Username: Darkness Lin
Name: Oichi Ketsueki お市 血液 / I-11
Nineteen (Oichi)
Weapons: Short Sword with String attach to it, Twin Dagger, Houtai(Bandages)
Affinities: Water, Lighting
Kekkai Genkai: Chi-chū no akuma 血中の悪魔
Gender: Female
Clan: ketsueki 血液
Custom Jutsu:
------------------------------------Medical Base Jutsu------------------------------------
Chimeiteki Kokoro(Fatal Artery)*Learn:This jutsu can be use to save or kill. It simply allows the user to create a very sharp chakra(Energy) base blade in their hands and cut off an artery to stop major bleeding in area's and keep the person alive longer or can be use to cut into them and leave them open to cause major bleeding killing the opponent off very fast. This jutsu is yet fully master by Oichi and she can hardly keep it up for a long time with out being drain. Also she hardly use it unless its need.
------------------------------------I-11 Body Encasement Base Attacks ------------------------------------
Wrath's of Arms: Using her arm which is encased in Houtai splits apart showing her real hand and all the Houtai that splits away from her turns into fist size Houtai and start to punch at their own rate of speed. Each time Houtai touches the skin it takes a small amount of energy away from the enemy.
Encasement Iron Maiden: Her whole encased body opens up showing her real body but all the Houtai that open up creates a small doom around the person. As fast as the doom is made spike made Houtai are created and the doom shrinks to the size of the person forcing the spikes into the person. Once the spikes are inside the person the Houtai creates little hocks and starts to massively drain the person of their energy and at the same time starts to destroy the person internal system and make them bleed out.
------------------------------------I-11 Misfortune Powers Gain------------------------------------
Gold Ribbon: Gold is a strong conductor for energy, it not only amplifies magical properties, but can heal the soul and body of negative energies. The gold ribbon is made of gold it's self and can take on solid durable properties.
Weaver Silk: Strong durable spider silk that can hold and pin up three trucks at once. Though it's flammable, it can cut cleanly through objects it lands on if the user is aiming to do just that.
Siren's Song: A hymn that sung, the music produced by the hymn causes the body to relax and the muscles to become numb the longer the song is heard. Eventually causing the body to fall asleep.
------------------------------------Houtai Base Jutsu------------------------------------
shi nihontou houtai jutsu(Four Sword Bandages Jutsu):This jutsu is very close to the Ha Houtai no Jutsu but unlike it this one the user is unable to move as they keep their right hand place in the ground. First of all the right hand must be wrapped around in Houtai in order to use if so they have to channel enough chakra to untie it without moving and once that is done the bandages break into the ground and start to move around under the ground. They can come out of the ground at any moment and slice at the target like the name said there are only four of them. The only problem is the user cant move while doing this and thus leaving them open.
Houtai Klon jutsu(Bandages Clone Jutsu): Bandages Clone jutsu is just like any other forum of a clone base jutsu however since its made out of bandages the clone has a few things that it can do other clones cant such as become one with any other body it touches and take their looks and their jutsu's. It also slowly drains the target of its chakra and insures that they themselves cant rip it off. It's a great way to learn many things about your enemy or let alone get into enemy villages. It can be destroyed just like any normal clone.
Ha Houtai no jutsu(Blade Bandages Jutsu): This jutsu require her to take a a peace of her Houtai and channel chakra into it to reform it into a blade witch is as sharp and as long as a normal katana. the wired thing about this jutsu is that the blade can split off and move around like that of a snake and comes around and strike attend target, or blocks another attack the make amount of split off one blade can do is three.
Hōtai no bun'ya(Field of Bandages)*Learn: This is jutsu can have major effects in both short or long drag out fights. In order for this jutsu to be deploy correctly the user has to already place or created a symbol on the base of one of their hands. As soon as they stab it into the ground that part of the Houtai will break off and become the base of the area. If the user is in danger it will create enough Houtai to defend its master and if the enemy is fleeing or being push by the Master it will make enough Houtai to help in the attack by sealing or engaging the target in baths they may try to escape.The Main base can be destroy but it attends to move around making it hard to find in the ground and may hide under other things that give off chakra.
Mukei Usureru Houtai (Spiritual Fade Bandage)*Learn: This just is very different from many others as it is only few even know of this art that being said it was made by Sia and what this jutsu does is change the color of the houtai the user has. Many would feel this doesn’t do much but in truth it means a lot if changes it increases the person speed and strength and allows them to short cut to some jutsu that would take too long to make or do. This being said it comes at a small price the user may end up draining faster than normal depending on the color of the Houtai.
