*Graphic in the making*
Plot: The story opens with a brief summary of the world before, with each chapter accompanied by a quote from various famous books from within the story. The story is told from the perspective of the Architect, a young man in his early twenties who aspires to enter the mysterious ranks of the Watchmen one day. The story begins roughly before noon in the city of Adessa, just around the time where a major annual event was about to commence: The yearly Pilgrimage, where two youths of each city – a boy and girl – are sent off into the world to discover themselves and bring back something great.
Six young men and women are chosen seemingly at random, with each governor of each city giving them each a gift to use upon their journey. Each city represents a skill or profession that is prevalent within their communities. The city of blacksmiths give each a bladed weapon, the clothier city giving them cloaks and clothing good enough to help them survive, and so on. None are chosen from the smaller cities, though they can volunteer youths from theirs that reside under the leadership of their respective nearby major city.
The next day they are set to leave Adessa, equipped with their gifts and prepared by their families and respective governors. After a large departure ceremony, they walk through the tall, thick gates of the city and out into the dangerous, dark world beyond. They have no guide, no set destination to go to. They must simply walk until they find inspiration.
Dramatis Persona:
The Architect - Male* The Wordsmith - Female* The Shield - Male The Shadow - Female* The Stranger - Male The Amazon - Female
Lord Arimor Darkheart · Thu Aug 30, 2012 @ 04:50am · 0 Comments |