i'm 30 as of 4am the morning of may 31st.
wow, does it sound weird to say that.
got to go out for birthday dinner with a friend, and got to play the Sims3 today too.
duuuude, it's SO shiny, but still kills slower systems because the entire neighborhood runs in real time almost like animal crossing. the entire town goes about its day just like you do, you can even go visit your sim at work, it's so cool!
and no, it's not officially out, but someone in russia leaked the full PC version a few weeks ago, and a friend snagged the torrent before the file got taken down, so he's got the full version of the game now, and let me play a while.
in other news, still wierded out at being 30, and non-boyfriend seems to be intent on becoming one. :blush: trying to write a little again, i've just been in a horrible squishy miasma of creative death for a long, looong while.
ah well, too tired to write more.
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Michigami's Michi-gaia journal
the miche is an artist and costumer with too much free time on her hands lately
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January 24-26 2014 Columbus, oh - http://www.ohayocon.org/
April 4-6 2013 Pittsburgh, pa- http://www.tekkoshocon.com/
Aug, Columbus, oh - http://www.matsuricon.org/
Questing RuRu Kitty Plush or SD Rufus to represent my own cat on gaia.

January 24-26 2014 Columbus, oh - http://www.ohayocon.org/
April 4-6 2013 Pittsburgh, pa- http://www.tekkoshocon.com/
Aug, Columbus, oh - http://www.matsuricon.org/
Questing RuRu Kitty Plush or SD Rufus to represent my own cat on gaia.