of all the silliness... i think someone's just made their first phishing attempt on my account. good grief...
thankfully the pm has been reported, and i'll see what a real mod thinks.
sometimes, the marketplace is more trouble than it's worth. i finally make enough gold to buy myself an enchanted book for my b-day, and now some fool thinks he's gonna waltz over with a PM and take it. ohhhh no honey, i was born 30 years ago, not yesterday, and i've read the TOS.
the sadness.
anyhoo, in other news, gramma is stable, work progresses on sale merchandise for Matsuricon, and i've finally got time to hang around on gaia more often now, so yay for da miche!
i might, specify MIGHT be hitting Otakon next year in AA if i can land a spot in the holy grail of con alleys. wish me luck, and fundage.
also, house buying goes mostly well, just need to get the place inspected now. ^_^!
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Michigami's Michi-gaia journal
the miche is an artist and costumer with too much free time on her hands lately
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January 24-26 2014 Columbus, oh - http://www.ohayocon.org/
April 4-6 2013 Pittsburgh, pa- http://www.tekkoshocon.com/
Aug, Columbus, oh - http://www.matsuricon.org/
Questing RuRu Kitty Plush or SD Rufus to represent my own cat on gaia.

January 24-26 2014 Columbus, oh - http://www.ohayocon.org/
April 4-6 2013 Pittsburgh, pa- http://www.tekkoshocon.com/
Aug, Columbus, oh - http://www.matsuricon.org/
Questing RuRu Kitty Plush or SD Rufus to represent my own cat on gaia.
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