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These journals are backwards, so if you want to read the story start to finish, go to the Archive and start at the bottom!
Part III: Chapter 3
*Sane woke up the next morning a cramp in his neck he stood up strentching himself and looked around most of the bandits were packed and ready to go. Ice was already sitting on top of his horse a smirk on his face sword in his hand. He looked down on Sane and smiled.*

"Thanks for the speech last night Sane... It really made things clear for me. I know now what I have to do to recapture the value of my family name." Ice says a cold look coming to his face.

*Sane nodded and grabbed his horse by the reins swinging his leg over it climbing on top. He trots over to Ice and smiles.*

"How long is it till we hit his keep?" Sane asks.

*Ice thinks to himself as if trying to recall a lost memory, he snaps out of it after a minute and smiles*

"It's a little bit past the village we were going to pillage... We can stop there for extra supplies we migh need. Rope, food, and some weapons and such."

*Sane nods and looks around him Ice looks at the bandits and smiles yelling out the command to move. The legion of bandits starts to move out with Ice and Sane leading the front.*

::The next morning, as the family was eating a fine breakfast, compliments of Kari, Jack spoke up:: So what are your plans now, Trynn?

::Kari looked to him, swallowing before speaking::I should be heading out soon. I should probably change my appearance somewhat... The death of my opponent will not be taken lightly...

::Lily spoke up, looking sad:: Will your family in Velnarre be angry at you?

::Kari was caught somewhat offguard by this question, but answered it as best she could with a small smile:: ...Something like that, yes.

::They ate the rest of their breakfast in silence::

*Sane and Ice moved on picking up the pace as they went finally they broke through the forest into a pasture. Sane looked around and smiled, Ice just sat on top of his horse stairing at the marvelous field of green.*

"What's wrong Ice?" Sane asks his tone of voice a bit worried.

"Nothing Sane it's just that these hills... I never thought I would see them again. The village is just up the hill, we'll get the supplies and then move on to the keep which is a little ways past... Hopefully my uncle hasn't bled the people dry of money..." Ice mutters.

*Sane nods and kicks his horse into a trot again keeping the whole brigade moving.*

::Jack went off to the smithy to work, and Ben and Lily went outside to play in the fields as always. Olivia and Kari finished cleaning up and wandered out into the glorious day as well. The human woman went to her small, but well-kept garden to weed and water the vegetables, and Kari wandered off into the village. She stopped at the river first, deciding to change her appearance before moving into the public eye. Dipping her hair in the pure water, she flipped it back and ran her hands through it. As her hands passed over her hair, it turned black from simple Elvish magic. She smiled, looking at her reflection, speaking softly to herself:: ...And thus Trynn of the West is reborn...

*They came upon the village in no time at all riding into it. The people looked at them and stared... They knew somethign was up with such a large force of men amond their midst. Sane gets off his horse Ice following. Ice turns to his band of bandits.*

"Me and Sane here will get supplies all of you shall wait here... any straglers will be dealt with accordingly." Ice says a cruel and serious tone in his voice.

*Sane heads off towards the travelers shop and taps the vendor on the shoulder. The vendor turns around and smiles when he sees Sane.*

"SANE! Long time no see!" The vendor burst out.

"Hector! What in the devil are you doing here? Last I heard you were going to be a knight in Calia!" Sane stammers foward

*Hector shook his head and smiled.*

"Killing is not for me I do not wish to be a puppet of some noble that has no clue as to what he is doing. I instead went to school to be a merchant I am not an owner to a few shops throughout the region I came here to over see this shop yet the damned vendor went somewhere and hasn't come back." Hector says

*Sane laughs and points to Ice.*

"This here is my friend Ice we came here for some supplies. Mind if we check out your inventory?"

*Hector nods.*

"Sure give it a go." Hector says with a smile

::Kari stood to see a large host of men on horseback moving into the village. She narrowed her eyes warily:: What in the world...?

::She suddenly felt a tug on her pantleg:: Trynn! Trynn!

::Kari looked down to see Lily and Ben:: What is it?

::They replied with wide eyes:: Bandits! A whole host of them! From the Black Forest!

::Kari didn't need to hear anymore. She knelt quickly in front of Ben:: Take Lily home as fast as you can and tell your mother what you've told me. Stay there until I come get you. Do you understand? ::The boy nodded and took off. Kari straightened and bolted in the direction of the town. Dammit...I don't even have my knives anymore....::

*Sane continued to laugh and joke with Hector as Ice stood browesing through the products. He picked out a barrel of pitch and bows and arrows for his men. Ice knew his men liked close fighting but until they could get inside the keep they had to somehow keep the gaurds busy and arrows will do that.*

"Okay... That's it... How much will all this cost?" Ice asks Hector.

