Agent Richard J. Mannilow A position higher than Dern and Duvalier, Mannilow is their supervisor. He is a often the most light-hearted of the group always being upbeat as possible. Until someone messes up that is. All that happiness has to have a darkside somewhere and it manifests itself when Dern and Duvalier misbehave. He's known for blasting his underlings so loud that he often doesn't bother closing the door because the everyone will hear him anyway. He is driven hard by his boss when especially those two squabble and has more than once thrown things at them in frustration. This almost split-personality leads the Agents to refer to him as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when his back's turned.
 John An ex-Agent, John is friend's with Dern and Dern's boss Frank. John retired after Frank was promoted because he no longer felt he was needed but often stays in the loop. How Dern hasn't figured out. Dern comes to John for advice quite a bit and John doesn't always seem to obliging. John has also stepped in on Dern's behalf more than once.
 Frank The boss. He divvies out who does what and expects it to be done the way he said. Because he knows how his agents act reflects on him to the people who pull his strings he is harsh on all of them. He gives Dern his leeway though but more so he gives freedoms to Agent Duvalier, telling Mannilow once, that he would rather keep Duvalier at a distance so it'd be easier to cut him off if the situation called for it. Frank spends many a night in his office ignoring calls from Margaret his wife. John is a frequent after-hours guest, often barring take-out. Frank is said by far to be the scariest man at he office not because of what he'll do, but what he'll tell his "boy" to do.
 Agent Lucifer Jax The "boy". Frank's right-hand man: He doesn't normally go into the field unless ordered too so that Frank knows everything is being done according to his will. Jax is often used to intimidate the others into submission however his effect seems lost on Duvalier who will openly mock Jax in front of him. Jax is also the iron fist of Frank's authority and has made many people "disappear" some of whom were employees. Jax is seemingly emotionless, and seldom speaks. However on a rare event he will relay messages to Dern especially. Contrary to popular opinion that his first name was given to him by a partner in Cuba, Lucifer is his real name, although he refers to himself as "Daniel" professionally.
Artan Zuill · Fri Jul 17, 2009 @ 03:19am · 0 Comments |