Sunday morning, 10.30 am
Someone asked me once, if God had punished him. He was in love with a boy and really confused. He asked me if I could find a text about homosexuality. I found a text in the bible. Romans 1:25-27
They exchanged the thruth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator - who is forever praised.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.
In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and recieved in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
What I wonder is: Does this still count for this century? I don't know actually. But I think gay people can't help it that they are gay. They didn't choose for it.
It also surprises me that there are so many people who hate gay people. Why? They're still humans right? Can you tell a gay guy to marry a girl, because that's how it should be? No! He would only hurt the girl and himself. Why are they hated so much? I really don't understand it.
In my church it's the same. Gay people aren't accepted. I wanted to ask them why but I already knew what they would say. "It's against God's will.." Yeah, sure... like God would want us to hate people who are a little different. Of course not! He would want us to accept people how they are. Because every person has the right to be loved and to be happy... And we have no right to hate them because they are a little bit different.
Romans 1:25-27 is still a weird text and I don't really get it. I'm going to ask next week's preacher about it and I hope I will understand it then...
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Kite's Thoughts
A collection of my thoughts. About Life and Death. Please leave comments..
As I fall to sleep, will you comfort me?
When my heart is weak, will you rescue me?
You're better than drugs
When my heart is weak, will you rescue me?
You're better than drugs