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These journals are backwards, so if you want to read the story start to finish, go to the Archive and start at the bottom!
Part IV: Chapter 1
Fire... everythign around him was on fire... He looked at himself... he was a little kid... and everything around him was burning... he stumbled foward and tripped falling face first into...

Hector slapped Sane and pour water on his face, "God damn it Sane don't give up on my now!" Sane comes to his eyes fluttering open, "Uhhh.... where... am I?"

::Kari awoke some time later, her head throbbing and her vision blackened. After a moment or two, her sight cleared somewhat and she looked around. She was in a dungeon of sorts, stone walls and dirt floor, with a window somewhere high above her. Her wrists and neck ached and she found when she tried to move that she was chained to the wall behind her. Only a moment or so passed before a familiar shadow approached. Sane. Or at least, he looked like him. The image looked down gently at her:: Kari, are you alright?

::She glared up at the imposter:: Go to hell, Fhalrik. I won't fall for your trickery.

::He laughed and the impersonated haze of Sane that surrounded him faded away. He knelt just out of her reach, smirking slyly:: I'm impressed, Kari. ::She strained against the chains that bound her, snarling at him. He only smiled broader:: Don't bother. You're wasting your energy. And don't try any spells either. Those cuffs are made from embued Oricon. ::Her only reply was spitting in his face. He scowled, landed a solid fist in her jaw, and stood, pulling a hankerchief from his breastpocket and wiping his face:: You will learn your place soon enough. ::He turned to leave, but looked back over his shoulder to add:: Just out of curiosity, what gave me away?

::She smirked, blood seeping from the corner of her mouth and her canines highly visible. Her eyes glowed in the musty light:: Sane doesn't reak of Daemon filth.

::Fhalrik snorted disconcertedly and stalked off::

Sane gets up still feeling the effects of his blood loss. He looks at his thigh, which was now bound with a bandage, and then at Hector. "Hector... What happened?" Sane mutters shaking his head. "Sane... I have to tell you something... I shouldn't... but it is your right to know... Kiah... is really Kari in disguise... Farven's master took her away. She is his captive now." Hector stammers. Sane's eye, open wide, "But how? ... I should have known... She resembled Kari so much..." Hector shakes his head and helps Sane over to the armor smith shop, "No Sane she didn't want you knowing... I agree with her, it would have clouded your vision for your mission. But now... she is being held captive. God only knows for what reason." Sane brushes off Hectors arm, "Then I must go... I have to save her... I can't lose her... Not again." Hector looks at Sane like he's crazy, "Look at your condition! You are in no shape to go anywhere! I will not allow it!" Sane looks at Hector, "Damn it Hector! I don't care about my condition!!" Hector shakes his head, "We don't even know where to start to look for her... all I saw was a steed riding south west... that's all I know Sane. I do not know anythgin else." Sane looks at Hector, "But I know who does... there is an elder... he lives in a village to the east, he can find Kari... He knows all..." Hector nods, "Fine... but we leave in the morning not tonight... you are not well yet." Sane nods... "That is fine by me... Oh and Hector... make sure you pack my old sword."

::Kari smirked in satisfaction as Fhalrik stormed off. The iron door of the dungeon slammed shut. As the sound echoed off the stone walls, the half-elf woman came to her senses. She tugged as hard as she could at the cuffs around her wrists, and even tried a spell (which ricache'd off the metal and nearly hit her), but to no avail:: DAMN! ::She gave a loud snarl of frustration, and then noticed that her mouth hurt, and it wasn't from Fhalrik's punch. Her canines, two on top, two on bottom, ached in her gums. She was confused by this and touched them with her fingertips, accidentally cutting herself. As she stared at the blood on her finger, a bloodlust stronger than she had ever felt, save once long ago, murmered in the back of her head and she thrust the wound out of sight, trying to calm herself. To distract herself, she looked down and found that her clothes had been changed to a black chestwrap, no shirt, and worn black pants. Her black boots were still on her feet and the cloth wraps still on her hands, though greatly frayed. The collar around her neck was heavy and spiked and had a chain in the back that attached her to the stone wall. She saw her pack lying against the far wall, but her bindings were too short to reach it. Leaning back against the cold stones, she closed her eyes and tried to focus, attempting to drive away the unknown darkness in her blood while also trying to form a plan of escape::

Dawn come all too early for Sane, he opens his eyes and climbs out of the bed gritting his teeth from the pain in his thigh. "Damn this... Hector is right I am in no condition... But I must get Kari back..." Sane puts on his clothes, white pants, a black shirt with a white vest and his black hunting shoes. He runs his hand through his hair and limps to the door of his room opening it. Standing in the hall already is Hector, "Sane... I see you didn't sleep a wink last night." Sane nods and smiles, "I don't need much sleep... there is only one thing on my mind right now. And that is to get Kari back." Hector nods and smirks, "I know Sane... I know... Now come on lets hurry if we're going to get to the village by this afternoons arrival. Sane nods and they leave the Inn stepping outside. Their two horses are already awaiting them. Sane looks at Hector and nods climbing his black stallion grunting with effort. Sane kicks his horse into a fast paced trot and Hector follows him. Hector rides up beside Sane and looks at him, "Look Sane I've been giving it some thought. You know that old sword you have? I don't think it's such a good idea to use it. You remember last time; you went all berserk on me and Kari??" Sane shakes his head, "Don't worry Hector it'll be fine I won't use it unless I have to." Hector shakes his head, "That's what I'm afraid of."

::Fhalrik slammed the door behind him and moved quickly through the damp, narrow passage that was lit by torches. He turned a corner and passed through a wooden door into a medium-sized room with a desk covered in bottles and parchments. The walls were lined with bookshelves full of old dusty books and a fireplace took up some of the space on one wall. A man in dark grey robes turned to him, silver hair ice-blue eyes outlined his softly aging features:: There you are. How is she?

