
Why Are We So Cruel…
Why Do We Have To Fight…

Why Are We So Nasty…
Why Do We Have To Kill…

Why Do We Have To Watch The Ones We Love Suffer…
Why Do We Have To See The Blood of Others Who Died On The Ground…

Why Is It That No Matter How Many Times We Forgive Someone They Just Betray You Again…
Why Is Life So Cold…

Why Do We Treat This Earth That We Live On Like Dirt…
Why Do We Have To Know So Much About The War And How People Were Enslaved And Treated…

Why Is It That No Matter What We Fight Over Stupid Reasons…
Why Is It That When You See A Boy You Like He Has To Be Yours…

Why Dose Life Have To Be So Long And Horrible…
Why Dose Love On This Earth Have To Be So Cruel…

Why Don’t We Kill Human’s Instead of Endangered Animals For Skin And Fur…
Why Don’t We All Just Die Right Now And Be Happy…

- Shelby