<center> Stupid Lair DDR s**t </center>
I'm so mad and so sad at the same time its not fair crying
I got my DDR....I got what I have been waiting forever for....I finally recieved my birthday gift....and.....and..... crying
Its so ******** lame.... crying
I was so ripped off because I ddin't even understand what I was getting...soooooooooo riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiped ooooooooooooooff. crying crying
I got this lame a** DDR....the graphics suck a** and so do the stupid songs...its just like that DDR they were tryin to sell at the mall for $50 but I was to stupid excited I was getting it to even recall that crying
Now I have to buy DDR for PS2...no fair....
crying Just forget it...I don't even want it anymore...I can't believe this happened I feel so bad and so stupid.... crying
crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying