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Are You Listenin'?
Just a journal of thoughts.
The Official 'Hobbits Are People Too Committee' Meeting
*Reminder: keep in mind that this story is not meant to offend nor flatter anyone. It is just a fictional script/story/play—whatever—based on some of the people in this clan. Thank you and enjoy.

The Official ‘Hobbits Are People Too Committee’ Meeting

Harriet prepares her tiny plastic desk. She places her chair behind it and places five sheets of paper, one next to the other; some have squiggly lines, others are blank and one has gibberish written on it. She places a cup with two pencils, three crayons and a marker in it, on the upper left corner of her desk. She sits in her seat and smiles at the empty blanket in front of her. She checks her Barbie watch—which stopped working a long time ago—and sighs.

Harriet: Where are they?

Wyatt comes out of the house with a bowl of cereal and smiles.

I’m gonna kick them out once they get here.
Wyatt: Kick who out?
Harriet: The members of my committee.
Wyatt: Oh, right, them. (chuckles) Stay off the street, okay?
Harriet: K.
Wyatt: And Mom’s at her fitness club thing, so you won’t be bothering her.
Harriet: (not looking at Wyatt) Fine.
Wyatt: (smiles) You want me to join your meeting?
Harriet: You the first one.
Wyatt: Okay, I’ll be right back.

Wyatt chuckles and walks back inside.

Harriet: (tries to sound like an adult) I swear, these kids are gonna be the end of me.

Catherine walks on the lawn and sits on the blanket.

Catherine: Made it.
Harriet: And what took you so long?
Catherine: We said after snack time.
Harriet: Why did you eat for so long?
Catherine: My mommy gave me crackers, a peanut butter sandwich and an apple.
Harriet: That’s not a snack! That’s lunch.
Catherine: Oh, bite me.
Harriet: (gasps) I don’t even know what that means!
Catherine: Me either. But my daddy says it a lot.
Harriet: Well, if he says it, then it must be okay.

The brothers, Alex and Victor, show up and sit with Catherine.

Alex: Sorry we’re late.
Victor: Our mom made us clean our room.
Harriet: That is not an excuse!
Victor: I’m sorry! (teary-eyed)
Alex: It’s okay, little brother.
Harriet: Oh, cod. You’re such a wimp.
Victor: I can’t help my tears. (sniffs)

Daniel shows up and sighs happily.

Daniel: What’s shakin’?
Harriet: My fist! (shakes her tiny fist)
Daniel: Why?!
Harriet: You were opposed to be here when the large hand hits twelve, “stoopid.”
Daniel: Well, it’s not my fault my mommy likes to clean me up afterwards.
Alex: Your mommy cleans you up?
Daniel: Uh-huh. (smiles proudly)
Catherine: “Spowled.”
Daniel: Big-mouth.
Catherine: Joke’s one you; I don’t have a big mouth. It’s little, like me.

Daniel sticks his tongue out and Kaylie, along with Mandy, show up and sit close to Harriet.

Harriet: And where have YOU been?
Kaylie: I coughed, so my mommy checked my temperature.
Mandy: I vomited.
All: Eew.
Daniel: Cool.
Harriet: Okay. I accept those excuses.
Alex: Yeah, I hate it when my mommy checks my temperature.
Victor: Me too.
Daniel: I love everything my mommy does. (sits in between the brothers)
Catherine: I don’t.
Harriet: (sighs) All right, so who are we missing?

They look around.

Kaylie: Rita and Angie.
Mandy: I saw Angie playing softball.
Catherine: And Rita’s always late.
Daniel: She must be “prennant.”
Harriet: (scared) “Prennant”?
Daniel: Yeah, I heard my mommy and dad say that; (high tone) “Oh, no, I’m late.” (deepens voice) “You must be ‘prennant.’”
Alex: Oh, no! I heard my mommy say that and then Victor showed up!

They all gasp.

All: No way.
Alex: Way.
Daniel: Whoa.
Catherine: “Showed up”?
Alex: Yes, as a baby.
Catherine: But you were a baby when he was a baby.
Alex: Oh, we saw the home video my daddy made.
Harriet: Your family’s weird.
Catherine: How are they weird?
Harriet: Home videos? That’s weird.
Catherine: Just because your family don’t watch home videos, don’t mean that their family’s weird.
Harriet: Yuh-huh. I’m the leader and what I say goes. You got a problem with that, you take it up with Wyatt.
Daniel: I thought Wyatt was in the prison.
Harriet: Not prison, you moron; jail. He was “wongfully aqused.”

The brothers look at each other and Catherine sighs.

Catherine: I’m sure you’re saying that wrong.
Harriet: Oh, bite me.

They giggle.

Alex: That’s funny.
Victor: Yeah, say it again.
Catherine: No, it defeats the “puhpose.”
Harriet: Sometimes I think you mock us, Catherine.
Gary: What does that mean?
Harriet: I don’t know; my daddy says it to my mommy when she’s being smarts.
Xavier: Smarts?
Daniel: Smarts, like me. (grins)
Harriet: Okay, everybody shut up or I’ll sick Wyatt on you!
All: No!
Harriet: You better behave, then. I’m not afraid to tell Wyatt to kick your butts.
Alex: (whining) Please don’t.
Victor: My legs get tired from all the running. (stretches his stubby legs)
Kaylie: You have to be good, then. (shushs)
Harriet: Thank you, Kaylie.
Mandy: (clears throat loudly) I’m good, too!
Harriet: Yes, you are!
Mandy: Yay! (claps hands and grins)
Catherine: Why are you always so happy?
Mandy: Why are you always so sad? (mocks Catherine’s face)
Catherine: I’m not sad, I’m “gumpy.”

Wyatt walks outside and yawns.

Wyatt: Oh, they showed up after all.
Harriet: (smiling) Yup.
Wyatt: Good. (to everyone) Hey, guys.

They all gulp and try to grin.

Did you guys miss me?

They all force themselves to nod their heads.

Harriet: (to the kids) Not so tough now, are ya?
Daniel: (whispers loudly) Well, he scares me.
Victor: I’m so scared, I have to pee.
Alex: Don’t pee your pants, you know what Mommy said.
Victor: But I gots to go.
Harriet: Tough!
Wyatt: Now, now, Harriet, play nicely.

They all stare at Wyatt and Harriet growls.

Harriet: What did you say?
Wyatt: If Victor has to pee, then he should go pee.

They look at Harriet, who can’t believe Wyatt just said that. She puts her chin up and looks at Victor.

Harriet: Fine. (they all open their eyes wide) You may go, Victor.

Victor can’t even move. They’re all afraid this is some kind of trick.

Kaylie: You heard her! MOVE!
Mandy: Yeah, move!

Victor jumps on his feet and runs into the house.

Harriet: Well, we’ll begin the official “Hobbits Are People Too Committee” meeting when Victor gets back.
Catherine: Couldn’t we have picked a shorter name?

Wyatt sits on the porch swing and smiles as he watches the little kids talk.

Harriet: Hmm, let me consult with my clipboard. (looks at a sheet of paper, then looks at Catherine) No.
Catherine: You didn’t even say anything!
Alex: And you don’t even have a clipboard!
Harriet: Well, my mommy won’t buy me one! BITE ME!
Wyatt: (sternly) Harriet!

Harriet growls and looks at Wyatt.

Play nicely and don’t say such words.
Harriet: (whining) Why are you yelling at me for?!
Wyatt: I am not yelling at you, I’m telling you to play nicely and not use those words.
Harriet: But Catherine’s daddy said it, (Catherine nods her head) so I don’t see why it’s so wrong.
Wyatt: You shouldn’t repeat everything parents say.
Harriet: Why not?
Wyatt: Parents sometimes don’t know what they’re saying.
Daniel: They’re “stoopid.”
Wyatt: No, nobody’s stupid; but sometimes they don’t realize that they shouldn’t say certain things.

Victor comes out and sighs happily. He notices Wyatt sitting next to him and he lets out an exaggerated gasp.

(startled) You okay, bud?

Victor is frozen, but manages to nod his head.

Alex: (whispers loudly) Victor, come quick!

Victor runs to Alex and hugs him.

Victor: I thought he was gonna eat me.
Harriet: Fear my brother. (laughs wickedly)

Gary and Xavier show up and the rest of the kids gasp.

Gary: Sorry.
Harriet: Oh, my cod; I forgot all about you guys.
Xavier: It’s okay. I’m used to being forgotten.
Kaylie: Don’t be so sad, Xavier.
Mandy: Yeah, we like you and Gary.
Gary: I like you, too.
Xavier: (looks around) Where’s Angie?
Harriet: We don’t know.
Mandy: Playing softball.
Harriet: Oh, yeah.

Wyatt looks down.

Xavier: Oh. (looks down)
Harriet: (cute flirty) You can sit next to me, boys.
Xavier and Gary: Okay.