Houtai Tamashii wana(Bandages Soul Trap)*Priestess Art: This jutsu is somewhat special in for the user must be or has become a spiritual Priestess which in turn most of the Clan are in that same area but few ever even think of going and trying to master these arts. This jutsu needs to have weapons or markings in place around the area you wish to trap or seal off once in place anything inside is unable to escape for as long as the user wish. This jutsu is use mostly for the spiritual attempts of removing or sealing something away. It also holds a nice trait to shutting off energy gathering or charging of chakra.However it does hold great use for trapping an enemy and making them tell you what you wish to know since you can simply leave them in there to die. Only those with Houtai on them or some forum of clan's blood in them could leave the area without being shocked and such.
Houtai Haishin kōi(Bandages Perfidy Jutsu)*Priestess Art: This jutsu allows her houtai to become perfidy many would think its pointless however this perfidy which makes stronger against those who hold dark/evilness with them. Also its away to stunned the enemy by causing the chakra flow in the bandages to counter that of which flows throw the human. In all truth this is just a power boost to the houtai which is helpful to cleansing souls and such.
Hōtai no akuma(Demon of Bandages):*Combine Arts This jutsu is very different from almost all Houtai base jutsu. There are two things need to use this jutsu. One the user must have a full suit of Houtai, and the second is the enemy must have cause harm to them. They can't use this if they themselves cut themselves. What happens is red letters appear on the Houtai allowing the user to create blood base jutsu with no use of hand signs or as its mostly use to move swiftly on the field of battle. Say the user has create large pool or puddles of enemy or friendly blood in the area. They can move from any given spot and appear in the blood source. As long as the symbols are never spoken in a senates they can do this as long as they want. If the enemy figures out what is wrote on the Houtai this jutsu will be broken and the user will be unable to use it anymore in the fight. However this jutsu can not be use with any forum of the two summoning base jutsu.
Houtai monban(Bandages GateKeeper)*hidden: Is a summoning jutsu that actually the user must have first the houtai outfit on them in order to use. What happens is the bandages around the user changes and models around them. What they become is up to the user. It is a best that the user mind is able to create and control. However the user can never truly be harm as the Houtai will keep the user safe. What this summoning really does is the field and everything in a 50 meter area can be changed into a houtai and be use as a weapon alongside all Houtai base jutsu can be use by the best.
Hōtai no hana(Bandages Flower)*I-11:This jutsu is very weird as it the houtai on the person seem to change only a couple of them into what seem like flowers growing out of their body. Now this may seem like a waste but in the hands of I-11 this jutsu is deadly as she poor's in her own energy into each flower and once they are ready words will seem to appear and by that time its to late to stop it. From each flower a beam of energy is fire and if it encounters anything blocking its way it will curve or focus into one spot to break through. This jutsu will follow the enemy of I-11 will.
------------------------------------Chi-chū no akuma Jutsu------------------------------------
Chi-chū no Akuma Klon jutsu(Blood Demon Clone Jutsu): This is one of the basic clan jutsu since this clan forces alot on blood manipulation this is one of the jewels in the clan. This jutsus is unlike many clone base jutsu for the soul reason that it copies everything to the amount of chakra that the user has thus making it impossible to tell the differences of the clone. Once again this clone also can take hits with only one side effect the user will be gaining such hits. Also it can not look like the user good for gathering information and such.
Chi-chū no Akuma Tenshi jutsu(Blood Demon Angel): Another crown jewel in the clan this one takes a small amount to somewhat large amount of blood to create a pair of blood wings on the user. Beside from being wings the user can use them to fly around however the main focus of this one is to create many needle blood weapons and once they cut and get the enemy blood mix with theirs they can easily take over their body. This is where the jutsu becomes dangers for the user. If the user isn't careful enough they can run the risk of draining themselves. They must either put the enemy asleep or drain them of their blood.
Chi no akuma no misuto(Blood Demon Mist)*learn:This is just like any type of Mist but its red simply because its blood vapors in the air. This allows oichi to find anyone in side the area that is cover by this mist also allows her if need and if the enemy is hurt to make the mist that touches his wound to become a poison that numbs the part of the body that has a cut. Also if she gets better she can use the Mist to create clones.
