Today was kind of one of those better days cuz I was like basically was good.
We had like a free period in Math and Science for the first 3 periods because Ms. Croft wasn't there for some reason. So Kim, Jasdeep, and me were like playing charades and stuff like that. And talking about scary stories and all that stuff. And we were with Zee, and Shirley, and Janell too. It was fun-ful! ^_^ heart
Then, in art, we were, of course, throwing paperballs at the hut-nun. ;D Which, of course, I enjoyed. I'm on her "list", hehe.
I'm listening to I Hate Everything About You, by Three Days Grace right now...
"I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
You hate everything about me
Why do you love me"
Why do I love you
You hate everything about me
Why do you love me"
Good song. ^_^
I didn't even notice that Emran came home. He was the one in the bathroom. Hehe.
Oh yeah, Jasdeep came over today. It was pretty fun, we were just like on gaia and myspace, and listening to music the whole time. Haha, I kept picking all the songs myself... xd In fact, right now, I'm listening to 4Ever, by the Veronicas. They rock!!! xd
Oh also, today, when we were doing that class circle thing for Hamlet, me, Shirley, and Jasdeep were just like playing around and not paying attention. Me and Shirley were having a book hitting war, and Jasdeep was stuck between. Haha. We were passing pinches through Jasdeep. That was fun. xd Shirley even made me cry by hitting me in the face with a book. xd
Okay, now I'm listening to Everything I'm Not, by The Veronicas. ^_^
Let's see...what else happened in lunch, me and Brianna were having a war of the feet. Hehe.
What else happened today? Oh my mom was trying to say that I should get those books I want from the library! I just checked, and they're not even at the library!!! scream I want those books!!!!!!!!!! scream Waaaaaaaaaah! She just killed my good mood!
Whatever...I think Emran's cmoing out of the bathroom...*goes to do stuff*

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