Xavier and Gary sit next to Harriet and then she clears her throat.

Harriet: Well, now that we’re all here. Let’s begin our official “Hobbits Are People Too Committee” meeting.

Angie and Rita show up.

Xavier: (excitedly) Angie!
Angie: Sorry we’re late.
Daniel: Oh, no! They’re both “prennant!”
Wyatt: “Prennant”?
Angie: What do you mean, Daniel?
Catherine: Please don’t make him say it again.
Wyatt: You mean, “pregnant”?
Angie: (chuckles nervously) Where would you get that idea, Daniel?
Daniel: My mommy and daddy.

Angie and Wyatt look at each other and chuckle.

Angie: Kids.
Wyatt: They say the darndest things.
Angie: (chuckles) Yeah. (bends to talk to Rita, face to face) You be good now, okay?
Xavier: (sadly) You’re not staying?
Angie: No, I have softball practice. I’m sorry. I’ll be here for the next meeting, though. (smiles at Wyatt, who walks towards her)
Xavier: Oh, I’ll miss you.
Angie: I’ll miss you, too. (plays with Rita’s hair) You be good, okay?
Rita: OKAY.
Angie: Okay. Give me a kiss.
Rita: (through her teeth) Not in front of them.
Angie: Okay. (chuckles)

Rita sits next to Daniel, who smiles at her.

Rita: (to Daniel) What?
Daniel: You look mighty pretty today. I like your bow.
Rita: I’m gonna ruin it when Angie leaves.
Daniel: But it’s so pretty.
Daniel: I didn’t say YOU, I said your BOW is pretty.
Rita: Oh.

Angie and Wyatt chuckle.

Angie: So, I take it your back from camp.
Daniel: Nu-uh, he was in prison.
Harriet: JAIL.
Wyatt: Camp. (Angie chuckles) (to Angie) Though it felt like prison.
Harriet: Jail.
Wyatt: Fine, jail. (to Angie) You didn’t go to a camp this year?
Angie: No, we’re tight on money right now.
Wyatt: Yeah, I had to work if I wanted to go, then I was fired from the job, because I “stole money from the cash register.”
Angie: Hmph, I bet it was one of your coworkers who said that.
Wyatt: Yeah. She got mad at me ‘cause I said I wouldn’t go out with her.
Angie: Well, why don’t you?
Wyatt: (smiles) I’m interested in someone else.
Angie: (pretends to be oblivious) Oh? Who?

Wyatt blushes and chuckles. Then, they notice that the little kids are staring at them.

Catherine: You guys are gross.
Harriet: Shh! They’re about to kiss.

Wyatt and Angie chuckle nervously.

Angie: Um, I have to go.
Wyatt: Yeah, um…I’ll see you later.
Angie: Definitely. (to Rita) I’ll pick you up in an hour, Rita.
Rita: BYE.
Angie: Okay. (walks then stops and faces Wyatt) Bye, Wyatt.
Wyatt: Bye, Angie.
Angie: Bye, Kids.
Kids: Bye.
Xavier: Bye, (to himself) my love.

Angie smiles and continues to walk. Wyatt bites his bottom lip and then faces the little kids, who are grinning at him, except for Xavier and Rita. Rita then takes off her bow and throws it in Daniel’s direction. Daniel picks it up and puts it on his head, making Rita giggle.

