"No, no, no, no, no...." said Marcus NightHound, currently half a mile underground and looking though a dusty old shelf of books., "...no, no, no. Excellent!" Marcus' band of mages held their breath. Maybe they had finally found something! "We now know another place where what we seek is certainly not," Lord NightHound's scholars let out a groan.
Marcus interrupted, "Oh please Sendron, no need for formalities such as that with how long we've known eachother. Just say Marcus!"
"...Marcus," He said slowly, Sendron was one of them most powerful mages in house NightHound, with power just as great as their current head. He had been serving the house for generations, even back to before Ryian. When he began as the counselor, he was under Matriarch Caramelo. He had been a loyal servant to the house ever since. But nothing could have prepared him for working with Marcus, "we have been searching with you for weeks, and you refuse to even tell us what it is we're after. Could you tell us what we're looking for?"
"Of course not Sendron." Marcus said, grinning as he always did. He never stopped grinning.
Marcus tilted his head and looking at Sendron replied, "None of you have had yet to say 'please'," This annoyed many of the members a bit, but they couldn't say the were surpised. They were quite used to their Lord's, odd habits. So, one of the mages politely asked what they were looking for, "Now, I know you as a group I can trust, and so I want you to not give any of this information out," The party agreed. They would agree to boiling their feet in oil just so they could get to know what they were after. They had been all across the island, searching the most random assortment of caves and ruins.
"Alright, recently, in my father's library, I was searching for a book to tell me where to get Duncan Roots. Because it was the last thing I needed-" One of the mages spoke up.
"What were you making?"
"A cake, now please, save all questions until later. Now, while searching, I came across a different book. A story, or journal you might say. Inside the man wrote down what he had down with a book know as Nocturne's Tome. Now, as you may have questions as to what that is, I will explain. It is for one thing, not evil or dark. It is called Nocturne's because the last few people to wield it, For example our friend who wrote for us in his journal, used it for their own nefarious purposes. They mostly used reanimation and other necromantic spells from it's pages for personal gain of power because they saw that as the best way to do it. But, that is all they used. It, is really a collection of some of the most powerful spells in existence. Several for destruction yes, so dangerous in the wrong hands. But there are spells of all sorts, healing, wards, teleportation. But there are already spells of immense power that we already know of these kind. But, the Nocturne's holds one thing that we do not know, and very much want to." Marcus finished his speech, and began walking up the stairs of the underground ruin. The mages followed without thinking. Sendron quickened his pace and walked side by side with his Lord.
"So, Marcus. What is it?"
"Well where's the fun in telling?"
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