Chi no akuma no hari(Blood Demon Needle)*I-11:This is one of the few jutsu that only I-11 can do for the time being. Using small amounts of blood even blood vapors to create needles. The thing with this there not just a couple they normally forum from a hundred to a thousand or even more. They also follow the mind of the create in this case I-11. Who has use this jutsu in the year she was in control of this body. With this jutsu she took out two somewhat big villages in a matters of hours. This jutsu is normally use with Chi no akuma no misuto(Blood Demon Mist) for the best out come of insure death. The Needles move at a very high speed, let alone can be reform if the needle itself is destroy or snapped in half. This jutsu is one of the few that Oichi can not use.
Chi no Ame Manako(Blood of Rain Eye)*Hidden: This is a tricky type of attack to get throw as it is the user may need to already be hurt or blood on the field then from there it become easy. Once the blood is on the ground or air the user will be able to make the sky become cover and create a rain but unlike normal rain this is by blood meaning that the user now have a large summon of blood to use as weapon as many would fear that it’s not the dangers part of the jutsu if the person allows to stand in the rain for over a time they can slip into a gen jutsu because ever drop that pass by them is slowly enclosing them with a chakra field unlike normal gen this one targets the enemy body and slips into their sweat gland can cause illusion of some sort. However once this is use the user many not be able to use any other forum of jutsu due to how much chakra is needed to enclose on the target to make them slip into this illusion.-
Chi-chū no Akuma Usui Sen(Blood Demon Thin Wire)*Learn: Is where the user is able to make this hard thin wire that is made out of blood and lay it all over the ground the key thing about this is the user doesn’t have to move the blood will bend to the user mind and the user simple has to think of the web or layout he or she wants. What this does if an enemy is caught behind or touches the thin wire they lose all control of their body and are unable to move. This make it ideal for trapping enemies.
Kyōki no akuma no chi(Demon Blood of Insanity)*I-11:This jutsu is one of the few I-11 will only use once in risk of losing her full body. She wont truly die but the body she is in will so thus she may use this jutsu in order save it. In this state the blood that most likely be that of Oichi's will seem to come to life on its own and from all angels come into to attack her enemy. At this same time I-11 would have create Kaosu no Ishisu kaminoyari(Isis Divine Spear of Chaos) which is said able to go through anything that may get in its way and was forge out of the blood of Isis mother and father. In truth what happens as the spear is thrown it seems to multiply. Only one of these are the true one and if its not destroy the whole area will be destroyed in a massive explosion that will level the area and leave I-11 and Oichi out cold.
Chi-chū no Akuma monban(Blood Demon GateKeeper)*hidden: Is a summoning jutsu that brings forth a large demon like best. This demon is rumor to actually be a pet created by Yami Megami. This best is believed to actually negate all KKG from being use after it has been forth into the fight alongside if the person wounded to start to drain that user of its blood. However no one but a few have ever seen or even called this Demon Keeper.
Chi-chū no Akuma Shōhi(Blood Demon Consume)*hidden: Created by Himitsu mother this art is the ability to break down the enemy body and infuse it with the user. They gain all knowledge alongside their KKG what happens is the enemy must be infected with the user blood and be standing within 5 meters of them. What happen is the user calls for the blood and the enemy blood which now being taken over reacts controlling them to walk to the user and with a embrace huge the user and absorber the enemy within seconds of this hug they are dead.
Bio: Oichi doesn't know the first three years of her life since the only thing she can remember is waking up to the smell of blood. The first couple of things she does remember is pulling herself out of a bath tub that was cover in blood and in fact she had been soaked in it. She only remember her mothers smile as she said that her awaking had been completed. She didnt understand what that meet and thus never knew what had really happen and never really had question those events no matter how mess up they where. Shortly after that she was given the clans main tool/weapon the Houtai(Bandages). Each Houtai(Bandages) is custom made for each person within the clan. Hard to believe that a bandages could be custom made but they are they hold property values that are yet to be fully known and do to how close the clan guards its secret it is unlike anyone will ever find out these secret.
She was only six years old when she got her Houtai and by the age of seven she had master three high level Houtai arts known as shi nihontou houtai jusu, Houtai Klon, and Ha Houtai no jutsu which have gotten many older ketsueki killed. The reason why many have died is that they either channel to much Chakra causing the bandage to wrap around the user in which they panic causing the bandage to crush the user which kills them. How was she able to master such arts its clearly unknown however she still has some time hard time to build up the right amount of chakra and when it wraps around her she knows to just relax and everything will be fine. She herself has almost killed her self have come close to death about eleven times.