Alex: (to Wyatt) You like her. I can tell.
Wyatt: Okay. You’ve got the gift, then.
Victor: Always Alex.
Harriet: (clears throat abruptly) Let’s begin our official “Hobbits—
Catherine: Must you repeat it over and over and over and over and over again?
Harriet: Well, Rita didn’t hear it.
Catherine: This is our 23rd meeting.
Wyatt: 23rd? You sure? I’m pretty sure it’s the 5th meeting, sweetheart.
Catherine: I can’t count, yet. I’m only five.
Wyatt: …Right.
Rita: I’m THREE.
Daniel: I’m six.
Harriet: Who cares how old we are? Wyatt is always the oldest.
Wyatt: Sixteen, yes.
Alex: Nu-uh! You were fifty the last time I saw you.
Wyatt: FifTEEN.
Alex: Oh, whatever.
Harriet: Oh, cod, will we ever begin this meeting?
Daniel: Yes, yes, begin.
Gary: I’m curious to know what’s on the “’genda.”
Harriet: Well, on our “’genda” we have, (looks at a paper with squiggly lines) “make Angie and Wyatt fall in love.”
Wyatt: (laughs) What are you talking about?
Harriet: (points finger at Wyatt) “Shutty!”
Wyatt: Don’t talk to me that way. Move on to your next topic.
Harriet: It’s the only one.
Wyatt: Then I guess the meeting’s over.
Alex: You mean I missed nap time for THIS?
Kaylie: Naps are boring, anyway.
Catherine: I find everything boring.
Gary: You’re so “’pressing.”
Catherine: What?
Wyatt: Ugh, Harriet, you don’t meddle in people’s lives.
Harriet: I’ll “neddle” in anyone’s life.
Wyatt: MEDDLE; it means getting in people’s lives.
Harriet: I AM in your life.
Daniel: Fail.
Wyatt: (raises eyebrow at Daniel, who looks scared now) I meant mess with people’s lives.
Harriet: But if you love her, you should tell her.
Xavier: No, he shouldn’t.
Harriet: Oh, bite me, Xavier.
Catherine: I’m so sick of your rudeness, Harriet! (stands up)
Harriet: You bite me, too!
Catherine: Stop saying that!
Wyatt: Yeah, I already told you to stop saying that, Harriet.
Harriet: You can’t tell me what to do! I’m the leader here.
Wyatt: And I’m your older and MUCH BIGGER brother; you WILL obey me.
Harriet: (sighs) You abuse your power.
Catherine: So do YOU.
Harriet: Well, I learned from the best! (points at Wyatt)
Catherine: I’m so sick of you!
Rita: How come you not puking?
Daniel: Haha, you’re funny, Rita.
Rita: SHUT UP.
Daniel: Yes.
Harriet: Maybe I’m sick of YOU.
Catherine: I quit!
Harriet: You can’t quit!
Catherine: Oh, yes, I can! My mommy quit her job yesterday, so I can quit this “stoopid” committee!
Catherine: I’m not a hobbit!
Harriet: But they’re people, too!
Wyatt: Girls! Calm down!
Harriet: She started it!
Catherine: You think you’re hi (waves) and “nighty,” but you’re not! (shakes fist) Now, I’m leaving.
Harriet: No, you can’t. You signed a “conquack.”
Catherine: I did not!
Harriet: Yuh-huh. (stands up and shows her a paper with squiggly lines) See?
Catherine: Those are just lines.
Harriet: (looks at paper) Oh. (shows her the paper with gibberish) See? (points at the word, “martian”)
Catherine: That’s not how I spell my name.
Harriet: No, but I do.
Catherine: I don’t even know what it says there.
Harriet: It says, (reads) “Catherine belongs in the ‘Hobbits Are People Too Committee’ meeting.”
Catherine: Oh, BITE ME!

They all gasp and Wyatt sighs.

I’m gonna go so far away, you’ll NEVER get to see me again!

Catherine stomps all the way next door and slams the door behind her.

Kaylie: …So…
Harriet: (sits and sniffs) I didn’t mean to make her mad.
Wyatt: But you did, Harriet. When will you learn not be so selfish? Hobbits are people too, therefore they have feelings. And Catherine has feelings; you should consider her feelings, Harriet.
Harriet: No.
Wyatt: Catherine’s your best friend; go talk to her.
Harriet: No. I’m too “stahborn.” (crosses arms)
Wyatt: “Stubborn.”
Harriet: Yes.
Xavier: Maybe Angie can fix this. (smiles)
Gary: Angie can fix anything.
Alex: (singing to the “Bounty” tune) The quilted, quicker fixer-upper, Angie!
Gary: Why didn’t I think of that? (face-palms and the rest giggle, except for Harriet)
Wyatt: We can’t drag Angie out of softball, she has a commitment to her team.
Kaylie: But Angie “fixs” everything.
Mandy: Yeah, she’s the “smarts” person I know…and you.
Kaylie: I think that too.
Gary: She’s pretty, too.
Xavier: Watch what you say about Angie.
Gary: All I says was she’s pretty.
Wyatt: Okay, calm down. (sighs) I’ll go see if I can get her. (looks at Harriet) I want you to know that I’m disappointed in you, Harriet.
Harriet: Hmph.
Wyatt: I’ll be back. And stay off the street.

Wyatt sighs and walks away. Harriet waits a couple of seconds then takes a crayon and checkmarks a squiggly line.

Alex: What did you do that for?

Harriet takes out a walky-talky from her dress pocket and talks into it.

