Things that I shouldnt have done
My head, spinning. Its hard to focus on the screen I type on. My stomach aches terribly, I feel sick. Am I dancing back and forth? First one side and on to the other. I can't keep writing like this. The lap top slams shut. The story was saved? Why am I not laughing anymore? Unsteady feet carry me to bow before a porcelain throne. The head throbs as tje black is purged from the body. The sickly poisoned body. Is it over? Another offering is made. The body shakes and shivers. Pain spreads everywhere, trapped in tje walls erected to protect the mind from pain. Oh, it burns. A heart can be heard racing in tje small room. It must be in a hurry. It throbs too. The gifts are accepted and the patron slowly retreats under warm blankets. I can't sleep. If no one else is home, why is there music pounding in my ears? Louder than the concert amps we flock to. It gets louder. Am I crying? Screaming? Who knows. I turn and open my eyes. Before me a feast is lain out with its host(s) and guests standing opposite of me. Their eyes stood out. Crystal clear to me, every detail of those sharp yellow eyes, that pierce me. Their platters; children, cooked to golden perfection. Sleep cannot be attained. people come home. I make side offerings without them noticing, though theyre right beside me. The voice I trust tells me not to sleep. My heart is racing, my breathing ragged, and I can not suffer to stand.... Donr touch me. I have not slept. It hurts so much. Am I really sorry?