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True Love Last Forever: a sasodei fanfiction
A stroy ive been writing
chapter 3 part 4
TLLF: Chapter 3 Part 4


Sasori stood up and headed toward Deidara’s door.
“ Where are you going?!” Deidara asked. Sasori turned around and looked at Deidara.
“ I have to leave before Pein-Samma gets suspicious.” Replied Sasori. Deidara pouted a bit. Sasori smiled. “ I know it sucks, but its not to bad. As long as we keep this up, Pein will never know.” Deidara looked at Sasori then to the side.
“ Well…maybe we should tell him Danna.” Deidara said in a quiet voice. Sasori snapped back around, looked at Deidara and scowled at him.
“ Tell him! Are you crazy! Do you know what might happen to us if he ever found out!” Sasori said in an angry voice. Deidara looked up with an expressionless face.
“ Sasori, we shouldn’t be keeping secrets from the leader! If he finds out, that’s fine. I mean… I’m sure he wouldn’t mind it.” Deidara said. Sasori just shook his head.
“ No. No you don’t understand. You don’t know Pein. If he found out… I’m sure he would kill us. If not that, kick us out for sure.” Sasori said. Deidara watched and looked down with a sad expression. Sasori looked at him, then turned around toward the door. “ I’m sorry Deidara, but if we want to stay together, Pein can never know. Ok?” Sasori said softer. Deidara paused before answering.
“ Yeah…I guess so.” Muttered Deidara. Sasori looked at him then walked out the door.
“ Be back soon.” Sasori left. Deidara lay in his bed alone. The fire crackled in the fireplace and he snuggled agents the warmth of the blanket. His face and body started to regain color and he was warm and dry. He looked up at the ceiling and thought out loud. “I’m going to tell him. I don’t care what Sasori says, Pein needs to know…” Deidara said to himself. He leaned back on the pillow and closed is eyes. Within minutes, he was asleep. The fire glowed within the coals and gave off orange light. Deidara dreamed about Sasori. He wondered what his original body looked like. He wondered how soft his skin would be. Deidara snuggled agents himself. A faint smile appeared on his face.
Sasori entered his room and flinched when he saw what he had done to it. Damn…I wish Deidara never saw this side of me. He thought. Sasori looked around his room and frowned. He started the take off all the black cloth in his room. The mirrors were first. Sasori tore off the black cloth and revealed the silver, shinny mirror. He looked at his reflection and leaned in closer to get a better look of his face. He touched his cheek and paused for a second. Every part of me…He says he loves…But how…? Sasori thought to himself. He finished taking off the mirror and he uncovered all the other things that would reflect his image. Once everything was uncovered, Sasori’s room was a lot brighter then he remembered. Everything glittered as if it was new. Sasori looked around his room for a minute, then moved all the cloth into his closet. Sasori then sat on his bed and looked at the floor. He sighed then laid down. Sasori looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes.
The next morning Deidara woke up. The clock read 9:45AM. Deidara’s eyes widened. Is that really the time!!? I must have slept in! He thought. Deidara scrambled out of bed and put on some clothes. He fixed his hair and brushed all this mouths. When he was done he headed out the door and walked to the main room. Sasori was already awake and was siting in the corner of the room beside Zetsu, Kazuku, and Itachi. Hidan, Keisame, and Tobi were sitting at the table. Deidara headed for where Sasori was standing but Sasori shook his head and nodded to the table. Deidara hesitated then walked to the table to join Hidan, Keisame and Tobi.
“ Well! Look whose finally up!” Said Hidan “ The little blonde princess!” Hidan laughed, while Keisame snickered. Deidara glared at them, but said nothing.
“ Don’t be mean to sempai!” said Tobi. Deidara glanced over at Tobi. Tobi gave the Peace sign. “ Its ok Deidara-sempai! I won’t be mean to you!” Deidara rolled his eyes and tried to ignore Tobi’s stupid comments. A few minutes later, Pein and Konan walked in. Pein was holding scrolls and Konan was holding a small, wooden box.
