Rock Band
Today at church, some of the people there were going to teach us how to play guitar. I got so excited that I me and my brother started to suggest that we should make a band. But that is not a half bad idea. Getting a band together, but me, my brother, and some other people. My brother says that I should play the drums, but his friend was the one that wanted to play the drums. So he can take that lead. And my friend could play the bass, and I can play guitar, and my brother can play the lead guitar. Some of us can be the singer. Whoever it is, it'll be really mad awesome if we have a band. And then we can rock the world!!! WOOT WOOT!!! I mean really, a girl can dream.
I was thinking that we should make a band. And we should really make songs and everything after we learn how to play the guitar and other things. But first is first, that we should build the learning experience first. I really want a band and we can have some songs. But I say that really isn't some kind of career thing. I want to be a doctor or a manager. It doens't matter what, but I say that it can work. I'm not good of a singer too, so I might not be fit to be a singer. But that's only what my friend says. And maybe my brother. And sometimes my dad... and my mom... But that doesn't stop me from being what I want to be! Heck no I won't stop there.
I have no idea what I'm saying though. Thinking that making a band is great. I mean common, my and my friends are only kids. Well, I wouldn't care if the Naked Brothers Band are kids too, but they have a teenager there. And I would say that our parents might be mad if we made a band. I mean, we also have school. And if we focus on the band too much that we might miss school. And we live in different areas and in different states. I mean really, it might be a little luck if some producer saw us play music at some place and then we would get rich. But sometimes when that comes, then it would lead to trouble. All the fame and fortune might bring some greedy things. And come one, I would get greedy and maybe everyone else might as well get greedy themselves with the money and what they want.
But I want to dream of me and our band, someday it that can happen. When it does, I'll recall back to this journal and shout that I made a band! Woot!!!
Today at church, some of the people there were going to teach us how to play guitar. I got so excited that I me and my brother started to suggest that we should make a band. But that is not a half bad idea. Getting a band together, but me, my brother, and some other people. My brother says that I should play the drums, but his friend was the one that wanted to play the drums. So he can take that lead. And my friend could play the bass, and I can play guitar, and my brother can play the lead guitar. Some of us can be the singer. Whoever it is, it'll be really mad awesome if we have a band. And then we can rock the world!!! WOOT WOOT!!! I mean really, a girl can dream.
I was thinking that we should make a band. And we should really make songs and everything after we learn how to play the guitar and other things. But first is first, that we should build the learning experience first. I really want a band and we can have some songs. But I say that really isn't some kind of career thing. I want to be a doctor or a manager. It doens't matter what, but I say that it can work. I'm not good of a singer too, so I might not be fit to be a singer. But that's only what my friend says. And maybe my brother. And sometimes my dad... and my mom... But that doesn't stop me from being what I want to be! Heck no I won't stop there.
I have no idea what I'm saying though. Thinking that making a band is great. I mean common, my and my friends are only kids. Well, I wouldn't care if the Naked Brothers Band are kids too, but they have a teenager there. And I would say that our parents might be mad if we made a band. I mean, we also have school. And if we focus on the band too much that we might miss school. And we live in different areas and in different states. I mean really, it might be a little luck if some producer saw us play music at some place and then we would get rich. But sometimes when that comes, then it would lead to trouble. All the fame and fortune might bring some greedy things. And come one, I would get greedy and maybe everyone else might as well get greedy themselves with the money and what they want.
But I want to dream of me and our band, someday it that can happen. When it does, I'll recall back to this journal and shout that I made a band! Woot!!!