Finally...after nearly a year (or is it two years) I have finally decided to pick up the keyboard and continue my journal. I'll try to update it regularly but no promises.
There has been a lot of crap about me going around lately. People hate me. I like that. It just means they like me enough to tell me that I need to get some serious help. If they really didn't care for me or about me, then they wouldn't even bother telling me to STFU.
Gears of War 2 comes out soon. Can't wait to buy that game. It's gonna be a blood and gore fest on the weekend I buy it. Cheers.
Argh. Algebra 2's a b***h. Doesn't help that my dad is always popping his head over my shoulder about it either. It's hard enough that I'm off to a bad start in the class...a C on the first test! OH MY! My dad gave me a lynching that day...not literally though, 'cause that'd be illegal, tee hee.
Cancer. Wow. My mom has to attend at least three funerals within the next week because of cancer related deaths. Not any in our family, thank God. The damn disease has been pretty rampant lately. It's only been a year since my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer (she's okay by the way) and three years since her sister was diagnosed with it as well. Managed to learn a thing or two about the damned disease in Biology. Nasty little bugger. Had half the class worked up about it. I could almost feel a twinge of pain in my own lung. Meh. Hypochondriack or whatever the hell you wanna call it.
God I love rainy days. Dontcha'? Who doesn't. It's cold and just so great. If I could, I'd stand out in the rain all day...or watch from the comfort of a warm blanket atleast. All my best days seem to be on a rainy day.
Well that concludes my damn journal. Keep ya' updated.
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The Life of an Idiot
The day, life, and everyday activities of everbody's favorite idiot.
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...::[x] "I'm not racist; I hate everyone equally."[x]::...
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