*Hector shakes his head.*

"Nothing, any friend of Sane's is a friend on mine... Take it I can always get more... After all I owe Sane a few favors isn't that right Sane?" Hector laughs.

"Sure Hector I saved you on countless ocassions... This time we need your help. The keep up ahead... Ice's uncle took it form Ice long ago... We need help regaining it... What do you know about the men inside it how many?" Sane asks a serious look on his face.

*Hector scratches his chin and smiles.*

"Not too many I believe the damned Lord there is losing support as we speak he starves the villages he's supposed to help just so he can have his fill. I believe maybe 70 at the most. With your size of troop of only 20 men you might not be able to win... You must play your cards right." Hector says as he rolls out the barrel of pitch.

"I think Ice is our advantage he knows the keep inside and out... There has to be someway to get inside and open the gates." Sane says looking hopefully at Ice.

*Ice nods and smiles.*

"Yeah I know a passage... Only two people can fit though." Ice says looking at the ground.

"Me and Hector will go you command the men outside." Sane says looking at Hector.

"Hold on a second Sane! I don't liek killing... I said that earlier." Hector stammers.

"You owe me Hector remember that... It'll be like old times Hector... Don't worry." Sane says slapping him on the back.

*Hector reluctently agrees and starts rolling the barrel towards Ice's men.*

::Kari got into town and ran through the back streets, so not to be seen by the bandits. She counted about 20 men near the edge of the village, but they didn't seem to be doing anything. She heard raised voices and hurried toward them, skidding to a stop when she reached the source of the voices. To her surprise, the three men were talking cheerfully. There was no sign of hostility. She scanned their faces, recognizing the shopkeeper but not the grungy man with the eyepatch. She couldn't quite see the third man, so she moved around the corner of the shop and her heart stopped. She quickly moved out of sight, her back against the side of the vendor's cart, her eyes wide:: Sane... ::She stood there, frozen for a long moment, before daring to take another look. Yes. It was him. She moved back out of view again and thought frantically. She couldn't let him see her. She refused to distract him from his task anymore. Then she realized how different she looked. No knives, multiple bandages on her body under the tan leather clothes Olivia had given her, and her hair was now long and black, and much smoother than it had been. He wouldn't recognize her... To be sure, she draped her hair over her pointed ears, keeping them from sight. With that reassuring thought in her mind, she moved around the corner and walked casually past the three men, stealing quick glances at them as she passed by and headed for the smithy just a few feet away::

*Sane laughed as Hector stopped as an attractive woman passed by Hector's eyes lit up. He had always been a womanizer of sorts. Sane looked at the woman with her black hair and tan clothes. She somehow seemed familiar to him yet he brushed the feeling aside, he had more important things to worry about.*

"So Hector you still have that old ax you had back when we trained together under Lord Habinsul? Or did you finally throw it away?" Sane asks laughing as Hector gives him a look.

"Actually Sane I gave the ax to the smith shop behind you... He promised to fix the dents and cracks for me... It should be done by now. Why don't you follow me and we shall get it from him? We'll let Ice here prepare the men you have to march out." Hector says.

*Sane nods and Ice takes the barrel and starts to push it towards the men. Sane follows Hector and smiles.*

"Are you sure you're not going there just for the sake of meeting that woman that walked past?" Sane asks Hector.

"Sane... You read me like a book... Yet that is partially true that shall be a plus." Hector says winking at Sane as they step into the smith shop.

::Kari met Jack inside with a smile. He wiped his hands with a dirty rag and came out from the iron he was working with to greet her:: Trynn! What are you doing here? I see you changed your hair like you said you would. I looks nice!

::She smiled:: Thanks, Jack. I was wondering if I could have a look at some of your weapons... I lost mine in the river, and I will need something to take with me when I set off again.

::He grinned:: Sure thing! I specialize mainly in swords, but I have a few others that you could take a look at if you'd like.

*Hector steps inside Sane a bit hesitant joined him inside. Sane leaned against a wall of the shop and looked at the woman who was talking to the man. Hector not waisting time walks up to the man.*

"Excuse me sir I hope I'm not intruding on you and this fine lady but I would like to know if you have finished the repairs on my ax? The one I gave to you a little while back." Hector asks a sly smile coming to his face.

*Sane shakes his head, Hecotr was such an ill mannered man. Anyone else would have waited a bit. Yet a smile came to Sane's face he really felt like the woman was really strangely familiar. "Oh well... I hope Hector makes this quick..." Sane thinks to himself as Hector stands and waits.*

::Jack looked to the man:: Sure, Hector, I just finished it. Give me a minute, and I'll get it for you. ::He turned back to Kari:: Trynn, if you would like to look around at what I have out, you may. I'll be back in a moment.

