The Storm

I Hear The Storm Rolling In…
I Can See The Clouds Turning Gray…

I Smell The Smoke From The Burning Houses…
I Can See The Red And Orange Glow From A Distance…

As I Sit Here In My Room Waiting For All Life To End…
Hearing The People Around Me Scream…

Seeing Them Cry For Help…
Whishing, Hoping, Praying For A Miracle…

Here Comes The Raging Storm…
Killing Everything And Everyone In Its Way…

Now I’m Next To Die…
Am I Afraid…No

Because I Know I Can Stop It…
When It Kills Me It Dies…

Because I Am Its Creator…
And I Will Save Everyone…

Even Though I Hate All Humans…
I Think They Deserve To Live This Life In Peace For A Little Longer…

As The Storm Takes Me In And Kills Me…
I Say My Final Words…

Stay Alive And In Peace…
Don’t Say I Cant Do This When You Know You Can…

Stay Brave And Stay Strong…
My Love…

As I Died There Along With The Storm A Picture Came In My Head…
It Was The Picture of The One I Loved…

- Shelby Palmer