Harriet: Okay, Catherine, he just left.
Catherine: Roger.
Harriet: Roger’s there?
Catherine: No, silly. That’s what people say.
Harriet: Oh. Okay, now we wait. Roger.
Catherine: Roger out.

Harriet grins at the rest of the kids.

Kaylie: What’s going on?
Gary: I’m “’fused.”
Harriet: We’re going by the “’genda,” guys.

They gasp with smiles.

Kaylie: You so smart, Harriet!
Harriet: Thanks!
Mandy: I think you’re smart, too!
Harriet: Thanks!
Daniel: So what do we do now?
Harriet: We wait.
Gary: For what?
Harriet: For Wyatt and Angie to come back.
Gary: This is “’xciting.”
Xavier: You don’t even know if Angie likes him or not.
Harriet: She does.
Xavier: Does not.
Harriet: Rita, does she like him or not?
Harriet: (to Xavier) She does.

Wyatt is at the softball field and sees Angie sitting on a bleacher, rubbing her ankle.

Wyatt: Angie, what happened?
Angie: Oh, my ankle; I landed wrong on it.
Wyatt: Ouch.
Angie: Yeah, I’m gonna ice it when I get home. (looks around) Why are you here? What about the meeting?
Wyatt: (sighs) Catherine and Harriet had a fight.
Angie: (smiling) Aww, how cute.
Wyatt: No, it wasn’t pretty. Little kindergarteners are just as ruthless as teenagers.
Angie: Wow. (chuckles)
Wyatt: Yeah, so I couldn’t get Harriet to apologize…maybe you could?
Angie: (nods head) Of course. (stands up)
Wyatt: I mean, I know that you have a commitment—
Angie: Oh, it’s fine. I sprained my ankle. I shouldn’t be playing. (chuckles)
Wyatt: Um, I can carry you on my back.
Angie: You sure?
Wyatt: I’m a football player; I can handle it.
Angie: (chuckles) Okay.

Wyatt squats as Angie gets on his back and he walks towards the house. When they arrive, the little kids are whispering loudly; they sound like chipmunks. When they see Wyatt and Angie they shush each other abruptly and grin at the teenagers.

What’s up, guys?
Xavier: (a little jealous) How come you’re carrying her?
Angie: I hurt my ankle, but I’ll be all right. (looks around) Where’s Catherine?

The little kids point at Catherine’s house.

Wyatt: Come on, Harriet.
Harriet: (whining) Do I have to?
Wyatt: Yes, now MOVE.

Harriet walks towards him with her head down. The little kids wait for them to walk into Catherine’s house, then they stand in front of the windows and peak in. Catherine is sitting on her couch, waving her legs, but when she sees Harriet, she crosses her arms and looks away. Harriet stands in front of her and crosses her arms as well. Wyatt places Angie down, then she hops to the arm chair and sits.

Angie: Thanks, Wyatt.
Wyatt: No problem. (stands next to Harriet)
Angie: What happened, girls?
Catherine: I don’t like her.
Harriet: I don’t like her, either.
Angie: Come on. You girls are best friends. How can you say that?
Catherine: It’s the truth.
Harriet: Uh-huh.
Angie: Okay, and why don’t you like each other?
Harriet: ‘Cause.
Catherine: Yeah, ‘cause.
Angie: Well, whatever reason, whomever’s fault; both of you should apologize.
Harriet and Catherine: No.
Angie: (smiles) You know, when I’m mad at my best friend, I give her a gift, to apologize. Sometimes, it’s actually better than the words themselves…Maybe you can give each other gifts?
Harriet: Like what?
Angie: Like a drawing or a bracelet.
Wyatt: (plays with Harriet’s hair) You like to draw.
Harriet: I do.
Wyatt: Maybe you can draw her something.
Harriet: Maybe.
Angie: And maybe you can draw Harriet something, Catherine. Maybe you can draw something together.
Catherine: On the same paper?
Angie: Sure, why not? It’ll be a symbol of how much you love each other and how much you’re sorry and how much you love the “Hobbits Are People Too Committee.”
Harriet: (to Catherine) I’ll do it if YOU do it.
Catherine: Okay. (smiles)

Catherine gets off the couch and walks towards Harriet, then they walk outside and stand next to the rest of the kids.