::She smiled:: Thanks, Jack. ::She proceeded to move slowly around the room, looking at all the weapons in different racks against the walls. She pulled out a few, spinning them and checking their craftsmanship, which she found was exceptional. As she looked, she would glance occasionally at Sane, careful not to stare. Her heart ached knowing he was so close, and yet so out of reach. She turned her attention back to the weapons, coming across a rack of longknives. Smiling, she pulled two out and examined them, doing a few simple practice maneuvers with them to see how they handled::

*Sane looked a the woman checking out the knives and smiled. Her movements were flawless, almost reminded him of... Kari. He shut his eyes and shook the thought out of his head... "I won't think of her now... If I do I'd have to turn back. I must focus on what's ahead." He looks at Hector who walks up to the woman.*

"Hey, what's a pretty flower like you doing in a smith shop?" Hector says his voice cool and clean.

*Sane shakes his head... Hector was unbelievable."

::Kari paused in her movements and eyed him darkly:: Looking for weapons. What's a shopkeeper like you doing in a smithy?

*Hector laughed, Sane just looked on a smile forming on his face he had a feeling Hector was messing with the wrong woman.*

"Oh me... well I'm here to pick up my battle ax... It has a sort of sentimental value to it. My friend came on business here... I'm just helping him out." Hector says pointing to Sane in the corner.

*Sane nods at the woman and smiles.*

"But a pretty girl like you should have a strong man by her side to protect her... No sense in buying weapons then." Hector says chuckling.

*Sane once again shakes his head checking his daggers on his sides. Hector was very persistent.*

::Kari didn't say anything in response, but felt the fuse on her short temper lighting up. She nodded back to Sane, but had to turn her eyes away quickly to keep him from seeing that it was really her. As Hector kept at his womanizing ways, Kari's hands tightened on the grips of the longknives in her hands. Her patience was wearing thin::

*Hector smiled and looked at Kari reaching out his hand. Sane moves away from the wall seeing as he notices the womans grip tighten and steps in between them, grabbing Hector and pulling him away a bit. He leans in and whispers.*

"Hector... Don't, I don't think she's intrested in you. Just drop it..." Sane mumbles under his breath. "Let's just get your ax and get out of here."

Hector nods and smiles, "Sure Sane buddy no problem... as soon as I get my ax we can leave. Wait are you jealous of me hitting on this beautiful girl here?"

Sane looks at Hector hard, "Don't Hector... I wouldn't ever do that to... Nevermind damn it Hector lets just get this damn ax and leave."

*Hector senses Sane's uncomfortable status and nods. Sane went back to lean against the wall he mind was now filled with thoughts of Kari... It was all Hectors fault... He must keep his mind off of Kari and on the task ahead.*

::Kari's temper was about out when Sane interfered. She managed to relax a little, overhearing their conversation. She put up the knives as Jack reappeared from the back workshop with a large battle ax. He smiled, holding it out to Hector:: Here you go! Took me a while, there was some serious damage to it, but it's good as new now!

*Hector takes it and looks it over, a large grin forming on his face like a school buy who had just gotten a present from his parents. Hector grabs Jack's hand and shakes it.*

"So how much do I have to pay for this?" Hector asks his grind still on his face.

Sane laughs a bit and slaps Hector on the back, he knew that Hector would use that ax once more until it went back to its previous state. "Hector you better pay that man back double you might be back in due time to have it repaired again."

Hector gives Sane a looks and laughs, "Sure Sane whatever you may say."

::Kari smirks a little at the joke, but quickly turns away to hide it. She returns her attention to a sword rack. The knives, she had found, were too heavy for her to equip effectively. A sword, however, would be fitting, as she had reclaimed her identity as Trynn of the Western Plains, who had always used a sword. She found a few thin elvish-style blades and examined them, finally choosing one with a black grip and sheath and moved to the counter, waiting a few feet from the men, who were still concluding their business::

::Jack laughed:: I'll give you a discount! Only 35 Silver Pieces for an old friend!

*Hector nods and smiles fishing out 40 silver pieces out of his purse handing it to Jack smiling.*

"I'll give you a few extra for the excellent craftsmanship you did to it... This ax has been with me since the begining hasn't it Sane?" Hector says smiling.

Sane nods and smiles back, "That it has my good friend... Many time has that ax saved my head from being removed from my body by an enemy of some sort."

Hector nods, "Damn right it has... But if I remember correctly you were the one who always ended up kicking major butt... Me I was there as help when you needed it..."

*Sane and Hector laugh and thank Jack. Then they turn and walk out the shop Hector waving at the woman inside as they exited, Sane laughing. They walk back up to the bandits who were prepared to move out.*

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