Yay! Yo es so glad-ful!!! I'm getting the rest of the Alice 19th series on Saturday! Maybe...if my parents don't cancel for...WHATEVER...as usual. But I might get them!
Okay...let's see...what happened today...well, we unexpectedly had to take the state science exam. It wasn't too ahrd, but it was definitely NOT EASY. I did well on the density portion of it. That was the easiest. I didn't do so well on the ball and ramp part brcause I didn't know that we were supposed to ask for a ping pong ball. But if my estimates were correct, I should be fine. The microscope portion was fun! ^_^ I got to look at a little grid, and measure a bug. It was such a cute wittle bug! ^_^ Though I had a little trouble figuring out how many legs it had. It was either 4,5 or 6...I put 4, though. Or did I put 6...oh yeah, I put 6 legs.
Anyway...besides that...I drew a cute little penguin, which u better color nicely Shirley!!! And well...hehe, of course I made fumof the hutnun! ^_^
Well, time to go do stuff! ^_^

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