12:18 AM EDT, 7/2/08, Tuesday night.
My raiding guild is going to die very soon.
We have three essential "groups" of people with one person at the head of that group.
Two of them are gone. One just left tonight.
Can a skyscraper stand on one support beam?
The guild was originally a merger between two guilds. Although there is only one name, it still feels as though it's two separate guilds. The guild members have not formed a raiding partnership in the merger.
I know I don't have to deal with this. This has been going on for nearly 4 months.
This guild drags its feet on everything. On the progression that we have, we can no longer hold the hands of the raid members.
Yet they continue to act as though we need to.
Tempers are rising between the officers. Best friends are suddenly going at each other's throats.
No one acts like they care what happens during a raid. If we all die in so many attempts, no big deal. We'll keep dying for months until we kill that boss.
In the time of the guild merger, the guild has only killed 3 bosses.
There are guilds that formed 2 months ago, and have progressed into the next tier already, and started before us in terms of raid progression.
Is my time really worth all of this bullshit? Did I really have to come back from my WoW-free life to have to deal with retardation?
Once school comes around again, my entire purpose of coming back to WoW will be killed again.
And my purpose for coming back was to RAID. NOT to deal with asshats, retards, idiots, selfishness, ignorance, and SILENCE.
The officers of the guild have adopted a policy of silence. They DO NOT let the guild know what's going on or what's in the works. There is just an aura of silence. The only ones that tell the guild what's going are NON-OFFICERS, myself included.
The worst thing that a group in power can do is to give false information or NO information at all. It leads to conspiracies. It leads to disaster.
It leads to the overthrow.
Those that are putting their maximum effort towards helping the guild AND have the intellect to lead SHOULD be the officers.
Instead, the officers are a group of friends or leaders of the two merged guilds.
They were not tested for their ability to lead or on their knowledge.
Is all of this crap worth just to raid with a real life friend?
I am getting very very very close to pulling the plug.
Ares Denton · Wed Jul 02, 2008 @ 05:30am · 1 Comments |