((p.s the new images are going to be posted here :
http://bluecarcuss.deviantart.com/ ))
Name: Allison Grayscale (Gray, alice or "the rainy-day Devil" )
Age: 40,172
Race: "The Devil" rumored to be the daughter of the all-powerful god of death.
(its poor-looking I know, but its my personal refrence >w>.....)

Story: Allison apeared in the divided world at age 4, and lived in a lively underground(litrally) community in the Kingdom of the Holy sheild, or the Holy country. For 80 years, she lived with the warm and welcomeing community, untill the royal army found out; all members of the community were exsacuted imidietly, but allison was taken as a prisoner to valcuri. Valcuri loved allison's strange powers, so valcuri kept allison around under the loveing watch of Charlotte M.Heillge, whom allison loved like a mother. After 10 years allison gave up her lifestyle to find someone she had always known, but never truely met, Kuthula. When the pair, Allison and kuthula met, they planed a revolution, to take down the Country of Dusk; aka the hell side, and the Kingdom of the Holy Sheild, the holy side. Together, they fought a terrable war, burning citys, killing kings, and stricking fear in Valcuri and Viola's hearts. After the chaos of 8 years, Allison fell into a dorment state, and fell into a deep, endless sleep. The sleeping devil was put under constent watch by queen Viola, the goddes of evil, in a castle on the border, only to wake up 40 thousand years later, in the care of Vincent Nathen Rigamores. Since then, the terror of the Devil has rained over the divided world.
Powers: Allison has poth physical powers, and super-natural powers over fate. Her physical powers inculde; control over lighting, electricity and anything with a charge, as well as an impossble strength, unbrakeable retactable claws, and her ablity to feel almost no pain, physically, she can still be emotionaly hurt, and get scares and cuts. Her un-natural powers happen to be her ablity to see the strings of fate, and every way a persons life can go, useing her powers, she decides which would be best for the balence of good and evil, from there she says or dose something to make it happen, once she lays her eyes on someone, there fate is completly hers.
Other: Allison has a "Komochi&Yamazamado" type relastion ship, they need each other for there powers to world at 210%. Allison is fairly emotionless. Allison dose love vincent, but she dosent show it much.
Oath of Soul: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccXlHZjxh7o&feature=watch_response
The Riverside View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgts9nCYPFo&feature=related
Name: Kuthula (Kulu, or "The Cannable" )
Age: 40,170
Race: Unknown, its rumored shes the god of vengence due to her powers over fate.
(again its CRAP )

Story: Kuthula came to the divided world at the age of 2, in the care of an extremly wealthy loyalist family in the country of dusk. For her first 85 years, she studyed magic in the best schools, librays, and served under the best mages and witchs in the Hellish country, which later would be a huge mistake on the hell kingdoms part. The young kuthula cought the eye of queen Viola, viola demanded kuthula be at her side as her magic researcher. Kuthula gladly took this to her advantage, and discovered the seacret to powerful magic, a unque way of devouring people. On top of her high intllagence and alreaddy high-leavel magic, she put her new talent to the test. Once kuthula gave it a shot, she realized it was makeing her magic more powerful, so she devloped a cleaner, less time consuming way over consuming people. Useing magic seals, she could devour entire citys in less then 10 secounds. after years of seacretly eating people, she found allison, and together, they planed a revolt agenst the two horrble goddess. Once the years of rampageing had passed, and allison falling into her deep sleep, kuthula "Gave in" and when to solitary confinment on the Holy side, but she still devoured people useing magic. When Allison woke up, kuthula broke out with out issue, and rejoined with her dear friend, and recruted her young almost daughter like friend, Cairo the voice-less banshee.
Powers: Kuthula knows every magic spell, trick, and illusion ever made. Kuthula uses a speacial magic seal she calls "The staveing red-star" through the red-star she can summon pale hands that can strech to endless langhts and cast any magic she wishes, when someone gets pulled into the magic red-star is devoured by kuthula, or taken to the divided world. Her one super-natural power is he power to change the threds of a persons fate at a singel glance. When she believes in some, she changes it so they can bring balance to good and evil, but if she thinks they can never do so, she makes every string of there fate led to death, she can also take strings away from people, and limit there fate.
Other: Kuthula treats also almost like a daughter, and always comes to comfert her. Kuthula has her pale hand assistence poor her a hot cup of AB- when she gets bord.
The Fate of 60 years: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGqlEL9WQW0&feature=related
The Border: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-eensMhO_k&feature=related
Name: Vincent Nathen Rigamores. (Vince, Vinny, or "The Bishope of Blades"
Age: 387
Race: Monochromic
( *cant draw males* )

Story: Vincent lives in a royalist family, he cant even say his last name with out people makeing remarks about how his father is such a famous genral. Vincent, along with his 2 other brothers, and youngest sister, was forced to join the royal army. Vincent always rejected his familys history of being in the royal army. Vincent always made his attemps in the army failures, but his father still make him take the job of watching over an ageing castle along with 3 other morons. One day he discoverd the sleeping devil, allison and thought it was love at first sight with the sleeping devil. When the other 3 found allison,they discoverd her at the wrong time, she awoke and killed the 3, but gave vincent more ablitys of a true monochromic, and he found himself with stonger powers and a tail. With allison and Kuthula starting a revolution, vincent agreed to join them, and persue his beloved allison.
Powers: Hence the his title, vincents amazing power is to summon up endless amounts of swords and blades, as well as an inhanced control of darkness, anything that has dought,regret, or castes a shadow is under his control.
Other: Vincent is always polite, but dont cross him, or lay a hand on allison, then he becomes a pure monochrome, and can control people, and even egsinquish the sun for a peirded of time.
Theme: unfound~
(I'll be doing some other importent chars later~ bye~bee for now )