The voice through my head... Rune Schulte
I've been named... Ranjeen Ratzlin
What I am willing to reveal... 137
I am a... Naga~
I can assure you, that I am... Male
I do like... Pansexual
I've been told... Ranjeen has a rather fiery and arrogant personality. His talents in fire magic as an adept have left him in high regards in his community, so he’s used to being respected; partially because others are afraid that if they cross him he’ll burn their house down. While he might think of doing that he’d never go through with it; over the years he’s tempered his violent tendencies and subdued them beneath what looks like a calm exterior. However, the calm only lasts for so long before it begins to crack and his reasoning begins to falter. On occasion his sanity have been called into question, many thinking him a psychopath that should be banished to the outer regions of the forest, or perhaps even to the mountains. Luckily no one’s actually said anything to him about it. Ranjeen doesn’t back down from fights. In fact, once a challenge is initiated, it’s damn near impossible to keep him from completely annihilating his oposition.
That isn’t to say that he can’t be kind. People only partially fear him because he tends to do and give to them more than he does take. The other reason they respect him is because of his mentioned ability as a warrior of fire; a battle mage of sorts. As happy as he is with his title he sometimes gets bored, and so abuses it ever so slightly in finding tasty nagas to take home with him for the night, or for however long he wishes them to stay, really. Male, female, a feminine male, masculine male, feminine female, masculine female, females that prefer to be referred to as males and vice versa, he really didn’t care. Ranjeen sees beauty in something and goes for their spirit, he doesn’t care what sex or gender they belong to. They just have to want him, too. Most of the time they do, and if they don’t at first they always come around.
I have lived through a lot... Ranjeen was born into a clan of fire adepts in a faraway land. They weren’t royalty, but they were seen as a very high and important class, just short of royalty, really. Some of his clan preferred to live at the capitol, near the royal family as they and other adept clans were kept for various purposes when it was a time of war, and sometimes for other, less talked about tasks as well. That’s where the head of each clan and the main house resided. Ranjeen was hatched along with twelve other brothers and sisters, but he outshined them all when it came to his abilities, and at an early age. His parents had high hopes for him, hoping that he would someday take his place as the head of the Clan of Fire. He thought it was perfect for him, too, until he started getting older. Once Ranjeen hit 18 he began to feel wanderlust and took off after informing his clan that he was going to travel for a bit, saying that it would make him a more well rounded person and that it was a chance for him to meet other warriors to do battle with. His clan was hesitant, and he was sure they would tell him no, so he left before they could say it in the dead of night.
He traveled far away from the capitol, finding the town that his family had originated from. There were no fire adepts left, and it was in relatively poor shape. Ranjeen rather liked the town and it’s people, so he decided that he would stay in the mountain base a days travel from there, where the fires of the earth blazed in liquid heat and large ruby formations could be found in clusters. There he stayed, making another name for himself and helping to bring the town back up to speed. It took many years(and many lovers), but the town flourished into a city, and feeling his work was done there he left to find his next adventure.
Unfortunately fate was conspiring against him, and with the help of a rival water adept he’d angered before leaving the capitol(he’d slept the girl’s man a few times; what could he say, he was known to be a passionate lover) he was captured and hauled out of his home land. Now he sits in the bazaar, impatiently waiting for someone to buy him.
Crowding my collar is... Gray(tidy/orderly), Teal(protective), Magenta(Passionate), Heart(warrior), Pacifier(lover), Fire(cook)
If I could choose... At this rate, any master. I’m sure I’d be able to handle them.
I am the property of... [Master's name]