Wyatt: (scoffs) That was easy.
Angie: Maybe they just wanted to hear it from a girl.
Wyatt: Maybe. (chuckles and sighs) What a handful they are. (sits on the coffee table, in front of Angie)
Angie: You did fine; at least they didn’t kill each other.
Wyatt: I thought Catherine was gonna scratch her or something.
Angie: (chuckles) No, she wouldn’t.
Wyatt: Yeah, wait ‘till they’re teenagers.
Angie: We’ll be adults, then. We can smack them.
Wyatt: (laughs) It’s a deal.
Angie: (sighs with a smile) So…
Wyatt: I’m sorry about all of this.
Angie: Oh, it’s fine, really. I mean, I sprained my ankle; can’t do much on the field.
Wyatt: Yeah, I should take you home and put ice on it.
Angie: …Yeah.
Wyatt: (sadly) Ready?
Angie: Um, it’s such a long way, Wyatt.
Wyatt: (blushes) Well, what do you propose we do?
Angie: Well, your house is right next door.
Wyatt: (smiles) I DO have ankle bracelets.
Angie: See? It’s convenient.
Wyatt: All right, let’s go.
Angie: Yeah, before Catherine’s mom sees us here and freaks. (chuckles)
Wyatt: Nah, she’s out in the pool, doing her daily exercise.
Angie: (chuckles) It’s creepy how you know that.
Wyatt: My mother and her have, like, this fitness club thing. It’s a long story.
Angie: (stands up) Maybe you can tell it to me while we’re in your room.
Wyatt: Fine, but this isn’t a date.
Angie: Well, when ARE you gonna ask me out?
Wyatt: (blushes) I’m waiting for the right moment.
Angie: No more moments, Wyatt. I want to go out on a date with you. I don’t care when or where, let’s just go. (chuckles)
Wyatt: …Even if your ankle hurts?
Angie: It doesn’t hurt and it’ll heal, eventually.
Wyatt: (chuckles) Okay. (smiles at her) (beat) Are you hungry, Angie?
Angie: Very.
Wyatt: Would you like to grab a slice of pizza…with me?
Angie: Like, on a date?
Wyatt: Yes.
Angie: (nods head and smiles) I’d love to, Wyatt.
Wyatt: I’ll carry you all the way.

Angie chuckles and Wyatt squats for her to get on his back. As she gets on his back, the little kids run as quickly as they can to Harriet’s yard. They throw themselves on the blanket and some hit Harriet’s desk. They try to fix the desk, but the materials are already scattered all over the desk and some have fallen on the ground. Wyatt and Angie appear, and the kids stop and pretend to be in a very hectic meeting, then they stop talking gibberish and grin at the teenagers.

Angie: You kids play nicely.
Wyatt: We’re gonna go up to my room and get a bracelet.
Xavier: (sadly) A bracelet?
Kaylie: (smiling) You mean she’s your girlfriend now?

Angie chuckles and blushes. Wyatt smiles.

Wyatt: Not now, but I can see it in the future.
Angie: Yeah. (smiles)
Wyatt: (blushes) Come on, let’s get you that bracelet.

They go inside, smiling and close the door behind them. The little kids cheer and sigh happily, except for Xavier.

Gary: What a great meeting!
Mandy: (sighs dreamily) I hope I have my own Wyatt someday.
Alex: I’ll be your Wyatt. (winks cutely)
Mandy: (giggles) Okay.
Catherine: You’re gross.
Xavier: What does Wyatt have that I don’t have?
Harriet: He’s been in jail.
Kaylie: Very dangerous.
Harriet: And he survived. That makes him BAD-a**.

They gasp.

Kaylie: What does that mean?
Harriet: I’ll tell you next meeting. (writes squiggly lines on a piece of paper) Our new “’genda!” (shows them the paper)
Gary: Aww, does this mean we have to go home now?
Harriet: Yes, the official “Hobbits Are People Too Committee” meeting is over.
Rita: FUN!
Daniel: Very fun.
Kaylie: You sure know how to hold meetings, Harriet.
Harriet: Thanks!
Mandy: (clears throat loudly) I think so, too!
Harriet: Thanks! (grins) I think I’ll have some ice cream now.
Catherine: My mommy bought a huge tub of ice cream yesterday.
All: No way.
Catherine: Way.
Daniel: Whoa.
Kaylie: Now THAT’S the stuff.
Mandy: Yeah, stuff!
Catherine: Wanna come over, guys?
All: Okay!
Harriet: I’ll just write my mommy a note.

Harriet writes on a piece of paper, “Mommy, carpet martian.”

Let’s go!

They run over to Catherine’s house to have delicious ice cream.
The End.

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