::Fhalrik slumped into the chair at the desk and turned his attention to the sleeve of his shirt:: She's a vicious one, that's for sure. The same bad attitude as her bloody father.

::The man smirked darkly as his eyes lit up:: Good... And the preparations?

::Fhalrik smoothed the silky fabric with his fingers:: The black clothes will help keep her focused on her demon bloodlust and the collar is bringing out her canine nature as we speak. ::He looked up:: Just relax, Marik. You'll have your weapon soon enough.

The morning soon became after noon when Sane and Hector reached the old man's village. Upon arrival Hector went to get the horses inside of the stables. Sane just went into the tavern and sat down at an empty seat ordering a goblet of wine. Hector shook his head and tied up the horses at the stable and went inside of the supply store. Sane just sat at the bar and drank.

::Marik grinned wildly, rubbing his hands together:: I wish to see her...

::Fhalrik shrugged carelessly:: Go ahead. Just don't get too close. She'll rip out your throat.

::Marik laughed gleefully:: That's precisely what I'm hoping for...

::As the silver-haired man rushed out of the room, Fhalrik raised his eyes in confusion:: ...You're hoping she rips out your throat?

::Oblivious to his accomplice's comment, Marik hurried down the hall and burst into the dungeon. His eyes lit up when he saw the half-elf curled over her knees against the wall. He approached cautiously, never blinking, completely fascinated by the creature changing before him::

::Kari felt him enter. Or rather, she smelled him. He reaked of Daemon-trace, but that was not what alerted her to his presence. She could smell his blood. She could hear his heartbeat as he drew nearer. The urge for her to lunge at him and tear out his jugular ached in her gut. Her canines had stopped aching, but were as prominent as ever in her jaws. Her head throbbed and she noticed that her senses had magnified threefold. She raised her head just enough to look up at him through a veil of black hair:: Who the hell are you?

::Marik's grin broadened:: I am your master.

::A snarl echoed through the room:: I BELONG TO NO ONE!!! ::Kari was barely an inch from the man, straining so hard against her bindings that they cut into her skin and blood began to seep down her hands::

::Marik took a small step back and removed a vial from the folds of his cloak:: Oh, I think your attitude will change drastically rather soon. ::He threw the vial down in front of her and it exploded in a cloud of purple gas:: See, you are a rather rare creature. One I've been searching for, actually, for many years now. You have just the right combination of bloods, you see, to make the perfect weapon.

::Kari pulled back a little, the effects of the gas starting to take hold. Her vision and other senses hazed over:: What the hell are you talking about?!

::He continued:: Your bloodline has been tracked by my clan for many generations now. Your father's blood was so close to perfect...but I needed one more ingredient to make the perfect combination, and it could only be added at the last minute. After he fell so conveniently in love with your mother, I knew that I'd finally have the perfect specimin. ::He laughed maniacally:: And here you are!!! Within my grasp!!

::Kari fought the overpowering weariness that was setting in, but was losing:: What combination? What bloods?

You really want to know? Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt. I know your mongrel father disappeared soon after you were born... You, my pet, are precisely 1/4 pure royal Elvish blood, 1/4 Goddess blood, 1/4 Wolf Daemon blood, 1/8 Shadowmage blood, and 1/8 blood from the Priestess of the Black High Order.

::Kari smirked, managing one final comment before fading into darkness:: Wow...one hell of a mutt...

Sane finished up his goblet of wine and exited the tavern being met by Hector who was standing outside shaking his head. "Sane if you wish to get Kari back you might not want to be in a state of drunkeness while you do it." Hector mutters and takes hold of Sane dragging him towards the edge of the village. Sane smiles and shakes his head, "What does it matter I won't be able to save her anyways... You know that... You saw those guy back there... there is no way..." Hector shook his head, "No Sane you can do anything if you set yourself to do it..." Sane smiles and nods, "Alright where is this old man?" Hector lets go of Sane and points to a run down shack standing at the outskirts of the town, "There Sane... But you must go alone... I can not go inside with you." Sane nods and limps towards teh shack entering it through what seemed to be a makeshift door made of old cloth. Hector smirks, "I hope he's ready for what the old fool will tell him."

Sane enters the hut and is hit by an overpowering stench of blood. He looks around to see cardinals hanging by their feet from the ceiling tied together by a simple string. Sane gags but regains his senses and looks around more... there in the center of the room on an old gray rug sat a withered old man his face marked with scars and scabs that were still looking fresh, his hair looked like gray wire that flowed down to his bony shoulders, his clothes were made of an old clothe that had red stains on it... Maybe blood. Sane goes over and bows, "My name is..." The old man interupts him, "Sane Drewful... Welcome child."

::When Kari awoke, she was lying in a heap on the floor of a much warmer and well furnished room. Her head had stopped throbbing, but felt odd. She reached up to find wolf ears poking up through her mass of tangled black hair. Pushing herself up onto her knees, she looked around. The room was large, with a bed, desk, wardrobe, couch, and chairs set around an alter that was the center of the room. Fhalrik sat cross-legged on the couch, watching her with a dangerous look in his eyes. She drew back a bit, pulling her guard up as best she could. He stared thoughtfully before standing and moving to her, kneeling and taking her chin in his strong grip:: You know if I weren't under that Daemon binding Marik put on me, I'd kill him and keep you as my own. ::She snarled as he turned her head to the side, examining her. If her hands had not been bound, she would have torn off his head. He smirked lightly, his eyes glistening with longing:: You are a fine specimin, no doubt about it. I could have use for you here...

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jun 13, 2005 @ 12:09am
Kari, I definately love it. YOU MUST FINISH IT!!! (and soon), lol. Please crying , I'm begging you.

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