internet kept going out so i just stopped playing and then i got on the computer
and found the snow cone machine and i made some snow cones... speaking of
snow cones my sister is getting kicked out for the hundreth time because we left
zoey inside and told sarah to come home and feed the cat and zoey and to let
zoey out- i think she is home... yeah she is... she expected me to make some
hamburger helper. why would i make hamburger helper for her? she never is
home... was i supposed to use my psychic powers to see into the future?- well
zoey did number 1 and 2 on the floor... she knows she isnt supposed to but she did
cause she would have exploded.... its not zoeys fault... well michael is getting her
room so now i have my own room!!!!!! oh internet is on.
im done