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Part II: Chapter 3
::Kari awoke the next morning, opening her eyes to see Sane lying next to her, sleeping peacefully. She smiled and watched him a moment before climbing out of the bed, careful not to wake him. The long, silk, white nightgown brushed against the floor as she moved out onto the balcony, overlooking the valley. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, and the dew still clung to the Elvish scenery, glistening in the early sun. Kari breathed in the sweet scent of the night lillies' last breaths as the last stars faded from the sky::

*Sane stirs in the bed his eyes popping open. He looks to his side seeing that Kari was not there. He gets up from the bed and sits at the edge for a minute before he stands and stretches yawning. He looks over at the balcony and smiles when he sees Kari. He walks to the balcony and smiles watching her look at the city.* Morning Kari... It's a beautiful day.

::She turns, a bit surprised by his sudden presence:: Sane... ::She looks back to the city:: Yes... the morning is still young. Few are awake as of yet...

*Sane smiles.* Well, I'm a light sleeper and I don't need much rest... Plus didn't you say that you'd teach me of elvish customs today? *Sane rubs the back of his head.*

::Kari looked to him and smiled, her eyes glinting in the dim morning light. She nodded:: That I did. Come, we shall dress and set out. There are many things to see. I will show you as much as I can today. ::She moved inside and found that a new dress had been set out. Also crimson, it was a bit lighter, perfect for daytime. But it still had the long, draping grace of all elvish clothing. Beside it was set an intricate golden wreath and ankle bands. Kari shook her head, smiling. Her regular clothes were gone:: I see Remeli is persistant in turning me back into a Lady of the House...

*Sane giggles and smiles looking at Kari.* Well you look beautiful either way. *Sane grins and looks at his clothes which consisted of a white tunic and green leather pants with a pair of deer hide boots. He looks at teh clothes and raises an eyebrow.* I looks like someone took the pain in giveing me some new clothes... I have now way to repay these kinda people... But I shall think of something... Yes I will.

::Kari smiled, placing a hand gently on Sane's cheek:: No need, my dear Sane. Here, everything is shared. Everyone looks out for one another. It's just the way that my cousin and her husband have made things.

*Sane looks into her eyes and tucks a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. He smiles tenderly and turns a bit pink with her touch.* That's neat Kari, I mean that everyone looking out for each other... In the human cities all we get is violence and everyone trying to scramble for a share of his fortune... They dont even respect each other anymore...

::She lowers her hand to rest lightly on his chest:: Remeli is a great leader... Celdir is much of the same... They are gifts from the Stars themselves... Those two have made this place a paradise...

*Sane thinks for a second and lifts Kari's head with his finger looking into her eyes smiling.* You are the only paradise I need...*Sane leans in and kisses her softly. He grins like a school boy in love.* So what is my first lesson of the newly started day?

::She smiled softly, her cheeks flushing slightly when he kissed her. Grinning, she gestured to their current apparal:: The first lesson is dressing ourselves. ::With a light laugh, she gathered up the dress and moved behind one of the screens, changing into the miraculously light dress. She emerged from behind the screen and moved to Sane, a bit of a blush on her face. She hugged her stomach with both arms, as if holding the dress up:: Could you do me a favor and tie the back for me? I can't seem to get it on my own...

*Sane grins and nods.* It would be my pleasure. *Sane goes behind her and trys to tie the dress his hands shaking a bit from being a bit nervous. After about five minutes he finally gets it.* Ha! There we go... sorry it took so long I've just never uhhh done that before. *Sane turns a bright red due to his lie. He had tied things before no problem but her presences it made him somewhat nervous it made butterflies flutter in his stomach and his head swoon.* I guess it's my turn than... *Sane goes behind a screen and changes quickly he walks out in the garb and looks at himself in a mirror he grins and wiggles his toes inside his boots.* So what shall we do now?

::She was fitting the golden wreath upon her head when he emerged from behind the screen. Fastening the ankle bands, she replied:: I suppose we could start at the far end of the valley and work our way back toward the falls. ::She straightened, turning to face him fully:: Shall we?