As she learn how to better use the Houtai jutsu her mother saw that she had a very fast rate of learning and always seem ready to learn the next thing. Without much time to be waste at the age of ten she removed the seal of Chi-chū no akuma(Blood Demon) its very uncommon for the seal to be remove at such normally they would have to go through the test called ketsuek inochi o kakawaru (Blood Life or Death). However since she was the mother of the leader of the clan and also already pass many older Kakawaru in her abilities many didnt question it. The hardest part came controlling the Chi-chū no akuma without draining or killing ones self or those in the area around the user. See the Chi-chū no akuma(blood demon) is a very hard blood line treat to try to control since it soul comes from the source of blood and thus if not use correctly can kill the user and anyone within a five meter area. Thus working on it is strictly held out in the forest to avoid killing villagers and member of the clan.
With the help of her mother she learn some basic of Chi-chū no akuma(blood demon) but only two of them and thus she has a lot of work head of herself to get better control of chakra molding and also speed up her hand movements since the amount of hands signs needed for each Chi-chū no akuma is longer then any normal jutsu. While working on her jutsu her mother note how she attend to have some emotional change to a level and took notes of this after all there are very danger side affects of Chi-chū no Akuma and they must always be kept in check since this type of blood line involves mental and physical health issues.
After five years of hard work she had gotten a very good hold of chakra molding and thus she learn how to control her Houtai and Chi-chū no akuma however within those five years she attend to have grown very cold and somewhat twisted however her mother believes that she is still well and good enough to become a truly gift ninja and thus believe that she will be fine to be allow to train on her own. Which in truth was right and after three years of training on and off with and without her mother she has learn a great deal of jutsu and has gotten very skilled in Houtai arts. in fact she has gotten to the level where she was allow a fully custom outfit that was made up of her own Houtai meaning her weapon is her clothes and thus it is always with her.
However after a bad event had happen after she receive her Houtai outfit she was force to always keep her eyes cover since she had unlock one of the three Chi-chū no akuma gates which cause massive damage to her eyes. The clan was shock when they found out she had done such thing since the three gates holds the three most dangers arts within the clan. she wasn't punish after all she had lost her eye sight however a special Houtai had been made and wrapped around her eyes. This black Houtai would never come off no matter what unless and this is unless she activated the first gate again and thus only for that moment it would come off however if she had lost the Houtai and isn't able to shield her eyes form the sun it can cause damage to her chakra system and thus limiting her futuers as a ninja.
Only a select few have every gotten to such level since most of them end up killing themselves using Houtai arts. At the moment their are only three people alive that are at such level. One being her mother and the other is know as the Yami Megami(dark goddess) however she never seen or meet Yami Megami only heard rumors about her and what she heard has somewhat creep her out since she heard that Yami Megami is the first one to start the clan and thus meaning she had found away to stay alive for so long.
No matter what Her mother has requested that she now be moved to the any position that the Kitsune Kage feels is best. She doesn't matter where she is place as long as she is able to keep learning and keep on mastering jutsu however she hopes one day to learn more about this Yami Megami and maybe if she could fight her in person however she feels if she ever meet she wouldn't stand much of a chances to her since she's been deem a goddess in the clan.
Becoming part of the Village wasn't hard but events lead up to where she gain a crush and someone that her mother had chosen to over watch her just in case anything bad happen. His name was Heke a very young but skilled ninja that was on her team. After events lead up to a mission of them searching for a missing ninja body she was push to a point that she shouldn't really been push to. Lack of chakra and her own body feeling threaten by Vash sudden rage attack brought out I-11 another side of Oichi, and for the time being is unclear what this die truly seeks or wants.
After I-11 awoke Oichi seem to have vanish from the village for reason unknown. In that time she learn and created new moves that would be more her style. I-11 is fast ruthless and by fare blood lust than anyone else in the clan. This path almost lead the clan to shatter and cause Himitsu to move the group away and leave Oichi to her fate. It had became clear that someone had in plated a soul that was not that of her child. Thus for the time Oichi was left to battle I-11 and after a tough mental battle that almost left Oichi defeated she manage to win back control. She however felt she had to much betrayed her clan and chose for the time to move on and hope to show them she was back in charge. In her time away from her clan she has gotten stronger and has been able to get better in her Houtai arts. However she doesn't know to much that happen in the year that I-11 ran free with her body. She knows she's stronger thanks to that twisted soul but she feels like she has done things that has tainted her body.
Race: N/A
Appearance: Oichi
