Driver's What a class. I always thought learning how to drive would be one of the most challenging and tedious thing I would experience...I was right on one portion.
Damn class is so boring. Nothing but common sense. Four chapters into the book and I already relearned what I already know. What color a construction sign is, why there's a rumble strip here, the steering wheel is used to steer the vehicle, and how bad this kid fu**ed up when he decided to get into a car without a head rest!
Things don't get any easier with the fact that two of my friends bailed out on me and I'm left to sit in between two pot-heads. Seriously. For a full hour and a half, I have to listen to these guys talk about burgers, girls, and pot. Not a good learning environment now is it?
So I try to go and talk to my counsoler and get me switched out of the class. They leave me hanging in the office for at least 10 minutes, call me in, and reject my proposal in no less than 30 seconds. I didn't even get to open my mouth.
"Hi. We can't switch you out. Too late into the term. Sorry. Next person."
TOO LATE IN THE TERM!? I've spend 7 days in the damn class and it's TOO LATE!? WTF are these people smoking. BS'ing me about how it's "not fair to the teacher who has to deal with me". It's engineering bi**! We weld and cut metal! dad was NOT happy with them, so he comes marching into the office, gives the counseler a little rundown on his ethics, and they send him off to the VP. Now I gotta wake up at 6:30 in the morning and drive on down to my school for an 8:00 appointment! Great! There goes my late start Wednesday.
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The Life of an Idiot
The day, life, and everyday activities of everbody's favorite idiot.
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...::[x] "I'm not racist; I hate everyone equally."[x]::...
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