*Sane nods and walks towards Kari.* Lead to way my dear... I shall follow you... To the end on the world if you would let it be... *Sane whispers to himself* *Sane smiles and scratches his elbow raising an eyebrow.*

::Kari's ears twitched and she caught the words under his breath with her keen elvish ears. A small grin crept across her lips, but she said nothing and pretended not to hear him. She led the way through the Great Hall and out into the valley. They followed a path that led them through the fields to the far end of Velnarre. As they walked, Kari spoke:: These fields grow the grain we use in many of our foods, including the waybread i take on my journeys. ::It took them about an hour to make it to the far end of the valley, to a wooden bridge that crossed the river and led into the common housing of the Velnarren Elves. Most were just rising and starting their days. Kari greeted a few of them with kind smiles. Occasionally, an Elf or two would bow to her and she would return the gesture, but this action seemed controversial among the commonfolk, and would sometimes receive a glare or dark murmer from standers-by::

*Sane walks with Kari seeing her bow and greet people, yet he also saw the secret dirty looks being thrown her way, his temples pulsed and his face drained of its color as his fury grew within him but he knew he had to keep his manners around these kind folks that took him in for now... Sane grins trying to hide his anger and takes hold of Kari's hand.* Kari... why do these people give you those looks don't they have any respect towards you... It seems everytime you bow they smirk and give looks. Why is that? *Sane raises a questioning eyebrow.*

::Kari's smile faded and her gaze fell to the ground a ways ahead of them:: Many years ago, Velnarre was being invaded by a Daemon clan disguising themselves as Litamrei, the sacred creatures of Elvish legend. Many Elves were killed in the random attacks. Being a peaceful place, Velnarre had no army or soldiers. The few warriors that lingered here managed to defeat nearly all of the Daemons. None would face their leader, Fang. He was very strong and had a cruel twist to his black mind. After his pack was wiped out, he attacked Velnarre in a fierce rage. All warriors fell at his hand or fled in fear of him. I was only a few years into my training from Remeli's father, the Lord of Velnarre at the time. ::She paused a moment, taking a deep breath:: I couldn't stand to watch the slaughter. I faced him. He fell by my knives, though I know not how. I was too blinded by rage to remember. Afterward, everyone here hailed me as their savior. I was made a Lady of the Hall and treated the same as Remeli, the Princess by blood. But I had no blood right. Many here still despise me for it. They say that I should not be held on the pedestal that they have placed me. They say that it was a fluke. A misfire of a simple spell. A lucky shot. They say many things... ::She looked down at his hand clasping hers and a weak smile curved the corner of her mouth::

*Sane looks at Kari and smiles.* I think of you as a great warrior... although I personally have never seen you fight. Thank the heavens for that... *Sane toys with a lock of her hair as they walk smiling.* Its amazing how cruel the world is... a peaceful ace like yours attacked by a people that don't care who dies at their hands... *Sane looks up at the sky and sighs.*

They were Daemons. Driven by nothing but bloodlust. But all that is behind us now... ::Kari looks to him and smiles, her heart warming at his touch. As the morning moved into the early afternoon, they arrived near the center of the valley. A large crowd of Elves moved through what looked like a marketplace, buying food, clothes, jewelry, and many other things being sold from small merchants' carts. The cheerful glint of gold returned to the half-elf maiden's eyes as they made their way through the crowd. They arrived at a barn near the edge of the market and Kari led the way inside::

::An Elf, looking about Kari's age, turned to face them and a huge smile spread across his face when he saw Kari. They embraced with joyful laughs and smiles:: Valkrie!!!

::They parted and Kari took a step back for courtesy's sake, a grin on her lips:: Hello Ferus. It's been a long time.

You bet it has! ::His gaze fell on Sane and his smile faded a bit:: Who is your escort? ::To avoid staring, he turned his half-grin back to Kari::

::Kari's eyes dimmed a bit and she moved back to Sane's side:: Ferus, this is Sane. He acompanied me here.

Ah, I see... ::Ferus did his best to keep his smile, but an uncomfortable air came between them::

*Sane looks at Ferus and smiled nodding to show his respect. He felt uncomfortable around this fellow. There was something about him... As if the elf didn't want Sane to be there. Sane looks at the ground and than back over at Ferus.* So I persume you and Kari here are close friends? *Sane could feel a deep swell of jeaulousy forming in his throut but he swallowed it and just smiled.*

::Ferus nodded, swallowing hard as well, fighting his own wave of jealousy:: Yes, Valkrie and I grew up together...

::Kari, also caught up in the uncofortable air between the three of them, tried to keep the mood light:: Ferus was also my training partner when I studied under Remeli's father. We grew very close over the years...

*Sane looks at Kari and smiles... He had no clue why he was being so pretective of Kari... He loved her... THe kiss they shared... That WAS the reason... He loved her and was afraid she loved this guy... this Ferus guy. Yet Sane tried to keep his emotions at bay. He turned to Ferus and smirked.* Is that so? Intresting, that you were her training partner...

::Kari smiled back, a bit weaker than she had wanted. Ferus responded, eying Sane:: Yes, many things seem interesting nowadays. ::He turned to Kari:: Val, could I have a word with you in private?

::Kari looked hesitant, glancing at Sane, then back to Ferus. But in the end, she nodded and followed him out the back of the barn::

*Sane huffs out a breath of air and sits down on the grass picking a blade of it an putting it in his mouth and smirks. He wanted to know what they were talking about yet he didn't want to eavsdrop. He had more manners than that. He paces around in a circle and imitates Ferus.* Yes, many things seem interesting nowadays. *his mood turns cold and he stares at the ground.* My a** is intresting too... Son... Gah, I need to stop talking to myself. *Sane picks up a rock and chucks it into the air feeling a bit better getting some of his jealusy out of his system. He knew it would be renewed once Ferus showed up again.*

::Ferus stopped outside the back of the barn, down a grassy slope near a small pond where the horses would drink. He looked into Kari's eyes, pain in his own:: Val, what are you doing?

::She eyed him suspiciously:: What do you mean?

::He looked frustrated, and his jealously was surfacing in both his expression and his voice:: I mean what are you doing with him?!

::Kari stepped back, her eyes narrowing:: Nothing! What business is it of yours?!

::He stepped toward her and took hold of her arm with a solid grip:: It doesn't look like 'nothing' to me! He's bewitched you, hasn't he?!

::Kari pulled against his grasp, but he did not release her:: He has done no such thing!

::Anger flashed in Ferus's eyes and his grip tightened:: Lies! He is a Human! You belong with one of your own kind!

::A matching fury sharpened Kari's own eyes to a feirce emerald and she jerked her arm from his grip:: I will belong to no one! I will be with whomever I choose! ::There was a pause and Ferus fell silent. Kari continued, a look of betrayal in her eyes:: I have no kind, Ferus! I am neither Human nor Elf!

::Ferus stepped toward her again and gripped both her arms:: You belong here! With me!

::Her eyes flashed dangerously:: Remove your hands from me, Ferus, or I will draw my knives on you.

*Sane hears comotion coming from behind the barn feeling curious wanting to see what exactly all the yelling was about. Sane goes behind the barn and comes upon this scene his heart hitting his chest and doing a flip. His anger sweeled inside of him as he stepped up to Ferus he spoke with a clear cut voice that seethed with hot anger.* I suggest you unhand Kari right now... She looks a bit too uncomfortable to my likeing... And I mean NOW Ferus... *Sanes lower lip trembles with anger and his neck pulses.*

::Ferus turned to Sane, his eyes fierce with rage:: You have no right here, Human! You have no right with her! She was promised to me! She is mine!

::Kari moved like lightning, knocking Ferus's hands away, throwing him offguard. She then ducked under his left arm, drawing her knives from behind the slits in her dress in the process. Appearing behind him, she pressed one blade's point to his back while holding the edge of the other tightly against his throat. Her emerald eyes were wild with anger:: I said it before, and I'll say it again! ::She shoved him forward, sending him stumbling a few steps:: I belong to no one!

::He whirled on her and drew his own two knives. His were the same size as Kari's, but were designed sharply with jagged edges, whereas Kari's blades were a mix of dangerous curves and points. He turned his focus to Sane and rushed at him, quickly enough to catch the unarmed man offguard::

::Kari's eyes widened and she leapt at Ferus, knocking him to the side and tumbling along the grass, fighting to keep hold of her knives. When they finally came to a stop and pushed apart, both breathed heavily as they pulled themselves to their feet. Ferus quickly fell back to his knees, though. Kari had managed to get at his temples as they rolled, and had performed a quick spell to send him into unconsciousness. He fell forward onto his face, passed out, his knives falling limply into the grass. Kari fell to one knee, her own knives falling to the ground. Her hand clutched her thigh, and blood seeped from under her fingers. Another deep gash was in her right arm, but she ignored it, despite the blood that streamed down her arm::

*Sane rushes over to Kari a worried look on his face. He kneels down and stares at her.* Ar...are you okay... your bleeding... You shouldn't have attacked him... I could have taken care of myself... Yet you took a wound that was ment for me... *Sane takes off his shirt and ties it around Kari's leg to slow the bleeding. He next rips a strip off his pants and ties it around teh gash on her arm tightening it.* We need to get you some help Kari... Where's the nearest place where we can get it? You'll have to tell me the way there.

::Kari looked up at him with a faint smile. The amount of blood she had already lost was enough to weaken her significantly:: Sane...I couldn't let him hurt you... ::She coughed and a small stream of blood appeared at the corner of her mouth. She gritted her teeth and turned her torso, moving her arm aside to find a deep stab wound in her side:: Dammit... ::She forced herself to stand, but had much trouble doing so. Her knees threatened to give out beneath her. She managed to get to her feet, though, and stood before Sane with a defiant gleam to her dimming emerald eyes:: ...I didn't know he'd mastered that attack....the Three Blade Current... He would have killed you for sure....I couldn't let him... I'm...sorry... ::She then passed out from bloodloss and fell forward toward Sane::

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