“ Attention Akastuki.” Started Pein. “ There are going to be new changes. The beiju are spreading and we need to start collecting them fast before they are well secured. In order to do that, I will have to summon the host that will be holding them all. There are ten fingers that need to be filled and I need you all to be able to give your chakra when the time comes. Since we only have nine members, due the absence of Orochimaru, I will require more or your chakra.” He said “Inside these scrolls are instructions to how to donate a percentage of your chakra without you becoming completely empty. Now, Konan has a ring for each one of your signifying where your position will be. You will put that ring on the finger you will be standing on when the time comes to extract the bejiu.” He finished. Konan walked out and opened the box. Inside there was a set of rings with different symbols on them. She went around from member to member handing them their ring. Sasori got his and looked at it. The symbol read thumb so he placed it on his right thumb. Deidara got his after a short glare from Konan. Deidara’s symbol meant point, so he put his on his left pointer finger. After all the members had gotten their rings, Pein came around with the scrolls. He handed each member one scroll. “ Your all dismissed.” He said. Konan left the room as well as Itachi, Keisame, Hidan, Sasori, Tobi, Kazuku, and Zetsu. The only ones left in the room were Deidara and Pein. Deidara walked over to Pein.
“ Um, Leader-Samma…?” Deidara asked. Pein turned around and starred at Deidara. There was a silence.
“ What…” Pein responded. Deidara stood quietly for a moment.
“ Um, sorry to bother you but uh… I need to talk to you about something.” Deidara said. Pein’s eyes narrowed.
“ Make it fast.” Pein said. Deidara gulped and breathed in.
“ Well its…um…I thought you should know that, I’m in love with Master Sasori.” Deidara said quietly. Pein starred at Deidara with searching eyes.
“… Who started this…?” Pein finally said.
“ Master Sasori sir. He didn’t want me to tell you, but I thought you disserved to know.” Pein was quiet. “ So uh…are you ok with that Leader-Samma?” Deidara said in a shaky voice. Pein was motionless.
“ … Yes…I’m fine, wait here Deidara. I’ll be right back.” Pein said. He started down the hall and turned the corner. Deidara looked after him then sat in the chair near the table. Pein was heading down to Sasori’s room. Rage was in his eyes that he had hid from Deidara. While walking he took out a kunai and held it tightly in his hand. He hid it in his sleeve as he reached Sasori’s door. He knocked on it. “ Sasori…open the door…Its your Leader.” Pein said. There was a short pause then Sasori opened the door.
“ Yes Leader-Samma? Is there a problem?” Sasori asked. Pein walked in and Sasori closed the door and turned around. “ Leader?” Pein stood quietly looking at Sasori.
“ So…” started Pein “ Deidara told me that you two were in love. You know what that means Sasori…” he said. Sasori’s eyes widened and he backed up with a scared look on his face. “ You know what else he told me?” asked Pein. He was advancing on Sasori and Sasori was backed agents the door. “ He told me that you’re the one who started it.” Pein said with rage in his eyes. He pulled out the kunai and held it in his hand. Sasori eyes widened more and he tried to back up more but was stopped by the wood of the door.
“ Pein… You don’t need to do this… I don’t know what got into my mind, but I swear I’ll cut it off!” Sasori panicked. Pein didn’t listen. He advanced toward Sasori and raised the kunai. He grabbed Sasori’s heart and pulled it out a little. Sasori let out a small scream of pain and his body started to shake. “ Please…. Don’t do this…!” begged Sasori. Pein looked at Sasori and glared.
“ Tisk…this is what happens when you disobey my orders. And look at yourself, you’re already becoming weaker… You better get rid of these disgusting feelings of yours… cause I will not have them in my organization!” Pein yelled. He took the kunai and slit it deep into Sasori’s heart. Sasori screamed in pain as Pein kept pushing the Kunai deeper into Sasori’s heart. Sasori coughed up some of the blood that had poured from his heart into his body. Pein watched Sasori with out any sign of compassion. “ How does it feel?! Feeling your body in pain again. If you ever have those feelings again, I will kill you next time! Then your so-called “lover” will be next! Do I make myself clear Puppet boy!” yelled Pein. Sasori nodded and his face was in pain and he was shaking. Pein watched him for a minute then pulled the kunai out and slit Sasori across the face with the blood stained kunai. Pein then took Sasori by the neck and threw him into the wall. Sasori screamed again and fell to the floor. “ Remember this Sasori…I will not have any of this in the Akastuki!” Pein said. With that, he left the room and slammed the door. Sasori laid on the floor in pain. Deidara was still waiting in the main room with no idea what had happened. When Pein entered the main room, his face was normal and the kunai was tucked away. He looked at Deidara. “ Your Master Sasori would like to have a word with you…” Pein said calmly. Deidara stood up.
“ Yes sir.” Deidara replied. He walked down the hall and reached Sasori’s room. “ Sasori-Danna? Its Deidara.” Said Deidara.
“ Go away! I can’t talk right now!” Sasori yelled from the other room.
“ Sasori is everything ok?” asked Deidara. He reached for the doorknob.
“ No! Just…Go away!” Sasori yelled. Deidara was confused so he opened the door.
“ Danna I…” Deidara’s eyes widened as he saw Sasori bleeding on the floor with a dent in the stone wall. “ Danna! W-what happened!” Deidara rushed to Sasori’s side.
“ Damn it get away from me!” Sasori said in an angry tone. He pushed Deidara away. “ This is all your fault! I told you what would happen if you told Pein! Now look what you’ve done!” Sasori’s face was still in pain as he glared at Deidara and talked through tightened teeth. Deidara looked at Sasori in a shock stricken face.
“ S-Sasori…I’m so sorry! He said he didn’t mind! Oh god what have I done!” Deidara cried. Sasori was in tears and he shouted at Deidara.
“ We are over! You betrayed me! You son of a b***h!” Sasori yelled. Deidara stiffened. His faced was hurt and tears streamed down his face.
“ Sasori… I’m…. I’m so sorry…I never meant for this to happen…” Deidara cried. “ Please…. Don’t cut it off…” Sasori looked at Deidara in rage and had tears rolling down his eyes.
“ How can you expect me to forgive you…after what you have done to me…! Look at me! Look what you have done!” Sasori yelled. The tears smeared the blood on his face and there was a line in the wood of his face where Pein had cut him. “ I take back all I have said to you…I hate you, stupid kid…What you have done can never be fixed. There is a deeper wound you have inflicted, deeper then the one you can see… You traitor!” Sasori yelled. He was stopped by another sudden pain in his heart. He looked away from Deidara with tears in his eyes. Deidara was heart struck. His face was pale and tears still streamed down his face. His hands were shaking and his heart hurt inside his body.
“ Sasori…I’m so sorry…I-if you could just let me explain…” Deidara started. Sasori interrupted him.
“ Just…leave me alone.” Sasori said. Sasori turned his head away from Deidara with tears falling down his face. Deidara sat in silence looking at Sasori with a broken heart.
“ I’m…so, so sorry Sasori. Please…forgive me.” Deidara said quietly. Sasori didn’t answer him. Deidara waited a minute before speaking “ I’ll leave you now. Master Sasori…” Deidara said with tears in his eyes. He stood up and left the room. Once outside Sasori’s room, He ran to his own room. He couldn’t take anymore of this. He was heart broken and he felt like he didn’t deserve to live. Deidara ran into his room, slammed the door, fell on the bed and cried. He didn’t stop. His tears soaked into the blankets as he sobbed harder and harder till he just broke down. He poured his whole heart on the blankets. Deidara sobbed and never noticed that he was not alone. He continued to cry cursing at himself.
Back in Sasori’s room, Sasori was healing his heart trying to close the hole. His eyes still streamed with tears and his face was no longer angry. Instead, his face was deeply pained. He didn’t want to lose Deidara, but he felt like he had no other choice. Sasori wanted to protect him. Cutting it off was the only thing he could do. His heart was staring to heal and within minutes, he was done. Sasori slowly stood up and wiped his tears away. The absence of blood made him feel weak and he laid down on his bed. There was a bump on his heart where Pein had slit him. Sasori lifted his arm and draped it across his eyes where he silently cried. “ Deidara…I’m sorry…I had to.” He said quietly. I still love you… Sasori thought to himself. The room was quiet. The walls seemed to darken with sadness and the air grew cold and dead. It was a two-sided betrayal. Deidara’s for telling, and Sasori’s for breaking. Guilt lured in both their hearts. But something more grew in Deidara’s heart. Hatred. Hatred for himself, and hatred for Sasori. Why should he feel sorry for Sasori? Sasori’s the one who got him into this mess, but Deidara still felt sorry for him. It was his fault Sasori got hurt. But the hatred grew. He was cut off from him. Nothing could be done. But there was yet another heart. A heart that was cold and filled with lust. A heart that didn’t care for others, one that had never loved another. A heart that chose self-pleasure over love. Lust swam in those black and red eyes. That person stood behind Deidara. Watching him with a smirk on his face, and a lick of his lips.

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